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The teens and the dads cross paths as they move to find the final anchor.

This episode contains Profanity, Violence, and Sexual Content.




Okay, that intro didn’t need to go so hard. I think I need a full version.

Echo Shmecho

I'm almost too devastated to enjoy how good this intro is... almost

Burnzie Burnz

Anthony over here killing with the Into! 🤙🏻


The intro....wow


I literally cried while listening to the intro, so good and sad


That intro is 🔥🔥


I didn’t know to laugh or cry 😭💀

Pablo Acosta

This intro hit so hard


How dare you make me cry to a smash mouth parody


Semi charmed life from 3rd eye blind has new competition for the happiest tune for a rough topic


That intro might be the cruelest thing Anthony’s ever done 😭

Xailin Ortiz

Intro is an instant classic. It sounds like like they took it out the archive from season 1

Finn Nope

How did the intro make me cry harder than the end of last episode


That intro is the best cover so far, hands down 😤

Fearne Pérez

I woke up, pumped to start my day with the episode, and now I can’t get my contacts in because I’m still crying over the INTRO (excellent work big fan big ouch)

Alexandra Weckesser

I'm dying, I keep crying over the death of Terry


Another absolute gut punch of an episode I’m okay 👍👍

Invader Jimm

Damn it now I'm gonna have Smashmouth stuck in my head all day

Christopher Black

BEST FUCKING INTRO. Jk love all of them and I know they take a lot of work. This was awesome


The contacts struggle is giving big dad energy I just can't determine which dad 😆


I love Looking at these comments before listening to the episode I know I’m In for a CLASSIC

Mark Smith

Hahaha holy fuck this intro music!!!!


To the Dungeons and Daddies Crew: I just wanted to say good luck with your first live show coming up in a few days! While I am living in Austin and was planning on going, plans changed when unexpectedly, I became a dad myself. My daughter was born early (she was expected to be born on 9/11, Anthony’s dad fact was weirdly relevant), so I’ve been spending all my spare time at the hospital to be with her. Watching her grow everyday has been bittersweet journey I wouldn’t miss for anything. I’ve been relistening through the D&Dad’s back catalog of episodes/ talks and it’s helped me stay grounded. It’s the right balance of comedy and emotions to keep my spirits light (it’s been mentioned ‘You can only laugh so hard til you cry and Cry so hard til you laugh). While I’m a little disappointed that I won’t be able to attend your first live show, I wanted to sincerely thank you D&Dads as you’ve helped me immensely in my transition to fatherhood. If y’all do even a portion of the live show ideas you’ve mentioned in the past, I’m sure it will be spectacular and I’ll try and catch a show next time you’re in Austin.

Fearne Pérez

Matt landing that one-two punch on emotional depth at the last minute!!!! Lincoln just said what all no-contact kids have had to realize. "I will always love you and for both our sakes we can't ever see each other again" is the most heart-shattering act of love and definitely beat the intro for tears. He just chose to grow up in the most eloquent badass way possible and Matt just did it off the cuff. Roses for all of y'all this episode but what a poignant moment!!!


this episode was great but as I said on discord, im sobbing owww and thats a good episode


Literally 42 seconds in and I'm tearing up in the intro song


For the first and only time, something to the tune of All Star made me shed a tear.

David Guerra

That intro hurt so good!


Terry dying is maybe one of the worst things that has happened so far. His and Rons arc in the first season was my favorite and it kills me that he didnt get that with Scary. He loved her so much and tried so hard. Im still holding out hope he comes back somehow.

Megan Blackburn

I’m only fifteen minutes in and I am SOBBING over Scary. Beth May you will always be famous!!!!!!


Intro is even more sad when you realize that Terry was still trying to connect with Scary by saying "go slay"


intro is heartbreaking????

James Lewis

What an incredible episode!

Zach MacNeil

Actual goosebumps from the intro wtf


There needs to be an intro song album compiled

jeremy adu-asamani

me: so yeah i listen to this really funny podcast you guys should try it friend: oh really? whats it about? me: um... generational trauma... i think? friend: what?? you think??? me: well a moody teen just saw their dad brutally murdered but then they went to assassinate papa john and his pizza warriors in the process of freeing and/or slaying an Eldrich horror so..... friend: SHIT SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE HE'S HAVING A STROKE

Haley Kuehner

Was this Anthony's first musical cold open? He absolutely killed it and killed me, thanks for the emotional damage

Kendal Swanson

The intro really made me tear up 😭🥺


Into mad me feel real sad. Great job

Charlie Karls

Was it just me that was crying at the opening song? Holy s*** you guys!

Liam Eastman

Woof that was heavy, happy Fourth of July I guess


"Tug on my toes, Bro!!"


This was the saddest laughter that I have ever experienced.


Listening to this one in Alaska😎


She ended up in an oubliette anyway.

Angela Shrader

Wow, didn’t expect to cry listening to the intro this morning.


As someone who lost a stepparent 2ish months ago.. the opening hit SO hard let alone the whole first half of the episode. Thank you Dungeons and Daddies for hitting all the feels


Holy shit that intro is amazing. My jaw dropped the moment I heard Anthony’s voice.


