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Man RIP…



Zenith isn't a baby. She can't speak anymore. She's disabled.


So I don't read the manga or LN but I think what Man God meant by Rudy regretting if he went and regretting if he didn't is that if he didn't go Roxy would have died because he saved her, but because he did go they got to save zenith which killed Paul in the process.

Manmeet Gill

this is the regret man god warned him about. also zenith loss the ability to feel and speak.

Loro Lukic

Almost everyone who is in a coma in real life for some period of time will experience brain damage It's why you'll never hear "coma for 20 years, they're back," they're only in stories. Most are in a vegetative state. I didn't even think of the fantasy route, maybe it is some magic affliction but I doubt it sadly. I'm gonna guess it's full on Casca time

Noah Hunter

Paul was a legendary father


I kinda feel like Paul's death was almost pointless tbh, if not to just "pull a Gege" so to speak and give the fans and the characters more overwhelming trauma that it takes them another half a season to get over. Like fr Rudy is an experienced adventurer and a competent fighter at the base level, no way is he getting giddy and spacing out like that in the middle of a literal do or die battle for everyone involved, and Rudy's already had his fair share of those. I mean RIP to Paul, he will be missed, cuz all slander a side he turned up and became a great dad to norn, aisha, and rudy when they needed him, but at the same time I just feel like none many weird decisions surrounding his death made any literal sense. I think more and more series, not just isekais are following the "Re: Zero" trend and putting the MC and those affected by him through plain misery and random trauma just cuz they can, and honestly it gets kinda old ngl. Sorry for the wall of text lol, that's just kinda how i felt about it and wanted to share. F in chat for Paul tho seriously, he a real one.