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Freddie talks about editing this one, the gang talks about being in-character/out-of-character moments Season 1 vs Season 2, perception of threat, a little update for the Do or Dice 2023 tour, and we talk about books and movie adaptations of books and character theme songs.




What a treat! I forgot it was Tuesday!

Thomas Jones

I dunno guys, (talking about the therapist question) I have a really close friend who I’ve talked about season one with and who I put onto your show and it’s allowed us to really connect about our relationships with our parents on occasion. We have referenced specific moments in your characters arc (Glenn’s for example)and their relationships with their own father (bill for example) but also with each other dad in the main cast. Daryl is brought up a lot cause my friends around religious people regularly. I personally see Henry type people a lot. But I think it’s really interesting how you guys made this show for goofs and ended up really making something people could see their own lives in or their relationships with their parents through the lens of this silly goof. You created something people could graft their own experiences onto, you made it easier for people to reflect on their life while also laughing their asses off too. …like dang …But you guys know this already, you’re all great writers and put in the work. But besides, that your people just like us who have relationships with your family in different ways. I wouldn’t worry about it Anthony, I’m with Will, it’s a good thing and a fine thing.

Kamikaze Velociraptor

I just realised that it's "Main CHAIRacter Syndrome", dammit daddies!

Kieron Lowther

oh great, give anthony a way of making "love" fucked up as well lmao

William W.

I guess you can say Anthonys plan for Willy was hot and ready


I don't hate Taylor's mum, I just want to yeet Willy. Sacrifices have to be made, Freddie :P

Mr. N. Hacksaw (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-26 12:25:56 It took way too long, but finally, somebody did The C. Kane of video games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/385030/C_Kane/
2023-07-26 10:13:07 The C. Kane of video games was released in 2013 for Android, it seems: https://store.steampowered.com/app/385030/C_Kane/

The C. Kane of video games was released in 2013 for Android, it seems: https://store.steampowered.com/app/385030/C_Kane/


As a Percy Jackson fan it's cool to hear Matt talk about it, it's what made me want to be a writer😁

Beau Meingossner

My favorite depiction of a therapist in media was in the show Community, and all the therapist did was try to gaslight the main characters into believing that the college they were attending for the past 5 years was actually a mental institution

Digi Anon

I'm currently doing a re-listen of the entire series and I keep thinking, if this ever gets animated I think J.G Quintel would be number 1 in the top 3. Genndy Tartakovsky and Alex Hirsch would be good alternatives, but Quintel and his style and humor would really fit well with the series.

jen Rogue

I would say the best therapy movie is Sible


Wart Watch advice: just use duct tape. Put duct tape on the wart for like two days and I swear they'll never come back. Idk what they put in that adhesive but it works for whatever reason


I think Dungeons and Daddies is an anime, but the second the trigger on the human gun is pulled it becomes live action, and as soon as the person ammo melts into bits the show melts back into anime.


The first therapist character that comes to mind is the one from Mr. Robot and she comes across as a good person and good therapist. And she still works to drive the plot to interesting places.


My favorite dad is Ester ❤️ big shout to all the work Ester performs to help deliver this show to the world. Much deserved vacation!

ace of diamonds

I hope they make blood meridian a movie

Andrew Thao

Omg, the podcast turns into a Monsterhearts CW show, lmao.

Doyle Just Doyle

The grandma killer is Shake It Off (Screaming Females' Version): https://screamingfemales.bandcamp.com/track/shake-it-off-taylor-swift

Joseph Hedden

You do not know how happy I was to see the doodler love the teens. I literally screamed out yes at work.

Angela Shrader

When they mentioned that I was like maybe that’s what caused the vibes to be so different this season.


Freddie I just saw the new D20 promo. I was hoping when you mentioned earlier this year that you would playing a game with another group that it would be with Dimension 20. I can’t wait to see you in the Dome!! Also I loved all of you fine folk on Um, Actually. I hope we see more crossovers!!

Blythe Atkinson

Oh shit, Percy Jackson got a shout out! That's one of those few kids books series that are also a lot of fun for adults. I didn't start reading those books until after college, and I'm psyched we're getting a TV series.


The Kevin Sorbo show Andromeda Ascendant had a cool concept for an eldridge monster w toxic love. They called it the Spirit of the Abyss and described it as loving everything in the universe, but in a stalker-y way obsessed with bringing it all back to pre-Big Bang state of compression.

Brett Owen

I will not accept the hotline Miami slander. And yeah although meta narratives abt murder can feel pretty rough I feel like spec ops the line used it more to criticize the military game genre more than just “video game murder bad”

Adrianna Veloz

I went to buy in Seattle and it said it was sold out..

Adam Bouyamourn

For the love of God please make citizen Kane the video game


“She’s a bad mom-“ she is an OKAY mom AntHony. Out of 10 she is a 6 mom at LEAST, antHONY. Ms. Swift is somewhere between doing her best and super oblivious. An OKAY-decent-alright Mom. (But a mom who is shooting for higher, which some would not,) lol lmfao

Nora Hopeless

wart watch advice: I have gotten rid of them before and the best tool Ive used is a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar on it, secured to the wart with duck tape, left overnight. I do this for a couple days and it kills the root. It can be painful, though so let it rest a day or two if needed.

Drakonis DaBombest

The show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend actually portrays therapists/therapy in a positive way.

Emma Love

I am a psych student planning to go into mental health counciling (actually doing notes one mental disorders while listening to this. I was able to use this podcast to unpack my issues with my parents, and I have recommended and used the show as a means to help my friends unpack and explore their generational trauma. I’m currently trying to get my mom into it so we can unpack our bond and traumas that she caused me and my sister to have. I feel that many shows, films, and podcasts can be used to explore emotions that are difficult to deal with.

Riley D

Got a question for Anthony, I'm new to DMing and I'm trying to make quests for players do you have any tips?


Bad Decisions by Australian band Red Hook always makes me think of scary

Mark Smith

For we who are inexperienced in film and storytelling, these teen talks are little glimpses into the minds of creators, writers, and actors. It’s good quality casual learning.

Ben Kowal

Have you ever thought about turning dndads into a licensed tv show, if you have why didn’t it happen?

Alexandra Weckesser

I got a question for Matt, how do you feel about Warhammer, and what army do you, or would you play?

Erika Jung

Not sure where teen talk questions are meant to be submitted so I'll just throw mine here!: Hey gang! Ive been a fan of the podcast for a while and have been really enjoying this season! I found the podcast through Story break and specifically Heaven Heist! My question is: if you had to form a heist team consisting only of PC characters from any of your campaigns (including side campaigns: Fetch Quest, ATMOD, Sons and Sons-ability, Gungans and Daddies, Gumshoes and Daddies) who would you cast and what role on the team would they play?

Tim Dionne

Matt's wife is an Occupational Therapist? I'm an OT and I feel like we're super underrepresented in media - MATT you've gotta make a good OT movie.

Austin Covey

As someone planning a wedding, I appreciate the Shake it Off PSA

Lilly Ethan

I might have to blame this on the cold and fever brain i am currently battling but since theyve brought up wart watch a few teen talks ago which for me was a few hours ago i kept hearing word watch and got more and more confused with every time they mentioned it. But mostly more and more frustrated that they never said the actual word that mysteriously kept showing up on Beth's finger!