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Evoke 310

Damn early post lol gotta wait till after work 😫


Walt why are you lying to Gus?? He has his guy checking up on them, of course he's going to know 🤦‍♂️


oh I see now he didn't want him to know about Hank


Giancarlo Esposito is HIM


Not only is this one of the highest rates SHOWS ever, Breaking bad has the highest rated episode of TV history on IMDB. and another 2 in top 15. And none of them you guys have seen. Cant wait for more loved the video.


Breaking Bad don't miss yoo. When it was airing, it was the hypest thing every week


Not only is Breaking Bad top tier, there is still better call saul and you've seen quite a bit of saul now. So you can imagine what to expect with a show where he is basically the main character xD


They're so hard on poor Jesse lmao


I understand that Jesse is an immature person to work with but to say that he’s the reason they always fail is a stretch tbh. Remember that Jesse’s friend died because of Walt’s lack of experience of the drug business and demanding him to increase the area they sell at. Jesse warned him beforehand also. There are other instances as well.

Space Crow

why does he hate jesse so much lol I dont get it he was always a breath of fresh air with all the intense tension in the show jesse always got me to laugh. Thats why walt and him are so good you get the hard ass stern walt and the care free funny jesse. and if anything jesse is the better person and walt is the one always messing up peoples lives. I get if he dont like him but everytime jesse is on screen you can see his face just boiling like how did he not find the part where jesse was bored in the lab funny? lol


Nah I agree with you guys, Jesse pissed me off too. His brain is so fried from drugs he does the dumbest shit.

Michael Saylor

You guys said this is the only show u can say that never disappoints but you guys said the same thing about the boys lol

Dan Sopranos

Breaking Bad is a Fun Actiony show that i also enjoy But its seems written by teenagers compared to THE GOAT Sopranos


Yeah, I really don't get it, it's hard to watch in general. The woman (can never remembers names) seems to really get the show, connects with it emotionally and empathises a lot. The guy was along for the ride at the start, seemed to be enjoying it, but he's just seething more and more as the show goes on. A reaction with just the woman would be so good (only reason I still watch, even though anytime she states a view he disagrees with he has to pause and argue it out until he's satisfied). Guy's just humorless. Only laughs when he thinks little of someone (Walt replying "me too" to Gomez' talking about walking in and shooting the surviving cousin, for example), never laughs "with" anyone.


Sopranos has a silly billy cast with a dookie ending and tacky special effects