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Due to all options getting tied (yes, really), I'm changing that poll to a tournament; you will first vote between Mictlan and Elysium, then Taiyougami and Uruk, and the winners will duke it out for the top spot in a final battle. This poll ends next week on May 15th, and you can only cast 1 vote.  

Elysium, the Weather Palace 

"A mythical island covered with wind turbines floats amidst chaotic clouds; a golden palace stands at the center of the island, surrounded by greenery." 

Sponsor: Romulus 

Themes: Greco-Roman myths, Weather, Eternal War, Human Civilization. 

Ordeals:  Mythological creatures, time-displaced warriors, magical weather, golems. Champion: Romulus himself.

A palace built by a warlike, agrarian deity over the domain of a defeated weather spirit, to celebrate the first triumph of civilization over nature. Now an abode for the souls of deceased warriors from all wars across history, Elysium will challenge all those who seek to test their skills. Due to his high standards, Romulus will judge the Guild personally.  

Benefits: Mythical Armory.

Mictlan, the Tower of Bones

"A tower of giant bones and corpses rise from the darkness, surrounded by ghosts and echoes of dead souls. A simmering darkness emanates from the top, and you can feel it call to you." 

Sponsor: Eternal Serpent

Themes: Aztec-Mayan myths, Unlife, Primal Earth, Forbidden Sorcery. 

Ordeals: Undead, Dead Gods, Pandorians, the Tower itself. 

Champion: The Undying.

An unliving Lair made from the corpses of fallen gods and mortals, sacrificed over eons; many of whom still roam its corridors. Meant to be an artificial Spell Tower, Mictlan hides a secret, terrible power within its walls, waiting for worthy Players to master it. For the Sponsor believes there is a place for Black... 

Benefits: Forbidden Area unlocked (forbidden feature). 


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