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Game on, as the teens kick off the soccer match in HELL!

This episode contains Profanity, Violence, Sexual Content, Body Horror, Gore, and and References to Self Harm/Suicide




this intro did me psychic damage (affectionate)

Sophie nah

Them re vamping the See You Again intro and dropping that Henry had a daughter twenty seconds in???? Wild I'm already invested in Birdie


Freddy i love you but u make Rad Facts like a douchebag


This episode really fell short


Bringing back the see you again parody was funny lmao. For a second there I thought I accidentally chose the older episode.

Darryl Holiday II

Give Matt crap over the dad fact but I bet everyone was sad when Johnny 5, Alpha,and Weebo all died. Yes they got remade but that's not the same.

Emma Kennedy

*spoiler* is breaking the pic actually showing empathy as link still trusts scary after all this time??

Ronald McRonald

Looking forward to the teen talk for this one

Philip Enders Arden

How mean would it be to update jimmy wong’s Wikipedia to include that he doesn’t shower.


Uh oh…. Link just went Oathbreaker. Jk jk.


Hearing all the heaven talk while listening to the heaven heist playlist is wild. Maybe Brad can get a crew together


Man i hate scary rn

Meme Mommy

I feel like an album with all the parody songs should be released lol


Man that’s a hell of an ending


I'm amazed that I'm rooting for the doodler, no matter what happens now I'm just going to feel empathy for it. If they kill it that'll be sad moment. This season is keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Goose Cous

The most realistic game of men’s soccer I’ve ever heard

Saint Kelp

[ep spoiler!!] I can’t tell if Link breaking the pick felt like him reaching out to Scary one last time or a deeper expression of his demise, he’s getting so much more hateful towards everything from being wronged over & over, it’s heartbreaking. I really liked this episode idc what everybody else is saying. It was a really awesome choice for Link to do the opposite of what was expected & an aCtually interesting story is never one you can predict the ending of. I also love learning more about how Willy has tricked Scary into siding with him. Props to yall :’) 💛

Saint Kelp

but also, I’m totally on Normal’s side, it’s devastating that throughout all he’s gone thru he’s still hopeful while Link is getting lead more towards the pessimism of it all.


I listened to nothing except 3 notes yet, but im furious how dare you making my feel emotions?????




look to each their own but hard disagree with the people here disappointed with this episode because my god, I don't think I've thought longer or harder about an episode of this show. was at work all day just nonstop thinking about what this means for the show and what the next episode will be like. one HELL of an ending (although I may be biased because linc is my favorite character). this ruled I loved this so much

Kendall Crosby

Ok where was Herme the Unworthy? Since the pick was still in tact when the teens met Glen does that mean Glen and Morgan don't really love each other? And am I the only one who feels like Link is growing darker and there is a chemistry between dark Link and Scary?


I got your Bournemouth - Arsenal joke Matt!

Jimmy Scott

RIP Paeden with that opening

Trevor Wurtsmith

Love the opening, See you Again for Paeden leaving was so touching next to the barely passing knowledge slapped together for shmeagan's memorial... had me on the floor laughing

Lile Grey Churn

I would love y’all to do things that make sense for your characters @matt just deciding to listen to scary all the sudden for literally no reason she said one thing to change his mind???

Lile Grey Churn

Comedy was awesome Anthony good job need Matt to make up his fuckin mind though his ass is always the one making split decisions that derail literally everything he was trying to do leading up to the moment and it just didn’t make sense that scary says one little thing and that just changes his mind he’s been shitting on her for weeks now and she didn’t say anything new info we didn’t already know link hates Willy and has constantly expressed he hates scary so why in the fuck would he start now in one of the most pivotal moments? (For shitty cliffhanger shock value that’s why) sorry I love y’all and this podcast so much I gotta call it like I see it on this one

Meredith Stanley

The opening is the remix Christ DEMANDED.

Chris Winnek



So... What happened to that clone of Taylor that Nick took to hell? Is it just yelling Fortnite in a random hell pit somewhere??

Cryptid Winkler

The clone melted after a certain amount of minutes or hours. the human gun didn't make clones that lasted forever.


