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The Dad Crew sits down to catch up after the holidays and play Grant Howitt's magical sex comedy one shot This One Time at Bard Camp!

We'll be back next week with a new episode!


Callum Walz

Is Freddie trying to reference Kate and Leopold??? LMAO


Far from the Madding Crowd (2015), but it’s sheep that all die.


This is proof that Matt should be everyone’s favorite


Omg I have just in the last few months entered my Christie phase and bought And Then There Were None like days ago and now there will be a miniseries based on it yyyYYYAAAYYYY thank you Anthony *you* are my favorite ♡♡♡

Chris Wade

Matt is my favorite. 🥲

Lori Berryman

But Matt IS my favorite

Lori Berryman

Actually he ties with Beth as my fav.

Mrs Nomar

"There's never been an asmr that insults you" ... apparently we go to very different asmr websites


Soooo was Beth baked on this episode? She played a stoner pretty well lol.


"Thing about pervert hell? It's also pervert heaven." *Cuts to Willy's 50 year No Fap Purgatory*


I am IMPOSSIBLY excited to hear them absolutely ruin everything I love about Agatha Christie novels.

Cassie Stell-Souther

The second I heard “Angel with a shotgun” it gave me war flash backs of middle school and of that song by The Cab of the same name

Jesse Barbour

Freddie, I'm with you on the grills thing. I assumed it was permanent. I have lost a lot of respect for those with grills now, the devotion isn't there

Grace Hansen

Beth’s “Jesus Wins” at the end killed me lmao

Matt Jaworowski

This was good! Anthony, I want you to know that goblin quest was good too!

Rachel MacArthur

I have officially lost my whole mind over "pitoooey!" :D

Elsa Double


DJ Danger Close

This is an episode is made for Matt. Sad he wasn't here

Aylis J Lind

Matt Arnold is my favorite

Faron Woods

I am now convinced Matt is the only thing that keeps the group from rocketing off the rails. I do love that it's always Freddie's characters that get laid.


I'm 26 years old and I just learned grills aren't permanent


The way I said "Australia" at the same time as Beth is now my Roman Empire


I was not expecting to be reminded of the friggin they shoot horses movie but here we are




I love band of horses lmfao


The fact that it is now 2024 is crazy

Kaesar cabrera

That's a lie, Matt and will are my favorite

Danny Tinkler

I have been thinking that a murder mystery would be awesome for the podcast, so I am really excited

Virgil McClurken

Some times you just have to roll with the changes.


Love it team. Great work!

Kait O’Mara

Matt is my favorite, because he is probably the best of staying true to his characters and a serious game player. Also personality and catholic upbringing makes relate to him a lot. But with that said. Anthony is also my favorite, cuz obvious. And Beth would be too but she reminds me of me and I hate myself. Lol

Imo Flores

My favorite mbic ever

James Howard

Why would you hate yourself? You are alive, a miracle of creation. You are a living testament to your ancestors, proof positive in just how far we have come as a people. The simple act of posting this comment is astounding, even more so my reply! Ever single day you participate in the massive turning machine that is life on Earth, and even if you're in a little dark corner of it, you should be proud of yourself and your ancestors, just for existing.