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Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope you are enjoying your winter holidays! I'm currently suffering from a flu but having a good time with my family; after being abroad for so long, moments like these remind me how important it is to return home from time to time.

While there won't be a chapter today, here are some art gifts for Christmas! A Patron-sponsored Bestiary Entry (the wendigos seen in the Christmas Event), the stat information of a System Class as per fan request (the Merchant), and a teaser for Volume II's Cover Art. Hope you'll enjoy them!

Happy holidays,


- Wendigo Bestiary Entry (commissioned by Colton Crowley)

Passive Perks:

  • Ageless: a Wendigo doesn’t age. As a result, they are immune to [Time] or [Aging] effects.
  • You Are What You Eat: When a Wendigo devours a monster’s fresh corpse, there is a 5% chance that he learns one of the dead creatures’ active Perk chosen at random. The process is similar to a Player learning a Spell with the same limitations (the Wendigo can learn one Perk per 5 INT Points it possesses). A Wendigo cannot learn Passive Perks this way nor any elemental ability in which he has a weak affinity.
  • Nature Keeper: A Wendigo draws strength from nature, but is weakened by civilization. When in fields empowering the [Wood] or [Earth] elements, the Wendigo benefits from a Regen effect (recovers 1/16th of HP per minute) and a buff to all physical stats. However, fields empowering [Metal] or [Corrosion] instead cause a Wendigo to suffer a debuff to all physical stats and lose access to some of their active Perks.
  • Druidic Sight: Wendigo are naturally [Blind], but do not suffer the ailments’ penalties due to enhanced senses; they can perceive everything in a vast radius around them. Additionally, they can immediately identify if a Player or Monster is an ‘ally’ of nature; Players with nature-oriented classes such as Druid or Ranger and monsters native to the local Field are ignored unless they attack the Wendigo first. Everyone else is usually attacked on sight.
  • Chaotic Spirit: Wendigos are unaffected by all effects meant to control them mentally, such as the [Charm] ailment. However, reminders of their former lives can cause them to suffer brief bouts of the [Berserk] ailment.
  • Turbo: Physical: a Wendigo’s [Physical] attacks inflict 30% more damage and pierce through Resistance.
  • Primal Might: a Wendigo gains advanced proficiency (x2 damage, +10 critical) to all natural weapons, such as his fists, claws, and horns.

Active Perks:

  • Windspeed: [Wind], [Support], 60 SP. Applies the [Hasten] buff to the Wendigo for 1 minute, doubling its speed. Additionally, a cloak of wind surrounds the Wendigo, doubling its chances to dodge attacks.
  • Primal Geomancy: [Mythic], [Earth], [Wood], 100 SP. A Wendigo calls upon the power of nature to target his enemies; the effect depends on the Field where it is used, but it is always beneficial to the Wendigo. This Perk does not work in civilization areas weakening the Wendigo (see Nature Keeper).
  • Soulshield: [Mythic], [Support], 30 SP per minute. The Wendigo surrounds itself with a cloak of souls reducing all damage it takes by 30%, negates critical hits, and turns its Soul weakness into a Resistance so long as it remains active.


The Wendigo is an extremely rare creature usually born when a wicked Player with a nature-oriented class (such as Druid) commits a heinous act of cannibalism in specific locations. The System’s magic gives them an appearance that matches their inner cruelty, turning them into Wendigo and erasing all memories of their former identities. Other wendigos have been found to spawn in Forest or Mountain Field, though this remains exceptional. They have also been sighted among the retinue of Krampus, a powerful fairy associated with Christmas-themed events.

Although intelligent and crafty, Wendigo are single-minded in their desire to protect nature and destroy civilization; although they tend to leave the ‘natural’ inhabitants of a Field and nature-oriented Players alone, they antagonize any other lifeform with relentless ferocity. Combining immense speed with physical power, they can also gain power from those they consume; no two Wendigo are alike, and the stats above represent the baseline of their species.


  • Wendigo Flesh (B-Rank, Common): Wendigo Flesh is an excellent crafting material for food recipes, especially those involving buffing Strength and Magic. However, consuming a Wendigo’s flesh will cause the individual to turn into one upon committing cannibalism, even if they do not possess a nature-oriented class.
  • Wendigo Skull (A-Rank, Rare Drop): a Wendigo’s skull acts as an helmet granting the user access to their Druidic Sight Perk, allows the wearer to appear as a Beast or Plant Type, and empowers the Wood Element.

- Merchant Class


  • Must have a strong [Support] Affinity.
  • Must have bartered at least 50 items with strangers and the intent to make a profit. 
  • Must have tried to start an independent business; whether it was profitable or not doesn't matter. Failure is part of the process, as they say. 

Perk List:

  • 1) System Shop (Active): you gain access to a unique [System Shop] option in your menu; this allows you to sell items and exchange currency money against tokens, which you can then use to purchase items in an online store. Once purchased, the items are added to your Inventory. You can buy low-grade [Recovery] items from the shop.
  • 3) Adventurer Bazaar I (Passive): you can now purchase [Food] and [Seed] consumable items from the System Shop.
  • 5) Gun Nuts I (Passive): you can now purchase low-grade [Weapons] and [Armors] from the System Shop.
  • 7) Adventurer Bazaar II (Passive): you can now purchase [Consumable] battle items (bombs for offense, defense, status and ailments) and mid-tier [Recovery] items.
  • 9) Accessorist (Passive): you can now purchase [Accessory] items.
  • 11) Gun Nuts II (Passsive): you can now purchase Mid-Tier [Weapons] and [Armors] items.
  • 13) Vehicular Decorator (Passive): you can now purchase [Furniture] and [Vehicle] Items.
  • 15) Adventurer Bazaar III (Passive): you can now purchase [Booster] consumable items (temporary grant stat and elemental boosts) and high-grade recovery items.
  • 17) Gun Nuts III (Passive): you can now purchase high-grade [Weapons] and [Armors] Items.
  • 19) Adventurer Bazaar IV (Passive): you can now purchase [Class Unlocker] consumable items. These items let you unlock special Classes that aren't available otherwise.
  • 20) Customer Reward (Passive): you get a 20% reduction when purchasing items from the [System Shop], and you will receive unique items depending on how many tokens you’ve spent.

The Class Shellgirl would have killed for. I might make more Class arts/descriptions as an alternative to Bestiary Entries going on, if you're interested in them ;)

- Volume II Art

Here's the WIP art for the volume II of Apocalypse Tamer on Kindle, by Aethon; basically an updated version of the original cover. Enjoy! 




The Vol II cover is lovely, it really hammers home the sheer scale of the fight. Feels pretty hopeless.


Wonder if Baba Yaga will make an appearance at the family reunion. She would approve of Basil I imagine