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The teens go to HELL!!!

This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content.



Logan Eliot

When I saw the title was a se7en reference…


So scared right now

Alex Da San Martino

Taylor is just a head on a quest with some adventurers? Anthony really did write on God of War


I am Dying. This is so good


The eigthe level had me dying


That Christmas glitch Music is fucking rad Freddie, good shit! 🤘🎄👹

Amy Waller

Dudes, I had the best day today. Slept with someone for the first time, I get to listen to the funniest episode of this DnD podcast thus far, and I got a grilled cheese. Holy shit I am winning.


Big love for the christmas tones over the hell music 🤘🤘🤘

Cathal McManus

yo do you get a shout out for 5 dollars in the show?


Damn it Freddy, you better release the rest of that sick-ass Christmas rock music that played as they entered hell 😑🤘

Aaron W

"Kids in the Hell"? Is that a thing?

Josiah Muskrat

15 min left in this episode and nothing has removed the sense of danger in this entire show as much as this episode revealing that literal Hell is basically as bad as a rough day at the carnival.

Isaac A

I’m not finished with the episode yet but did they use any of my items

Isaac A

I’m Isaac adamson


The heat Scary and Linc brought in the back and forth was great 🔥 teenage enemy passive aggression (the highest form of anger in us all along)

Nick Morton

choosing to believe link was "baptized" unitarian universalist, which is more of a naming ceremony, and so it doesnt count


Laughing at work while listening to this. Made today so much better

Rachelle Mai

“He’s a con artist!” Easily the best intro we’ve had


This was quite possibly my favorite episode out of both seasons. Laughed out loud, hard, too many times to count. Listened 3 times in 6 hours and I'll probably go back again before Teen Talk. Well done Daddies!!!


not to play favorites but matt has truly been the roleplay mvp of this season

Noel Murphy

This season kicks ass. You guys really took the gloves off once all the dads/uncle were returned home, and I havent been more addicted since the middle act of S1 when we got into Henry's origin/Deck Picks/the Trial of Glen Close.


lincoln li wilson is the best character in fictionhistory i am convinced and certain of this

Rowan Deen

this ep absolutely rules start to end, it's rare we get this many goofs And this much angry yelling per minute


Devastated the eighth level of hell where people go when they say the b word wasnt the Entourage universe


Beth may best heel. Do I hate Scary? Maybe. But its more of a parent watching their daughter get involved with a sketchy guy

CR Follin



I just heard the layer of lust and thought yes another BDSM EPISODE


"It was a universal life church preist not a real preist" anthony is calling my ass out 😂😂


the bgm sound effects are on point this episode


If you only had that dust that makes you tell the truth, inteast you had the Zone Of Avoiding Telling The Truth.😆 I love this season, I didn't really think I'd like it as much a S1, but I think I like it more.


If you guys actually sell condoms that say ribbed for your suffering. I’ll hate it but I’ll also have to buy them.

Jamie Santiago

Wait wait I know Taylor is Jodie’s grandson. But did he not notice Hermie was there too? 😂😂 or am I mixing up the wonky family tree??


I love Hermie and Normals relationship so much hdhdjdgg


The music for hell was great


ok so scary orchestrated the murder of man in her "friends" house while lying to the people who trust her and care about her.... I loved scary at the start, the alt kid who is struggling to give themselves permission to be happy with non alt things. But straight up murdering a man cause trying to help him was too hard is irredeemable, in the same way i would be extremely opposed to willy having a "redemption" arc I don't think being young is an excuse for MURDER.


Support Women’s Wrongs 🫶🏻

Gabriel Graywood

This is Too Short's favorite episode

Meredith Stanley

I play bass clarinet and I've never felt more attacked lmao.


I haven't laughed this hard at anything sense episode 55 of season 1, I laughed so hard and consistently that I felt like I got the best ab workout of my life.

Jamie Santiago

I feel like people claiming Scary is irredeemable are dismissing too quickly the fact that Willy is a full-grown man with his own agency. Scary wasn’t holding a gun to his head, forcing him to kill Tony. I do think she’ll have to reflect and carry the burden of her actions. She did betray the party. Ultimately though, Willy killed Tony. Willy was under absolutely no obligation to obey Scary and did it anyway. He saw an angsty teen, in a vulnerable place, and gave her 2 things: 1) validation for her attitude and 2) literal magical power over her environment. Is he doing it in a exploitative way and for his own nefarious purposes? Almost definitely. But people have very quickly downplayed the significance of his obvious manipulation of this teenage girl and placed almost all the blame on Scary.

Jared Knight

Jamie: agree to disagree.


From the begining I hear Matt say the PRODUCTIVE PALADIN OF THE GROUP I just got that its protective

Brian Hays

This...was a good episode


its just crazy to me how every episode is so much better than the last. ill be like 'theres no WAY they can top how funny this episode is' and then the next episode will have me crying. i know ive commented on the last handful of episodes saying 'this is my favorite episode of the season' but this is my NEW favorite episode of the season... for NOW!

Lauren Boersma

Everybody saying they hate scary, but i love her even if she’s annoying. I’m upset that she is back with her friends so quick. I kinda wish we had part of an episode with just her and Willy and let her feel the isolation more. Cause if I helped kill a person (that we all were thinking of killing to begin with) idk if I would go back to the friends that judged me for it. Speaking of judging, Matt saying that about scarys dad felt so outta line -more so than the murder lol

Dann Sanchez

Will was absolutely killing it this episode 😭😭

Jared Knight

Scary never felt like she would be any kind of friend with the rest of the group and vice versa. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but every episode I think that Scary is far too toxic, and selfish for that friend group. I think it makes perfect sense for her to be the bad guy. I'm not sure how realistic a redemption within the group would be. Saying that I do think she's on an interesting personal journey. But I constantly roll my eyes any time they're nice to her. Sephiroth doesn't belong in your party, no matter how cool he is.

B. J. Boyd

Something’s up with Scary’s stomach ache. Maybe it’s related to her turn to the dark side.


how the ~hell~ did they not call it "the lier the bitch and the wardrobe"


Great episode ❤️


In terms of comedy, this is my new favourite intro! 😂😂😂😂


Damn my boy link is fucking savage.


X and y axis joke got me like what geometry is this

Nathan Sharpe

They really missed the possibility for link to have Taylor's head like Mimir's on his belt

Anthony Monachino

It took me way too long to get the title.

Meickel Ridings

Herme totally couldve grabbed taylors body!!!!!! AGHHh


Link and Taylor are such a fucking dream team; i love them too much for my heart to handle


Freddie the doom Christmas music slappppps. Please release it lol

Oren Tuchman

Nice Arsenal shout out Matt!

Ivan Ramirez

I hate that I first thought the title of this episode was a reference to Homestuck

Armella Lane

Nobody left hard enough at the fading avenge me and I'm angry about it




Matt dunking on Beth and Anthony with his aura of devotion is SO good


As a Bass Clarinet player I’m so hurt that Normal thinks we’re trying to be saxophones🥲 Actually we are better sounding and cooler clarinets😎


When they get down to Rage and Lincoln and Scary are committing to "enemies forever" I swear to bacon bitz, my ship alarm went off SO HARD! Like, at first it was just cute awkward teen romance levels but NOW its Enemies to Lovers!?!? I'm sorry but I CAN'T!! 😍🥴🥰

Molly Sorensen

Hell's music is wonderful!

Carlos Sepeda

I’m relistening to the podcast and I’d say it’s fitting I get to the Christmas hell episode on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas Everyone 🎁🎄