Anthony is great. I would love to pay to listen to that intro on spotify!

Harrison Lee

Best episode in a while lolol. The toe thing. The jealous normal. The scary drama.


Ty 908gg9h8c7vg.


That intro song didn’t have to go so hard 😭


This intro song is BRUTAL


“I don’t know why I can’t be her again” brb crawling into a hole for a few months 👍🏼


lmao imagine watching your friend struggle about losing their (step)dad to the point of borderline crying and basically begging for a way to bring him back, just to turn around and be like i’m gonna shit talk MY dad who is still alive and loves me (and has arguably done some messed up stuff, i’m not denying that) and then send him away forever… in front of my friend who just lost their father figure. linc PLEASE read the room i am begging 😭 🙏🏻

Dana Woodward

After S1 ep61 I didn't think there would be an episode that would make me cry again but yall this episode ripped my heart apart, healed it with Scary wanting to thank Terry Jr and ripped it again with what Link told Grant. 💔


PLEASE this episode was constant whiplash, I cannot handle it!

Darryl Holiday II

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Props to all five as usual but that acting from Beth was top tier. I had to pause the recording several times to not be swallowed up by all the emotion. Can't imagine being in it like that. Good shit. Also, that poem in the dad fact was top tier. I've not ready Silverstein since like grade school. I must revisit.


Banana people in the first season, pizza people in the second season how many other food people exist in Anthony’s universe? Lol


Well fucking done great episode


Intro cut me so deep!!!!!


Anthony, you don’t need to apologize for a weird tone being caused by dungeon goofs intermixed with tragedy. It’s been 100+ episodes, we know what’s up.

Grizz Lee

I came here to laugh not cry my eyes out 😭😭 great episode


Barbarian multiclass normal?

Elizabeth Romero

This episode recked me. Scary not knowing how to deal with Terry's death and trying everything to bring him back, Link cutting off Grant, the intro song. My God how much more heartbreak will we have. I'm so sad

Justin DeSilets

Honestly the mismatched dungeon tone with the heavy drama was one of the funniest things I've ever listened to. Helllllll yeah


the intro kills me, I’ve listened to it so many times. I had to play it for my mom (who has zero context) and am now bullying my brother to finally catch up

Max Wilson

Did he break the garlic knot or eat it, with the marinara that is covering the area from the slain pizza guys?

Kayla Price

Less than a minute in, I’ve gotten goosebumps, and I’m tearing up from the intro song…

Ally Davis

1 minute in and I’m definitely NOT crying already! This intro song parody is a a work of art. “you’re enough as you are” Dungeons and Daddies, please don’t ever change.

Peyton Stanley

Ooooooff the emotional dissonance of this episode! Ngl though it brings me back to some of my favorite season one episodes

Akitora Ishii

Holy shit holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT yall


Every once in a while Scary will say something I remember saying to myself at that age and hoo baby do I tear up.

Elsa Double

"bweeeeeeeeeee" why did that make me laugh so much?

Elsa Double

"I rub taylor's feet to make him sheath his sword" I love this fucking show


It ended up being a happy little accident. The fact that you also get these derpy pizza minions caught in the middle made it even better.

Atticus Grim

This episode man. First time DnDaddies has made me have to pause at work to both cry AND laugh. Well done.


What happened to the homebrew rule that they always still do half damage when they don't hit the AC? I feel like they did that in the Baby fight and never again, I just wonder why.


Anthony, you mentioned several times how you'd set up this encounter to be a more light-hearted and goofy one and that Terry's death really messed with the tone. Given that, why did you kill him at all? Was there ever a chance he would not die when (and how?) he did?

Angelo Hurtado

The intro triggered my daddy issues


I think this is the first time _ever_ I consumed a piece of Media that has a man be infertile and it being a big deal for him. At least in a way that's not just feeling reduced in His manilness or maybe some medieval having to keep a bloodline going, but simply because he really just wants a kid. Usually it's always women with that. Thank you, Anthony, really.


Best episode yet holy hell!


This intro is amazing and so sad 😭😭

Matthew Lemm

I didn't expect to get so emotional again! This was like listening to Death of a Salesman all over.

Gay Icon Yog-Sothoth

Really wasn't prepared for how the intro would make me both laugh and cry Amazing episode yet again!

Thomas Christian Jr

The season 2 cover art for Terry Jr hits differently now as he hovers above Scary’s head. It’s the look I picture he was wearing during his final moment.

Rain Yang

This intro! I’m crying 😭

Rae Ellis

The best moment was Anthony and Freddie calling it a warning shot, being totally supporitive bros... and Will remembering he's an insecure teenage boy and just letting himself fall apart.

Lizzy French

"I'm down with the sickness" 😔

andres garcia

What is this episode about I can't stop repeating the intro


If terry was scary this episode, then I bet they do last resort instead of all star for the intro


I made it this whole damn season without crying until opening of this episode had me absolutely bawling!


I had to google what a Whirling Dervish was because I totally thought Anthony was dropping a reference to that Round the Twist episode Whirling Derfish..

