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Since Vainqueur is approaching its final arc and five chapters of Never Die Twice have been funded by patrons this month, I thought we could shake things up a bit. You get to decide what one of the Patreon-funded NDT chapters will be about (probably the last one of the month). 

1) Life After Death

Walter Tye killed many adventurers over his career; some he sent to the golden halls of Valhalla, others to the darkness of Helheim. Follow the souls of Tye's deceased enemies, as they discover their respective fate after death; and for some, get one last chance at revenge.

2) Serpent's Fall

More than thirty years ago, the necromancers of the Pale Serpents order tried to uncover the secrets of immortality; among them was the young prodigy Walter Tye, apprentice of the [Lich] Asclepius. But while noble, the necromancers' goal offended the gods, who ordered their destruction. This is the tale of the order's last days. 


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