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Lets goooo cant wait to see yall reaction

athena zatanna

Weren't those prisoners zekes grandparents ?

Rick Liu

It is so good.


LETS GOOO!!! Watchin this with my breakfast :)


'Onya Coupon' killed me ngl 🤣🤣🤣but yea it's a tragedy. Either way lots of innocent people are gonna die. cant wait for the next episode/movie

athena zatanna

Even if we went with zekes plan. There is a chance the rest of humanity will still come for eldians . Even if eren stopped the rumbling the humans would still come after them eventually because of the slight chance that they'll use their titan powers again. I understand eren , he isn't leaving it up to chance for the rest of the world to come after them . Armin would pose a treaty for the rest of the world to leave eldians alone but I doubt all humanity will be on board about it , due to fear of their powers . At the end is kill or be killed unfortunately on both sides

Daniel Gotenks

Armin is basically going to ask Eren when they pull him out what kind of freedom was he going for. Because the Freedom Armin wants is basically different from what Eren wants. That's why when young Eren turned around to Armin saying look it's freedom, Armin didn't see it that way. The show is telling us that Armin's vision of Freedom is different from Eren's. That's also why he was appointed the commander of the survey corp b/c Armin's vision of freedom is the positive one while Eren is the negative one.


But zekes plan would still have the Rumbeling to deter the rest of the world until they die off. I think it’s a win win since the Titan powers would be no more and the rest of the world wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore.

twis tempo

We kill Millions of innocent animals a day to live and eat and no one even bats an eyelash eren kills humanity to save and preserve his people. moral of the story is no one really cares about the evil in the world until it arrives at their doorsteps we give all these animals names and color code everything to make it seem as if everything is different but reality is we’re all just animals trying to preserve are own species there is no right or wrong in aot or the world only contradictions

twis tempo

And we send devils everyday to do the animal killings so we don’t hold the weight of that sin eren is that devil but for Eldia


you didn't react to the ending song ... it is good !

athena zatanna

There's still a chance they might just go after them even if they don't have the powers anymore , that's why eren can't risk it .


But people with titan abilities live a short time so Zeke and Eren will be gone soon regardless right? And doesn't it have to be a certain bloodline to use the rumbling? They have historia I think who could do it but if something happens to her and the baby no more rumbling right? They could assassinate them and kill everybody on the island

Erwin Smith

In Zeke's version it is definitely the most effective way to stop the threat of titans with the least casualties. It makes sense why it's appealing. The point is there are people who feel they have the right to exist and decide their future like having children. Once again, the Eldians will become cattle who will go extinct due to being "euthanized". Eren cannot and will never accept their freedom being taken away like it's been their whole lives. At least in Eren's version his friends and Paradis will have their freedom. Each option is terrible. The true question is are we (the Eldians) willing to give up our future, our kids future, and our loved ones and friend's future to prevent genocide. If you can then Zeke's plan would be the best option.

athena zatanna

Well without giving any spoilers, eren wasn't wrong in the end was he .. and if you're a manga reader you know what eventually happens

Devante Vickers

There is a difference between taking EVERYTHING OUT, compared to just killing at a certain time to eat and survive. We dont kill every single animal at once. We co-exist with nature and partially do what we can for survival. But this is just taking nature out 100%, plants, animals, humans. This don't no where equate to just eating a piece of bacon. You are right there is no real such thing as right or wrong, but there is such a thing as better options. We dont celebrate school shooters, yea they could have been bullied, but why shoot up the whole school? Eren had plenttttty of time to find better options. He been sitting on this information for the longest, hell, techically he is the cause for all this stuff happening, but he decide to chose this option because he was so dead set on already killing everyone from the get go. Eren lead this shit to happen before he was even born.


