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Hello everyone,

First of all, thanks everyone for answering the story poll! It's been quite fun and surprising, with a choice I expected to end up dead last actually ended up first by a large margin. I hope you've enjoyed the various pilots, regardless of whether or not you voted for them.

Here are the results:

1) Blood & Fur sits comfortably ahead at 43% and thus will receive guaranteed updates each week. I kinda expected most of you not to be too fond of the Aztec setting but seems I was wrong.

2) Commerce Emperor arrives next at 36% and will be my secondary focus.

3) Stars of Sirius arrives last at 21/22%, so updates will be sporadic and probably in the form of anthology arcs.

Based on the results, my current plan is: guaranteed Blood & Fur big chapters on Saturday, flexible update on Tuesday (usually big chapters of Commerce Emperor, but might be another Blood & Fur or something else if I feel the chapter needs more polishing). Stars of Sirius chapters will drop sporadically with no set schedule.

I think this method should make for a nice balance between quantity and quality. However, this does present a conundrum: namely, the fate of higher tiers, which were based on Tamer's advance chapters (10 advance for Tier 5, 20 for tier 10+); it'll take a while for one of the new stories to catch up to that number, let alone two or more.

Hence, I'm considering two solutions for the tiers update: either keep existing tiers but adapt chapter numbers as they come, or do something like what Mechanimus did for Journey/Calamitous Bob and create tiers for each story.

- Solution 1: Keep current tiers, just slowly adapt the number of available chapters as the backlog builds up. I'm thinking of Tier 5 getting half the advance chapters available for all stories at a given time, and tier 10+ getting access to all of them; Tier 30 would be able to request art and 50 an entry in one of the stories.

Basically, that solution means keeping the existing structure and tweaking it a bit; any patron sponsors all stories, so to say.

- Solution 2: Create two Tier 5, one for Blood & Fur (whose updates are guaranteed) and the other for Commerce Emperor/Stars of Sirius (the stories whose updates will be more flexible); subscribing to one grants access to all advance chapters of that particular story, while Tier 10+ would have access to all advance story chapters of all stories. Tier 30 gets arts, tier 50 can request specific story entries entries.

That solution is best if you're interested in one of the stories but not the others; so you can sponsor the one you want at a cheaper price and have access to all its chapters.

Whatever the result, I'm going to pause the patreon payments for next month during the transition (since Tier 5 will catch up to Apocalypse Tamer soon) and to build up the Patreon backlog. Thus existing patrons won't be charged on May, though newcomers will be.

In any case, I'm happy to continue this adventure with you and I hope you'll enjoy my new works :)

Best regards,



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