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The teens must perform stand-up sets for a complete stranger.

This episode contains Profanity, Violence, Sexual Content, and Suicidal Ideation.

Special thanks to Tori Shaw!




I love how Link hates cats and loves Garfield

Jess Houwen

Oh my gosh, Beth! I'm in tears.


‘That’s an easy tweak, right?’

Ray Castillo

Ok but Beth wanting to commune with the doodler was so smart and I love Freddie's peaks of intelligence that end up leading no where with no positive outcome 💀💀

Caz Flip Smith

so made me anxious sweat a LOT...but the feedback was fucking amazing


I hope Tori comes back as a guest in later episodes, this was insane in the best way


Thanks for the shoutout, Freddie!


Freddy really said “if you nut in space it push you back”

Elizabeth Romero

The comedy, the random craigslist person, space madness, child marriage what more could you ask for


Holy fuck this was so funny 😂😭 I don’t know why but just the fucking Chaos “no i mean that in an extreme way!” 💀💀💀 I ALMOST COLLAPSED OF LAUGHTER


did will not read if you concentrate on banishment they stay there

Degan Haggarty

I really hope Tori comes back. They have such a great energy!


Was absolutely dying when Beth said, “I was expecting a man”


This episode was so FUCKING funny omfg, everyone killed it!!


I am crying, tori's feedback is perfect 😂

Michelle McCartney

I love that Link was like 6 years is "long time to wait" for Normal and Hermie to wait to get married and the episode literally ends with them married. 🤣🤣🤣 I wonder if that's how Normal pictured their wedding. Also 💕💕💕 This episode is hilarious. XD I deffo feel the scores for Beth and Anthony especially were way too harsh, although Tori's absolute mercilessness made it even funnier. XD

The Overthinker

All the comedy is amazing but Anthony blew me out of the water! That’s actually awesome standup I would see at a show!


Anthony as Hermie was definitely the best at the stand up and was robbed lol

Eli Broide

This is almost deck picks level

ace of diamonds


Brandon J Allen

So if Jimmy can be forced into the podcast, can Tori be added as well? To good not to be in the podcast.

Sam Quinn

Loved the tone shift at the end!

Logan Reed

Will sounds exactly like Seth rogen for a few seconds at the 20 minute mark lmfaooo


Freddie bombing so hard had me laughing more than any of the other tight fives

Lindsey Decker

Omg, I loved all of this, but Beth was so funny, my face hurt from laughing.

kiarra burd

Wait so, no offence intended at all, but what were the stakes re: the tight fives? I feel like I might'e missed that...

kiarra burd

We're I an objective listener with just the context of the impressions, Scary/Napoleon KILLED it (8/10), Anthony/Hermie was like super depressing but still a 6/10 (do agree w the speed thing tho), and Norm/Pickle Rick/Borat was not funny in the impression at all but his jokes genuinely cracked me up (no offence to Will), I didn't even remember that Hermie was revealed to go to a different school but the idea of someone doing a set just based on how much they hated another school put me right to a 7/10. Still Beth's set, as a feminist woman, cracked me tf up.


I believe it was for Scam to give them the anchor / they had to be consistently funny to keep existing in Goof Realm!

kiarra burd

Ooo okay thank you! I enjoyed the mechanic but at the end couldn't figure out what it resulted in when thinking back on it lol

Sam Crawford

Scam didn’t fake his death in the family guy death pose - literally unlistenable 0/10


So if scary was rendered insane, how was she able to sign the marriage license


Anthony whispering “so I wanna be the means to his end” is quite possibly the funnies thing I’ve heard this year. 😂


The which Scary do I shoot line from Hermie though >.<


Space madness just made me think of portal 2


Defending Freddy in Episode 35 when the other daddies mentioned that Freddy's tight 5 was too cringey for listeners, it was in fact all 5 of you that were very hard to listen to, I think Matt was the best because part of his act was intentionally acting that way. Keep doing what you do Freddy, in my eyes you were like 3rd best


Anthony saying that the writers strike might be over by the time this episode comes out just gets better with time


i relate to hermie

Burnzie Burnz

Freddie has balls of steel 😂😂😂