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Randy Petitmaitre

Bro the kid that spotted the plane coming in must have xray vision or something there were still inside the clouds how did she see them



JacksOnion Lee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 02:49:15 Call me crazy but I think Eren's plan > Zeke's plan. Of course I dont agree with the genocide. But for me I consider the goal of a plan as the most important part. Sure, zeke's plan will allow eldians to die off peacefully, but the nature of Marley or the rest of humanity is still in depth with "HATING". so, the cycle will not stop, just another group of minority will suffer under the regime of big countries. On the other hand, Eren's plan creates a common enemey for humansity powerful enough for them to LEARN a lesson. So even after Eren's dead, the cycle of hatred can finally stop.
2023-03-05 03:28:17 Call me crazy but I think Eren's plan > Zeke's plan. Of course I dont agree with the genocide. But for me I consider the goal of a plan as the most important part. Sure, zeke's plan will allow eldians to die off peacefully, but the nature of Marley or the rest of humanity is still in depth with "HATING". so, the cycle will not stop, just another group of minority will suffer under the regime of big countries. On the other hand, Eren's plan creates a common enemey for humansity powerful enough for them to LEARN a lesson. So even after Eren's dead, the cycle of hatred can finally stop.

Call me crazy but I think Eren's plan > Zeke's plan. Of course I dont agree with the genocide. But for me I consider the goal of a plan as the most important part. Sure, zeke's plan will allow eldians to die off peacefully, but the nature of Marley or the rest of humanity is still in depth with "HATING". so, the cycle will not stop, just another group of minority will suffer under the regime of big countries. On the other hand, Eren's plan creates a common enemey for humansity powerful enough for them to LEARN a lesson. So even after Eren's dead, the cycle of hatred can finally stop.

JacksOnion Lee

athena Agree. And u dont even have to be a manga reader to conclude that. In this episode, u can slowly start to see humanity learn their lesson to finally stop the cycle of hatred, IN THE FACE OF AN UNBEATABLE COMMON ENEMY.

Le vrai David

Eren does not see in the future the only future he saw is through his dad memories

Le vrai David

The power of the attack Titan Is to show his memories to his predecessor so he can’t se his own future but since he ate his dad he saw it but only to the point of when they were in his dad memories that’s all


Its not that eren wants to take freedom. Despite what he said more so he believes in freedom so he doesn't see that its fair if he has the choice to choose. So he wont take their choice to choose


I haven't read the manga... But from what I've seen so far... pragmatically, Zeke's plan probably is best in that it realistically has the least amount of bloodshed. However, Eren's character would never allow that--he only cares about freedom for the Eldian people... I think the memory of Eren's mother saying he was perfect because he was born into this world is important---In my opinion, the ability to be born into the world and to live freely is what Eren's looking for. So he could never support a plan that euthanizes future generations.

athena zatanna

His people will never be free unless everyone is dead. Because there is a good chance they'll come back and finish off the eldians , I mean they were living peacefully and they still pursued them


i think you missed the point of the question. armin asked “in what way are you free?” as he is now. in other words, how are you free doing what you are doing now?

Galaxy Shogun

L. So your just a genocidal maniac? Your past comments make sense now. Even a moron like Hange admitted Zeke had the better plan. Are you just not man enough to say you were wrong?

Galaxy Shogun

Anyone who cant see Zekes plan was better at this point is honestly a moron. If you actually understood his plan there is almost no downside especially in comparison to what Eren is doing; Its totally cruel and only proves Marley right that subjects of Ymir were devils. Nobody could deny that now. Trying to stop Eren at this point is also very dumb. They chose this outcome, they earned this. Also Erwin would 1) not be in heaven, 2) Not agree with Hange’s actions. She killed scouts and was a fool for not supporting Zeke’s mostly bloodless plan. You guys are going to hate the ending I can tell. I have watched you two long enough to know you guys have common sense lol. Buckle up 😭😭😭

Jalen Holmes

I wish yall reacted to the outro song lmao but amazing reaction regardless

Irene Malia

where can i watch S4 E1?