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this is just heartbreaking...



Just got Popeyes, let’s go.


I am not sure, but if Shin and his brother were neighbors to the scientist girl, then the alba man who saved shin from his brother was most likely the scientist girls father who she stated that he killed himself.


Non spoiler translation of what Shin told the Major. He was short on time so he had to drop it sort of out of nowhere. He was telling her to escape the country (San Magnolia) in the eastern border's direction to avoid getting killed by the Legion since they won't power off in the expected 2 year span. He mentioned that he can't hear the Legion past the border in that direction so she'll likely be safe for some time there and that if there are survivors after the legion invade, somehow, she may get help. She would be leaving the safety of their fortress and essentially leave into uncharted territory. Her superiors don't know what's out there but Shin can hear really far to know that it's her only hope. What a guy, he's about to go have a fight to the death and he has enough in the chamber to spare for her safety.


Timeline wise that doesn't make sense. It was probably the priest who Raiden mentioned took in Shin and his brother.

Arnav Mekala

Nah bro the Alba are practically reaching the Celestial Dragon tiers of unforgivable.


I think you guys would enjoy guilty crown a lot, it’s not that known, but boy is it a banger


Always make sure to check for end credit scenes


Guilty Crown will never win over the other shows It s my fav anime and an emotional roller coaster but it s not that popular to win any pool