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We're joined by Maxton Waller as the group talks about Butthole Ricochet's album Sophomore Slump! We talk about the writing, rehearsal, and recording process. We're also including the original demos for songs (including an unused demo!) attached to this post!

Beth's inspiration/references playlist for the album can be found here! 

(Note: This recording started late and ran late, so Anthony had to dip out part way through)


Rachael Bradley

I love that of course they didn't plan the birthday song, just went in and did it 🤣🤣

Christopher Black

I truly think all of you are so amazing. I’ve listened to these on repeat and think it’s so awesome every time

Austin Sharp

Freddy if you post sheets of the guitar solo I will learn it on a marimba

Invader Jimm

As a lifelong metal head, that riff is stankface approved 🤘

Zack Houser

Hot take: Will plays sax. The season 3 album should be ska.


This might be a dumb question but did rocks rock get this treatment too?

Masha Beletsky

PLEASE do establish this as a pattern 🙏🏻 I live for these EPs ❤️


The issue with this album is that when ever I listen to a different album I'm like "hmm I could be getting my slump on in a sophomore way right now"


Yes! So glad that Beth said it was Annie inspired cuz I was like nooo, that can’t be it


AW! Maxton we fans also love you!


Unfortunately CAT is a target of the BDS campaign as they have a long history of providing equipment to Israel to use for home demolitions and building of illegal settlements. It was a CAT bulldozer that killed Rachel Corrie in 2003. Although it is a divestment target rather than a consumer boycott target, I imagine that’s because most individual consumers don’t purchase from CAT. To anyone looking to buy a new phone, I would highly recommend looking at alternatives! https://www.instagram.com/p/C1wm2RWM2BS/?igsh=MXZ3aGRkdXFtZzdieQ== https://investigate.afsc.org/company/caterpillar


*gasp* “Does it do email?” “Oh yeah it’ll do email in a pinch”

james carter

Beth. Its illegal to be this talented nat everything.

Jaden J

Not calling this talking butthole was a missed opprotunity! Hahaha Also the whole like finding yourself in a varied sonically album reminds me of Olivia rodrigo and her genre shifting! It's totally a thing!

Malory McVicker

The Beth version of Rogues Gallery isn't in the Demo file. Could you include it please?

Maxine Bailey

Don't worry Will I like Rocks Rock more


I'm DYING to get a Dead and Gone guitar solo tutorial from Freddie


It was wonderful ^_^


Literally loved this album so much I’ve been opening the Files app like a psychopath every day just to listen again, if Beth has no fans I’m dead


sorry to ruin matts theory but i don't like potatoes


Would love to hear Maxton on a one shot with the rest of the group - he has a great vibe and fits right in


I don't know if they were directly referencing this article or came to the same concept separately, but for anyone who's interested in the "pop punk accent" thing, this article is great: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/i-made-a-linguistics-professor-listen-to-a-blink-182-song-and-analyze-the-accent


So when are you gonna press this into vinyl?


i would unironically buy a vinyl with this album on it and play it


physical release please :$


Freddie and Maxton should legit start a band

Hazel the Dog

If we can’t get Beth performing this live, could we get Maxton performing “Alright” or “On My Way?” 🙏🏼


As an avid metal listener, Potato goes SOOOOOOO hard!!! Catch me in the pit with that one!

Damian Ramos

My favorite AC/DC song is no longer Dirty D and the Thunder Chief:/