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Poll on story updates until May Break

  • Finish the current Gunsoul arc next week, then fully focus on Blood & Fur until the break. 65
  • Finish the current Dungeon Wreckers arc next week, then fully focus on Blood & Fur until the break. 33
  • Business as usual until the break. 21
  • 2024-04-20
  • 119 votes
{'title': 'Poll on story updates until May Break', 'choices': [{'text': 'Finish the current Gunsoul arc next week, then fully focus on Blood & Fur until the break.', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Finish the current Dungeon Wreckers arc next week, then fully focus on Blood & Fur until the break.', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Business as usual until the break. ', 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 20, 21, 54, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 119}


Hello everyone!

As I've posted earlier in March, I'll be going on a break from May 8th to May 22th; the reason being that I'm hitting 30 during that period and will go to Japan for a trip with childhood friends of mine to celebrate that milestone, so I'll be less available to write during that time and cannot guarantee updates (although I will still work on the chapters during my spare time and post if I can). It would also give me some time to recharge my batteries, so to say.

Unfortunately, I cannot pause my Patreon during that period, as it will prevent newcomers from subscribing during 30 days at a minimum (yet another wonderful Patreon feature that just makes our work harder... sigh).

As a result of all of this, I would like to focus on building up a backlog of chapters until the break. Trying to write both Gunsoul and Dungeon Wreckers at once in small chapter bursts has been an interesting experience, but the more it goes on and the more I feel it's best that I focus on one or the other for a given week. Juggling between three stories without sacrificing quality in one or the other is a bit difficult, and I understand that most of you are currently subscribed to read Blood & Fur first and foremost, so it remains my priority.

I'm posting this poll to see how you would like me to proceed until the break. Both Dungeon Wreckers and Gunsoul are currently in the middle of an arc, so I would like to at least conclude one or the other before the break. Once either is done, I can fully focus on Blood & Fur and produce more chapters of it until that period (at least four, maybe five if I can manage).

I would also be interested in reading your opinion on the new stories and update schedule in the comments, since it's been a month since the near-tie vote; see if you've grown to prefer one or the other, if shorter chapters are working out for you, etc...

So further ado, please cast your vote and comment below on what you would prefer.

Best regards,



Dale Tucker

Man has his Japan romance arc coming up. I am quite envious


Ah! Honestly, going there has been a childhood dream for as long as I can remember. I blame decades of manga and anime consumption ;)

Lonnie Sizemore

You just missed Haylock, he was/is there now-ish I believe. Enjoy the trip!