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As our community grows, we’re always looking for ways to improve your experience. We've noticed that the merch discount codes available to EX-L, Touring, and Elite members find their way onto the internet. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work on a solution. That's why we've been developing a custom web portal for y'all!

This site links up your Patreon account with our merch system to distribute individualized coupon codes! No longer will your hard-earned coupon code be leaked onto the internet by bandits for freeloaders. Moving forward, this tool is how active patrons like you can receive your 25% off merch coupon code.

Since this tool is rolling out to our largest audience yet, we fully expect to discover bugs. Please let us know if you encounter any issues by using this form! 🐛 Your reports will help us investigate what's going on.

Click here to access the new Patron Tool portal!

✔ How do I sign in?

Signing into this tool is easy! All you need to do is head over to https://patrons.dungeonsanddaddies.com/login and then connect your active Patreon account!

After that you’re all set: you’ll be able to view, copy, and then use your merch code.

We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback! Let us know your thoughts by chatting in the new #coupon-tool channel in Discord's Touring section or by sending us a Patreon message!

❓ Frequently Asked Questions:

The tool says my email isn't verified but it is! What do I do?

This is an unfortunate issue on Patreon's side. Please report the email verification bug to us using the reporting form below. You can continue to use the old coupon code for now.

In the meantime, we have a work-around that may work: change your Patreon email to another address, switch it back to the desired address, and then verify it again!

How do I report a problem with the tool?

Please report all bugs by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/yx7NR3AJwG47TFhQ6

How do I get another merch coupon after I use the first one?

Each coupon code is single use. After you place a store order with the first code, you simply log into the tool again to receive another code!

Where do I go if I have a question?

You can either chat with us in the new #coupon-tool channel under the Touring section or send us a message in Patreon!

What information is shared/used by this site?

We are using Patreon's API to authenticate your account data, so you aren't making a brand new account with us. When you log in, we verify your Elite status and pull your patron data by querying it directly from Patreon's backend.

Who do I contact if I need help with shipping, customs information, or fulfillment?

Please contact our merchandise partner SCP directly at this website: https://wearescp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

What will happen to the old coupon code?

The old coupon code will still be usable in the meantime! We're going to take time to test out this new tool by first introducing it to Touring patrons (that's you!) After we see how that goes, we'll roll out the tool to the EX-L patrons. Once it's confirmed that everything is working as intended, we'll officially take the old code down and announce it on Patreon!



This will make it easier as often I don’t look at updates and codes lol. Thanks team! 💕


Worked like a charm!


TIL I get a discount code for being a patreon sub! Code worked great :)


Easy to link to!


Went to check out the tool and it's saying it's 15% off rather than 25% . Anyone else having this happen? 🤔