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In the manga that scene was always disturbing to me but I don’t recall Denji ever swallowing it, so I was just planning to overlook and let it go but now I can safely say that if that was me, aside from being naturally and obviously traumatized, I would easily trigger snap into apeshit mode by putting Himeno’s head (or literally anyone really) on a pike for all to see or maybe even split stomp their jaw like King Kong once did to a T-Rex. Could honestly care less if she’s drunk cause I’m not letting that slide no matter how beautiful or “down bad” I could be. They really went above and beyond making him swallow that shit but thankfully it was censored.


I think Steph knows that voice actor from to your eternity. It sounds like the guy following fushi


Himeno's masters VA is Overhaul from MHA and also Nanami from JJK

Rob F

can confirm the manga was not censored and that he did swallow it. I'm not sure ill ever forget that panel lmao


This dude denji bout to get him a church girl 🤣


And who’s this church girl in question? Cause it’s most definitely not who he’s with right now.

cristian marin

the final scene with himeno, it was just beer, no barf


The closest one to a church girl at all in this series so far is Kobeni.


how come mushoku tensei doesn't get this same treatment lol. when anime does things that are illegal in the u.s its fine not even worth mentioning but when mushoku does it its the end of the world. I'm not saying what mushoku does sometimes is right by all means but I just find it wierd that some ppl dont keep the same energy.


During the Fight with the Infinity Devil the Outro of Episode 3 was playing. The Infinity Devil killed or maybe just knocked him out by twisting his neck, but Himeno revved Denji's engine which kinda like Healed him. The Guy at the Grave with Himeno is the same guy that Trained Aki and brought Aki to Himeno as new partner. Denji just swallows everything that has nutricion, it's like a reflex, because of his previous living conditions. Where he had like no money and had to find food even from trash. At the end in the bed, it was just the Beer that Himeno drank and not more barf. And yeah I guess this is my favorite ending too, I just really like the Old School visualy with the 4:3 and everything.


I guess the difference is. In Mushoku it's Rudy that does the things that people complain about. Rudy while being young in the Iskekai world is basically a 35 year old guy previously, even 42+ years old if you add Rudy's age. And what he does is for many people "creepy", aka trying to look at a young girls panties etc. Here in Chainsaw Man, the youngest is probably Denji with 16 years old and he doesn't really do "creepy" things. He has a Dream and Goals, which are about kissing and having sex etc. The offer to touch Powers boobs came from Power. Touching Makima's boobs wasn't Denji, Makima did it. The offer to kiss Himeno came from Himeno. And also many people can relate more to Denji, because he had a bad live and couldn't do anything against it really. Rudy also had a bad live, but it's not as relatable, because he was in a situation where he could've done something about it.


isn't that worse though? For example Makima who is much older than denji grabbed his hand and touched her boobs with it. Himeno does not really need an explanation tbh. In the u.s this would be considered illegal yet its all right because its normal for anime. Chainsawman is really nothing compared to the many anime that sexualizes minors but its not a big deal in japan because the age of consent is quite low. Rudy on the other hand is a 40 year old dude who has the mentality of a teenager since he quite literally never went out into the world and therfore did not devolop in the same way a normal person would. Once again not justifying rudy's actions just saying that the u.s isnt the only place in the world and in general if you think its wierd that mushoku does this stuff thats completely fair but as I said you should keep the same energy with most of shonen anime.


I mean, Denji isn't really complaining, Denji wants those things. And Power, Makima and Himano offered him those things. Denji is also 16 while everyone around him is probably like 20-30. So that's also not a big ag difference compared to Rudy who is technically 40+ when he wanted to sneak a peak at Eris panties who is like 9 years old at that point and when she woke up she wasn't happy about it. And no, just because he was a shut in doesn't mean that his mental age is that of a teenager. From the Show we can tell that Rudy is mentally not a Teenager or dumb. I would say he is rather smart. He knows how to handle himself around grown adults, because he is an Adult himself and knows what is wrong and what is right. He comes up with all kinds of ideas that help him improve himself and get the things he wants. And he uses his apperance and age in the isekai world to get away with things that would otherwise be troubling if he was an adult, because he looks like a kid in the isekai world and he knows that. But in the end it's all subjective. People have their opinions and thats how it is.


Lol bro it doesn’t matter if denji wants those things denji is the minor here in u.s standards idk if you know what statutory r*pe is but ok(Ik that denji is an adult in Japan but my point still stands since you could use that same logic on rudy). I said I’m not justifying his actions and that I do obviously understand that he’s wrong but your missing my point. My point is that in general anime sexualizes minors a lot and there are so many questionable things that happen that get pushed under the rug when on the other hand mushoku tensei gets a lot of backlash for more or less the same thing. Wether a 26 year old or a 40 year old is trying to get with a 16 year old they’re both still illegal and creepy. Also I’m not saying that Rudy literally has the brain of a teenager but in a social aspect he does. He hasn’t had any social interactions for 20-25 years straight so obviously Rudy hasn’t devolved normally in that aspect. This aspect of Rudy is meant to be a flaw so that eventually when Rudy’s character changes it becomes satisfying. I completely get that people have opinions and I respect that but when someone has 2 different opinions that clash against each other then that’s where I question it because it makes them look like they don’t know what they’re saying u get me?


clearly seems like u think it’s cool for someone in there mid 20’s to be messing with a 16 year old. As I said keep the same energy bro.


Bruh we know it’s bad here because we grew up and these laws here are all we know so that’s the expectation and the consensus. Can’t expect different cultures with different laws and way of life adhere to what we think it’s right. It’s a cultural difference, so grow up and enjoy the fiction, or not. Weird expectations for a show that has a dude with chainsaws for hands and you get weirded out by cultural and legal differences


Once again another person who clearly can’t use his head to see the point. As I have stated so many times by this point. I’m not telling what’s right and wrong that’s literally my whole point bro. My point is that if you think mushoku is creepy then where’s that energy for chainsaw man and all the other anime that do this. If your talking about me personally obviously I don’t care cause I’m not a softie. In a nutshell my point is stick to your points and don’t contradict yourself. The fact that I had to break it down this hard says a lot