Gabe Brown

Normal being angry was probably the coolest part of this episode, wish he’d just snap so severely that he’d go into some god level rage that shows he’s not the chosen one, but rather he was supposed (emphasis on supposed) to be the opposer of the chosen one.


Tell me you're Australian without telling me you're Australian


I would purchase a full version of this intro in a heartbeat. I'll miss Terry Jr. 😭

Pablo Acosta

Gotta give a shout-out to the sound editing during the last minutes. Knowing when to enhance silence and highlight dialogue is an art. Made it hit so much harder


Omg the intro to this one had me full on sobbing by the end of the first chorus. I think that's my favorite intro they've done. You're enough as you are ❤️❤️❤️ What a perfect place to pull that back in.


I've listened to the intro like 5 times now, absolutely amazing!!!

Eddie Jensen

Scary better run into Ron now


I will never ever forgive you guys for this. The “your enough as you are” line did me in. It’s too soon guys. Terry was my favourite:(


that intro nearly made me cry 😭


great episode


Love that intro ❤️


From start to finish I’ve never been so into an episode before! Anthony with an AMAZING intro and that audio of will and Beth when she “comes to” really hit me so hard. Hats off and well done everyone! Also thank god Freddy and Matt pulled us back into the light because it was getting pretty dam serious 🧐


Honestly top 3 best intros

Holo (Holographic Balms)

This episode was such a wild ride and getting progressively *ehem* "Lifted" in the last 30 minutes was a TIME


You guys got me wanting to cry at that intro wtf


omg the opening gag is heartbreaking, this is the most emotional rif on a song they've done yet


can patrons get this and all the other song intros as the next Dungeons and Daddys albums!

Kelly Hardik

This whole episode was so heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time. I have legit cried multiple times and laughed out loud. Yall are just fantastic.

Amber Gray

Anthony/Terry singing this intro makes me weep, and it’s such a poignant callback, just ahhhh


-5 points to Matt he should have eaten the garlic knot


best intro in a wild, besties. jesus. incredible episode all around. woof.


I thought there was gonna be so many army of two jokes.

Jeff Grant

Oh god that intro, it’s so sad


Fantastic episode guys


Why am I crying after a goofy silly pizza dungeon??!!

james L

papa roach cover?? freddy cmon.


I hate this intro. I’ve heard it a dozen times across different platforms and I ugly cry every time.


What an emotionally devastating Smash Mouth parody. Brand new sentence in human history

Xailin Ortiz

“This is my plastic fork, suffocation, no cheeses”


Fucking CRYING at the intro

Andrew Katapodis

Link really is the most annoying character this season

Lauren Boersma

The intro was heartbreaking Also Scary would be covering in her stepdads blood and which is so scary too

Lauren Boersma

The intro was heartbreaking Also Scary would be covering in her stepdads blood which is so scary/sad

Noelle Bartley

What timing for Smashmouth intro being used, RIP Steve Harwell


Agree with everyone dying over ‘you’re enough as you are’ but ‘you’ll never know I loved you so’ broke me. Thank you Anthony. You’re brilliant even if you killed my boy Terry jr


Are episodes 32-36 missing for anyone else?

Christian A.

The sound of the chairs in the background from Freddy and Matt standing up to check the Nat 20 makes me feel like the benches are clearing at a baseball game lol


This episode was made even more chaotic by the silly dungeon. While it wasn’t thematically appropriate it was still fun to listen to tbh

Luna Luna

Tug on my toes gave me such bad hiccups that I can no longer lead an army




anthony making me cry with a fucking all star cover wasn’t on my Dndads bingo card

Jade Sheridan

‘You’ll never know how much I loved you so’ 😭 it makes me think of how it would have been if Terry lost Ron before reconciliation. Literally breaking my heart so much

Jade Sheridan

Got me crying at a goddam smashmouth cover..


This intro still hitting hard :'((


I’m so upset because terry was the most wholesome. Unfair. Crying from the stars

Kellie Zufelt

listening in 2024 still wondering when taylor’s voice gonna drop


hey now i’m your stepdad! please don’t be sad 🤧😔 be brave !!💥 hey now you’re a strong girl 🏋️‍♀️💪🏽 fight 🤺the word🌍, go slayy✨✨✨🌸🌈 you’re enough as you are. 🥺🥳🥰i’ll be watching you fr the stars ⭐️ ✨ 🥹🥹🥹


I'm so happy everyone in the comments in agreement that Anthony covering Smash Mouth was emotionally resonant 😭


I couldn't tell you how many times I've listened to this series, and this intro hits me in my dang tear ducts EVERY. DAMN. TIME.


I'm not crying from an All Star cover. I'm not crying from an All Star cover. I'm NOT crying from an All Star cover-


that stupid all star cover is definitely not making a bitch sob at 10 am on a friday morning at work:(


I hate that linc took the garlic knot. Made it all about him

laura hein

Ugh that all star version hit me harder than it should of

Zapo Bapo

“You’re enough as you are, I’ll be watching you from the stars” I’m so misty eyed already fucking Christ


Link made it all about him at the end