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The Dad Crew sans Beth sit down to talk about the latest episode of season two, including how "quad damage" raised the stakes of every roll, Taylor's peak incompetent behavior this episode, the way the history of the DnD system can add to the story, and how Hermie's death hit everyone. Plus, they answer some questions and get into the thing everyone is most proud of about the show and what kind of NPC they would all want to play.



Isaac A

Gosh darn it I was right tger

Isaac A


Isaac A

So xlose

Isaac A


Michael Adams

I’m finally caught up!!! But now I have to actually wait for these to drop 😭

Jake W

The way Anthony nonchalantly decided that whenever you're in hell you do quad damage just because normal rolled low is the reason why he's the best in the biz!

Toby Norris

Will this be added to the Spotify playlist automatically or do we have to do something manually?

Daniel Powell

I wonder what Jodi and Scam Likely will do if/when they learn of Herme's death?

Emily Hassett

"Why do you hate Herme so much?" Because he's not Paeden 😭😭😭


The problem with the gripe that dnd combat has scaling problem is the dm literally balances it? Like u could throw a goon at the party or 12 tiamats if u want/need


Thank you for the Spotify playlists


Can we please have a mini video game talking dad like the last 10 minutes of this episode?? I’m a huge fan of hearing y’all’s game thoughts


Can’t wait to listen! This episode was rowdy

Barf Drinker

I hate hearing that Anthony has a sort of "distain" for the second season. While it had a rough start, it's really taken off. s2 has some of my favourite episodes by far and i think the highs for this season far surpass season 1 even if it was more consistent. I think he just has to cut himself some slack because we wouldn't all be watching if we didn't enjoy it.

Phil H

Listening to the boys literally bully Beth while she played Jezzball, broke me. I felt bad but also couldn't stop laughing at the thought of 4 guys standing around Beth and judging her while she played a game she has never played before.


Freddie Wong, Gamer Comedian making a comeback at the end there 💀

Invader Jimm

Anthony you are doing a great job with this season. It has a different tone than the first but I have loved every second of it, stop beating yourself up.

ace of diamonds

I have this feeling like freddie is just going to be dan fucks for dadhammer 401k

Jacob B.

OH Ngl I genuinely think yall could get inspiration/proof that simplified dnd mechanics work. I LOVE how yall break the game, Branson Reese of Rude Tales of Magic started up his second campaign and lended some insight on character sheets that would lend itself to improvised storytelling without the contstraints. Im not recommending another patreon here, but!, the most recent rude talks of chatting (post S1 wrapup) might provide some validation to the crew.

Thomas Jones

That’s such a great videogame idea, holy shit

Erika Salazar

I want Freddie's rant on a tshirt

Elliott like ET

with the spotify playlist, i have made the ultimate playlist of every ad free episode followed by its corresponding talking dad/ teen talk. it’s the best thing i’ve ever created

The Overthinker

The rant against words on tv is peak Freddy. So funny!


Listening back to S1 it feels safer. More linear story path that comes with muted highs and lows. S2 is more experimental and it is paying off big time. I have no idea what to expect storywise and that keeps me coming back.

Beth Bayliss

speaking of games (when aren’t we), has anyone shown beth spiritfarer??

Harrison Lee

I think the scripting is throwing you guys off. Go off rail. Please

Marc Wasserman

Freddie? are there plans for a playlist of the opening song parodies?

Anthony Monachino

Oh my God, MOTHERSHIP. I haven't gotten to suggest it before, but it's the TTRPG version of Will's "My God. What happened here?" They should totally play that as like a one shot. That would be fun.

Christian Parr

The batman lore in Hermie HAD to come from that little sliver of Well Actually that’s still inside Scam!

Kyle Dawson

If you like that every hit could be lethal, ya’ll should try playing Worlds Without Number. It’s a more dangerous system while still keeping the feel of DnD. And you can adapt almost every 5e spell to it with.

Kyle Staffhorst

Absolutely cannot wait for Dadhammer: 401K !!! Love you guys

Dana Woodward

Hearing that season 2 is coming to a close, saddens me and know I just wanna know what season 3 will be about. Will we keep following the kids into adulthood and now they have kids, so like S1? Or the kids of the kids from S2? I would love to see them play NPCs and Anthony having to ‘play’ the main characters


Why does Matt always, and I mean always try to shut down other peoples ideas middle game?


Sorry mid game not middle


How did Beth’s one person show go?


My goodness they fridged Hermie

Phil H

Sad cause Normal couldn't save his relationship and I couldn't w/ my partner. Just happenstance that it happened at the same moment.

Barf Drinker

God I love warhammer, I can not wait for them to butcher the lore in the best way possible.

Lizzie Blue



Wasn’t Beth the Gartok NPC lol

Aaron Garza

Freddy you talk shit about Alan wake 2 one more time and I swear to God I’ll have you by the balls my friend

Jordan Burton

Matt definitely seems to be the one the most utilizing his “writer-goggles” the most out of the players. Will was the one more so doing that last season imo, but maybe that’s why you feel that way.

Christian Hermann

FR ever since the Link/Taylor banter outside the raptured podcaster (wherein Freddy doubles down on his heritage omfg I still laugh at it 6 weeks later), Freddy's been having his rl own arch Plates are fiery hot 🔥

Harrison Lee

3:00 to matts point. Video games are more fun when there danger of you dying. Thats why wow hardcore and classic are poppin off. In wow classic early lvls are rough cause everything around you is just as strong

Leo Hall

Teen the teen mascot outfit..... still makes me mad it hasn't become space marine armor kinda makes me wonder....... loved the episode hope you all had a good thanksgiving if that's your thing

Down TheRabbitHole

My DMs use the Crit hits/fails cards for extra damage and stuff! It has made our combats so much fun and interesting

TDub Miner

Was anyone else top 1-2% listeners on Spotify? If so, how’s it feel to be a G💪


To inform you guys: I think the closest thing I know of to the developers trolling with the files would be the Team Fortress 2 Coconut. There's an jpeg image of a coconut in the files of TF2 which despite it seeming innocuous, if you remove it, it makes the game entirely unplayable, and nobody knows why.


I’m curious to see how they handle Herme’s death in the next episode cause personally, I felt like his death was kinda unceremonious and frankly unearned. I feel like they could have utilized him better. Also still can’t get over the fact that Dood’s been around the whole time, yet they haven’t been mentioned in like 2 months


PLEASE make the spooky space station what happened here game because I would eat that shit up. It's giving 'Duty Calls' shitposting vibes and I'm LIVING FOR IT

Joey Earley

Instead of quad damage Anthony should roll a d4 and that will be the damage multiplier for that combat

Hunter Lewis

Listened to the bit about Formsoft games then immediately opened r/eldenring to a thread praising that.

Helen Hastie

Wait, what. The season is coming to a close 😭

Wandering Giant

It's always weird when they complain about DnD because they clearly don't know how it works and haven't really played it before. Like, maybe don't complain about it if you don't know the rules


Totally agree about reading in video games. I'm pretty sure Matt made it farther than I did before I quit playing Starfield. I tried though, I really did. And it's not like how Cyberpunk was at launch where you could see that there was a great game in there. I don't see any amount of updates turning Starfield around. Unfortunately, Bethesda will pour resources into it trying to fix it which will probably delay the new elder scrolls even longer. That's ok, we've got Dragon's Dogma 2 coming in just a month!!! Which is my predicted pick for GOTY. With Hellblade II a close second. Games are really fucking good right now. Aside from Starfield.

Louis Frohock

I wish instead of Abe they’d have used the chicken from family guy