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A skeleton crew of the Dads gets together to talk about episode 24 of season two, including how the dynamic of Scary's position at odds with the rest of the group is playing out, Beth's favorite sunglasses brand, and hobbies that took over everyone's life in high school. 



Pidgey koto

Beth/Scary poems with midwest emo guitar noodling accompanied plz

Pidgey koto

Beth/Scary poems with midwest emo guitar noodling plz

Frankie Franco


Daniel Acton

I love Welcome to Nightvale. Welcome to Oakvale would be the greatest thing ever!

Larz Bracken

When I was 17, I bought my then girlfriend an expensive ass bouquet of roses with all the money I had at the time left over, it was something crazy like $40. So I gave it to her, and her friend in that very moment after it's left my hand says, "You know yellow roses mean eternal friendship, right?" It all worked out in the end though, we got married.

Abby Parrish

These bring me so much joy. 😊

Matthew Li

so excited :)


I want Beth to dm a one shot!!!

liam sullivan

Eyo need to borrow a line 6 spider amp?


Uhm, Freddie, I would like to thank you for my life with that David Chang rec. This will be such a game changer for me!!!!


The Episode was great XD Don't worry Beth you'd do great dming a one shot😌👌🏻


Also Freddie really strikes me as a DJ in highschool 😂

Nerdsome Noel

There is one mix CD I made that I still think about all the time (called it the mullet mix, first disc was ‘business’ the second was ‘party’) and I thought I was a weirdo for it. But turns out it’s just an age group thing. So whew! Also, Will’s comment on the reminders on the app that he never remembers hit me where I live. 🥲


Damn Will has beef with the Blue angels

Finn Sparger

The Bright Sessions!!!

Mike Rhine

Beth saying nobody discovers podcasts anymore and then Freddy referencing glide ratios is such a weird coincidence for me. Just starting to listen to black box down which is a podcast about plane crashes and they constantly talk about glide ratios.


Oh my god BETH please make a Scorpion Slut album, you spit fire without even trying all of the time! And literally everyone on this Patreon loves your voice, so you already have such a huge fan base!!! And I have been playing just your intro songs to the few friends I have who “don’t listen to podcasts” or are behind, just to scream about how good you are. Also your poetry style would translate beautifully into songs, and the idea that it’s in character allows you to have total freedom from perfectionism! It’s a rare delight to get to create a work of art from the perspective of another person, who is ultimately an indulgent version of one aspect of yourself and that’s so much fun! Rocks Rock, (which I use to get people into dungeons and daddies while people drive me since I can’t drive because of the seizures) has not lost my a single friend who’s willing to drive me around, and got all but 1 of them into this show. The one hold out I know I can get into this with Scorpion Slut, he’s the kind of guy who had crushes on the scary’s of the world in hs.

Noah Jay

Re: nobody listens to podcasts over the holidays. Hi, single Jewish person here who doesn't have friends! I have 4 days off where most people are out socializing but I'm home with my cat. So podcasts are good parasocial morale boosters!

Phoenix Vizva’i

Literally the one amp I got in high school and never learned to play proper 😂😂 I felt so cool doing my research and picking out the spyder, it sounds great!!


Hi! Not single but long distance person who has to be around her incredibly stressful family for up to 5 whole days and needs something to listen to when “walking my service dog” aka letting him walk me because I’m the stressed one! Two family members flying in one from florida, Covid is on the rise again, real anxious! It’s totally fair to take a break because the holidays mean conflicting scheduling or just even to take a break. But the podcast that get skipped during the holidays are the ones you’re already not that into, so the irony of saying that on a Patreon only podcast is very funny. To Noah, might I suggest SitcomD&D if you haven’t already gotten into it, Anthony is in one episode as a character, and dms an episode in season two, also Erin from Hey Riddle Riddle is in it and they have the other riddle boys on!

Kelsey Reyer

My local convention had a Dungeons & Daddies discussion panel and I got covid like 2 days before the con and I'm so damn upset I didn't get to go.

Kay Sharp

don’t worry freddy i’m sure over one hundred people will remind you to take a photo of your odometer now

Casey Francis Alger

Line 6 Spider or Fender Hot Rod Deluxe; which way western man??? Also Real Ultimate Power was a daily visit for me in high school lol.


Sitcom D&D and Hey Riddle Riddle have the best intro songs in podcasting. Just a jolt of exactly the kind of energy you're getting and want.

B. J. Boyd

Beth thinking her retired fighter pilot dad is the least cool person in the world is peak Scary Marlow.

An Lam

Please get a “Welcome to Nightvale” cameo!! That’d be so cool

Josh Rindt

Would spoofing Story Break for an intro be too meta?