What I love is how “comical” the past few episodes have been. Freddie fighting himself, saying the b word, playing soccer in hell. And then to cut the episode on a real note, Lincoln breaking the Pick, was a very enjoyable thing to happen. It created tension for me because it was unexpected and a big change of pace.


when i tell you my heart dropped, bruh i am dying!! This was such a good episode with tension, funny goofs, and twists like aaaaaaa


Forgot your little guy again huh guys

Devon Suits

I can see this intro being a running gag.

Isaac A





Hermie being forgotten the ENTIRE episode is so sad 😭


Just realized...if any magic item or spell works with the amplifier...why don't they use like dismiss deity or something on the amplifier

Brian Fields

So. Mad. #fuckscary

Brian Fields

Like they read the part in the diary where WILLIE TRIED TO DROWN RON IN THE RIVER, right? Why is scary a fan of that guy


Well I’m pretty sure Dismiss Deity is specifically a Call of Cthulhu spell. Plus it seems like Normal wants to help it so I assume Link and Taylor wouldn’t. And Willy clearly wants the Doodler for his own purposes so he wouldn’t want it gone either


now that I've had almost a week to sit on it, this is my new favorite episode easy. maybe thal change later because half of why I like it so much is just hype for things to come, but oh MAN I'm excited for the next episode in a way I don't think I've ever been for anything. I've GOTTA know what happens next. every episode makes me feel worse and worse for scary, devastated for normal, and as the world's biggest Lincoln Li-Wilson stan, this episode was ESPECIALLY emotionally hogwild. I am in turmoil in all the best ways possible, which is incredible considering I'm not a big fan of combat episodes most of the time. So excited to see how the show progresses from here. Linc I woulddie for you


Brad was one of the most moving characters deaths I’ve ever seen and nothing has made me more viscerally uncomfortable than listening to Matt fuck around with his candy cane



Lauren Boersma

Maybe I’m to naive but I was really hoping Willy changed… I hoping now that Matt fucked up he will be nicer to Scary Maybe this will make her feel less alone knowing someone other than Willy trusted/believed in her


These teenage mood swings got me STRESSED


I have decided season 2 of daddies is just a very slow train wreck that is wrecking because the conductors are a bunch of teenagers and is slow because it is being described on a podcast to stress everyone out.

Matthew Cagle

This is a dumb question: Did Henry and Mercedes have a late in life human duaghter named Birdie or did they get a female bird they think of as a child like Henry's old parrot (and secretly favorite child)?


Jolie and Glenn's angry sibling nonsense energy is killing me

Tony Swagman

Such an odd episode of blue lock

Jaime Fraser

I’m not a fan of re-using the same song for a second episode intro tbh And dropping a big lore point in the intro (“Birdie”) would have been great if we then learned more in the episode itself, but instead it was just ignored. It’s annoying to be left hanging for an indeterminate amount of time. Love that Link broke the pick daaamn! And the Glen/Jodi sibling fight energy is always a treat. Love it ❤️

Noah Tubbs

Doubt Anthony intended it but [Chainsaw Man manga spoiler] I pictured the referee as the Darkness Devil in hell cutting peoples arms off

Ben Sokol

"My theology is geology" is such a killer line.

Zwish King

characters doing what Willy wants be filling me with autistic rage.


The soccer demons getting advantage after already being suggested is wack, if anything i feel like they would be more susceptible

Jake Lee

I love everyone and understand that they’re playing the characters WONDERFULLY, but… i’m so tired of Scary being manipulated by Willy and can’t wait for her to get some character development and learn how to just be herself


I think im officialy a ScaryLinc fangirl because when he said "I love you?" I imagined Scary standing stock still, completely shook, and then he SNAPPED IT FOR HER!?!? Excuse me while I die in a fangirl fire.


Taylor who thinks his mom is the coolest finally realizes that the second coolest person is his grandmother Morgan Freeman, the demon hunting ranger 😂


GOTHLEATS I HATE IT 😭🤣🤣 In the great words not Dennis, I'm just happy to be here


Trying to catch up on the show and holy moly I hope the rest of the season is better than this