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Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I did a general update, but that one is quite the large one. Between Gunsoul soon hitting RR, publishing news for Blood & Fur, and big news on the Perfect Run game, I thought it was best to publish a single post.

  • Gunsoul to be released this week-end on RR, New "Gunsoul" Tier created

First of all, having reached the 30 chapters milestone on Patreon, I've now built enough backlog chapters there to consider publishing Gunsoul on Royal Road. My current goal would be to publish the story on RR this week-end.

Since the Royal Road RS algo more or less demands that I publish 20K words early, it means I'll be publishing at least 10+ chapters there in one go. In anticipation, I've also created a separate "Gunsoul" 5 dollar tier similar to the Blood Sacrifice one for those who only want to support that story. It basically grants access to all Gunsoul chapters and will let me track that particular story's popularity.

What does it change?

For Dracolich tiers, absolutely nothing changes.

For Dragon tiers, due to the fact I'll be releasing 10 chapters on RR as an initial salvo, your access to advance chapters has been updated accordingly (so chapter 16 to 20 of Gunsoul are now unlocked for you as of this moment). Since I'm likely to keep around 20 advance chapters on Patreon, this tier will roughly keep access to half of them/10 at any given time.

For Commerce Emperor patrons, who also received Gunsoul advance chapters, you'll still have access to them up to the end of July as part of a transition period. Afterwards the tier will only include CE and DW chapters.

In any case, fingers crossed that this story does well on RR. Guns are niche, Xianxia Cultivation apocalypse even more so, but we'll see.

  • Blood & Fur Volume 2 Ebook for download + Kindle Preorder

Next, I'm happy to announce double news on the Blood & Fur front.

First of all, Volume 2's PDF has been added to the Dracolich ebook trove (https://www.patreon.com/posts/48625485) ; this book covers chapter 25 to 51, so roughly the preparations for the New Fire Ceremony to Iztac's reunion with his father. I would have prefered for volume 2 to cover all of the second layer, but we are still months away from that and the book was reaching over 150k words; so I thought this would be as good place as any where to stop.

Second, the first book of Blood & Fur (covering the first 25 chapters) is now available for preorder on Amazon, with a projected release date of September 10th 2024.

Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D61473NG

It's a projected date, since we hope to have the audiobook ready by then (I pity the narrator), but yeah, first book should hit the Kindle/KU shelves around that time. To be honest, that book is gonna be a tough sell (Aztec progression dark fantasy isn't exactly a LitRPG trendsetter) but I have faith it'll pull through.

In any case, I wish to thank you all for supporting this series all the way to its official publication. Crazy to think it's been a year and a half since I posted its first chap here on Patreon. How quick time flies by.

  • The Perfect Run: Demo & Trailer for Gamescom

It's been a while since I posted news on the Perfect Run, but that's because the team and I have been super busy! The video above shows an illustration of the timestop effect in real time. Quite the eldritch vibe, isn't it?

The official demo, which covers the second layer of the Meta-Gang/Mechron Bunker (including a tussle with Psyshock and Frank) is now 95 percent finished. The gameplay is mostly done, and we're currently incorporating the dialogues. The demo's voices will probably be AI generated as placeholders until we can find voice actors to record the lines (I really want Frank to have a Texan accent), but otherwise, the gameplay, level, and enemies are more or less finished.

Some examples below.

Mechron Postmortem Hologram

Bunker Shortcut

Character models

And laser room.

The demo will be presented at the Cologne Gamescom in Germany (From August 21 to 25, 2024) alongside a few other projects from the studio I'm working with, but I hope to send you some footage before then (maybe even a download link). A story trailer and a gameplay one will also be made available in August; those will be recorded by humans, obviously.

In case, I'm super excited to show all that we've been working for in August. The Perfect Run is still an indie game, but I'm super impressed with what the Lanterns Studio team has been able to achieve over the last few months. If you're in Germany around that time or attending the Gamescom, I'd be happy to meet with you then.


  • I'll be at Dragoncon in Atlanta!

Right after Cologne, I'll be taking a plane to Atlanta, Georgia, from August 29th to September 2nd!

This is a last minute attendance since I'm more focused on the Gamescom, so I won't be a speaker nor have a stand (though I'm seeing with Aethon for some Aethon-related book signing like Apocalypse Tamer, Kairos, CE etc...). I'll be attending as just another face in the crowd, but I'd be super happy to meet with some of you if you're in the area.

So let's keep in touch if any of you is attending the event ;)

  • This week's update schedule

This week's chapter will be a Commerce Emperor Chapter on Tuesday, a Gunsoul chapter on Wednesday, Dungeon Wreckers chapters on Thursday, either a Gunsoul or DW chap on Friday (whichever I can finish first), and Blood & Fur on Saturday (Central European Time). Quite the week.

And well, that is all for now. Thank you all for your support!

Best regards,



Federico Bellavista

What can I say? These are fantastic news on all fronts! While I'm mainly here on Patreon for Blood & Fur, I've enjoyed many of your previous works in the past, and I can be nothing but excited to see you find success. The quality (and quantity!) of your stories has been steadily increasing and I'm here for it.


Oh nice! Good luck with everything:)


Thank you for the kind words, and as always, I appreciate your support :) I admit Blood & Fur is likely going to end up as one of my favorite stories too XD

Federico Bellavista

It wouldn't be a surprise for me to say that B&F is DEFINITELY my favourite, but all your stories bring something different to the table. I loved all the shenanigans and complext plotlines of The Perfect Run, and the surprising depth of all its characters... it's probably the best story I've ever read on Royal Road. Apocalypse Tamer is way different, and in a good way. It's (mostly) classic LitRPG lighthearted fun, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Full of references to your past works too, iirc (too bad I haven't read them yet, but I'm planning to... Vainqueur is definitely on the list!). So, in summary, I've loved a lot of your works and while B&F is definitely the best one so far according to my personal tastes, I'm really excited and happy whenever a project related to one of your other stories moves forward or gets an update.


Great news! Petit message en français pour te féliciter sur ton parcours je suis en train de rattraper Perfect Run et c’est une masterclass. Vraiment bravo pour toutes ces histoires t’es un superbe auteur.

George R

Awesome news thanks so much for the update!


Really amazing to see all this progress and success from a creator I love. I found you through Vainquer (which was honestly great lmao) but have since gone on to devour the Perfect Run and Blood & Fur. And while BF is my goddamn BABY, actually being able to play Ryan's story will be --- SO good. Though I could have sworn Frank had metallic skin? Was he a mech the whole time and I just forgot?


Thanks ;) well, Frank absorbs metal and machine into himself, so we went with a "junkyard' feel about him in his design; like he has absorbed so much metal trash that he became more of a walking tincan than a human.


That's actually such a cool idea. I can't wait to hear his secret agent lines, it'll be great lmao. His zingers had me crackling. But with how awesome Frank and Pyslock look, I'm wondering how god damn terrifying Bloodstream will be. Your descriptions of him in the fiction were ... genuinely chilling/awful, and I mean that as a compliment lmao


Bloodstream's design isn't done yet, but he'll definitively look more at peace in a Dead Space game than this one ;)