Ruby Doo

Hearing that Beth randomly became a hockey fan made me stop in my tracks because I did the exact same thing in high school except I am from New Zealand (no ice hockey) and my team was the Toronto Maple Leafs because they were kinda bad. Everyone I knew was incredibly confused by this development because why is a NZ sixteen year old girl scrolling through the NHL app in maths class. In addition the reason I got into hockey was because of the webcomic Check, Please! It was a very hard to explain phase…

Kyle Barnes

Freddy talking about 500 trips to mark for taxes and me looking at my 900+ for the last 3 months knowing I’ll still have another 100 more before new years


I have to hard disagree with Freddie on his stance on releasing Podcasts during the Holidays. (I may just be a weirdo though) I've been using this holiday season to catch up on podcasts and binge. I'm very used to this happening as it happens every year but I will still say that this phenomenon still makes me sad :(

Matt Glynn

I have been dating the same woman for 7 years now and i still make her mix CDs. Not playlists on spotify/apple music, but actual physical CDs

Mitch Patmagrian

Scorpion Slut being a crasser and dirtier B52s song is basically just The Cramps so I can only hope they take some inspiration from them especially with people rediscovering them from Wednesday.

Sophie nah

Freddie Will and Beth is such a specific pure energy and I love it. Who even needs those other guys, Ive already forgotten their names

CR Follin

I agree with you! I don’t really do much around holidays so for me, I always want to listen to more!


I will do everything in my power to some see you guys live next year


Sigh. Finally catch up … in time for the holiday break. 😢 pS Freddie- bruh, reminder on your phone for Jan 2 to take that photo.


Ps, if you head down under for Comic Con I’m coming.

Carl Netzler

I’m a Navy pilot, and this was hilarious.

Margaret Bashaar

Throwing it out there that a Behind the Bastards spoof intro would be fucking delightful. For me, at least.


Don't limit yourselves just to conventions! If you did a live tour I would love to go to one of those shows! It might be easier to book places that way too


By coincidence I’m in my season 1 relisten and just got to the dnd 1e part and I think it’s funny that Darryl, Grant and Link all immediately chose to make the coolest ( hottest?) dnd characters they could think of.


Maybe Taylor got real into Dr. Stone and that's what got him on the survivalist kick?

George Ingerman

You guys totally did do a "My Dad Wrote a Porno" podcast spoof in Season 1, and I lost my mind at it being so funny! Also, if you could get James, Jamie, or Alice on the podcast I would be equally enthralled!


A lot of people have to drive a ton during the holidays too so ideal podcast listening time

Jaclyn T

Season 1, Episode 42 - Henry's Father & the Chamber of Secrets

Bryce Robertson

Talking about the one track being well produced reminds me of the H Jon Benjamin (voice of Archer or Bobs Burgers) making a jazz album where everything is well produced but he plays the piano and can’t play the piano. One of the funniest things to hear!


In episode 24 when Anthony talked about the item submission I got excited, now my item has a chance

slightly expired yoghurt

freddy: “nobody listens to podcasts over the holidays, you’d be throwing it into the void” me, a jew, listening to this over chanuka as i hand grate potato’s for latkes 👁️👄👁️


Twice a month, I stroll into Talking Dads and just let it whisk me off to wherever it will. This time I bought the anyday dish from David Chang.

Emma Dalzell

I would pay an arm and a leg for Anthony and Will (and any of the others who'd want to) to publish a d&d campaign book....jussayin'


Will suggested Rebecca Black - Friday for great music with awful lyrics, I’d like to offer up Grant MacDonald’s magnum opus “Ram Ranch” as worth listening for that category


bartok: but she eats a lot of lean cuisines! ; amazing quote there. someone put it on the wikiquotes for freddie

Blythe Atkinson

The gang talking about mix CDs 💿...bruh, at the end of my freshman year in college, my RA gave everyone on our floor fake awards, and I got the award for "Best CD Mixes", because I used to make mix tapes to play in the communal bathroom/shower area. Excited for more Daddy mischief in the new year!

Chandler Hines

Hilarious they mention “Serial” as a starter podcast because that was the podcast I’d listen to before dungeon and daddies started 😂


Freddy take a picture of your odometer today


1. I listen to podcast over the holidays. It's an antidepressant. 2. I am reading Bravetart. I will not be explaining to anyone why.

Katie Gressett

i'm just gonna go ahead and bet that the con was dragon con bc i was waitinggggg for the announcement that they were going and it never dropped

Chloe Dyck

Good episode


Damn missed this somehow but Mission to Zyxx intro would have been so good. No idea how it would work, but still.