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Meliodas Anime

Episode 20: For shin who is always the last person to survive in his squared feeling that everyone leaves him behind is natural. its all he has known. Even his brother left him after an argument and scaring him. He feels he has no reason to live so he is on a suicide march to kill the morpho The butterflies have been since episode one, the function of them is stop the function of radar, guided missiles, radio communications and also don’t let planes or Jets flies, that’s why you haven’t see any jet (the plane that you saw could fly because the butterflies were in the battlefront and the plane went to one side so they don’t encounter the butterflies and didn’t affect the plane) that’s why it was created the Pararaid because it doesn’t use radio frequency but use conscience, it’s like talk mentally but they don’t use they brain to talk, as you can see they talk like normal but the pararaid helps to them to be able to hear each other even though they aren’t near by.


This man and his genjutsu 🤣🤣🤣