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As most of you know, "Never Die Twice," unlike Vainqueur the Dragon, has been sponsored entirely by one person: my main patron Kyle Reese/Knightaether (with the appropriate creative control). However, many of you asked how they could help with getting chapters out faster, so I asked Knightaether's authorization to open the funding of NDT to others. 

He accepted.

The main way the story has been funded so far is through Paypal, which will remain as an option (see below); however, there is the question of Patreon, and those of you who would prefer NDT to come out more regularly. I've thought about it and I see two ways it can be done: 

- Patreon Goals, where I agree to produce a certain amount of chapters per month once certain thresholds are crossed (1 chapter a month, 2 chapters a month, etc...). 

- Chapter Funding Tiers, where someone can directly finance a chapter at full or maybe half-price. In exchange, they get access to the chapter ahead, can give their viewpoint, and perhaps have other privileges like a named location or adding a monster to the dungeon. 

Full disclosure, this is the first time I experiment with that kind of model, so I'm also open to out-of-the-box suggestions. I won't be making two patreon pages though, since many readers of Vainqueur follow NDT too and vice-versa.  

For those who would prefer a one-time donation towards funding the chapter, they can go to the paypal funding goal there: paypal.me/pools/c/8q7rmypA35.  

And well, that's it! Please cast your vote, and I will proceed with the majority option. New NDT chapter will be posted tomorrow on Saturday. 



I'll be honest. I am only here for Never Die Twice. I was a patreon for Vainqueur at one point months ago but gave it up and haven't read it since. Not saying it was bad, just not my thing.

Deepak Kamlesh

I see a lot of potential in Never Die Twice and am really looking forward to reading it. However, the lack of a regular schedule for chapters may harm the reading flow in my opinion. As soon as I came across NDT on Royal road I went to the Patreon and read till chapter 14. But there was a considerable lag by the time chapter 15 came and I was a bit confused about the start of the chapter when I read it. I read a lot as I am sure most if not all of us do and lags will just make it difficult to be emotionally attached to the story and characters of NDT. Though I believe we should be able to get enough patrons to keep the chapters coming at a regular pace. Or else I might just continue to read it at Royal Road where the chapters might be uploaded once a week or so hopefully.


That's why I've suggested the patreon goals as an option; with the number of patrons (seriously, this is the biggest increase I had since I put out Vainqueur) I could probably put out a chapter a week without anyone having to make a big donation.

Alric Good

Its funny because I clicked the patreon link on Royal Road for NDT and it took me a second to realize I was already subscribed lol.

John Doe

I only subbed for NDT. Just make a new patreon just for NDT and then adjust workload based on sub count


Thing is, the only difference between making two patreons, and keeping one central page with altered tiers/goals, is that people who read both stories pay twice. I don't see any advantage for readers with the two patreon solution.

Lethos Storms

I'm fine with funding a chapter directly, the only thing I worry is the locked in length. I want to see the chapters getting longer as are Vainqueur chapters. I hope funding won't be locked with chapter length.


Maybe make a monthly poll for your stories for paterons, and distibute the funding based on the vote proportions? Seems simpler and relatively fair.