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The teens pay a visit to the Church of the Doodler.

This episode contains Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Content.




If Hermie is Jody’s son then that makes Nick and him brothers which means that Taylor is hermie’s nephew

Chantelle Black


Chantelle Black

Holy shit that was a good freaking episode!!


that shit hurted 10/10

Aylis J Lind

This is one of the very best episodes. 💕🥹😭

Cat Gonzales

I know Anthony says in this episode that this is his worst fear about season 1 being better, but this episode is what made me upgrade from EX to touring and it's the best choice I made all year. I re-listened to the entire series uncut, I get Dad merch, and then I re-listened again to the ad free versions. I was scared because it was still pandemic and it felt irresponsible, but it was the best decision I made all year. thanks y'all!


The episode I didn't know I needed 😭💔

Julien Zubkov

“And then you feel: being inside… two young boys…” -Daddy Anthony ~1hr 17.5min


Can anyone help me 😭 at like 1:04:50, they’re talking about the church pews, and then Will makes a comment and everyone freaks out and I’m not sure if I’m not hearing it right, or if I just don’t understand it? “She’s got a great apps?”

Ashley Nicollette

Will said "She's got a great apse!" An apse is the semicircle part of the church at the end of the aisle that is where the pews are typically facing!


Just so good to hear the original daddies again! I loved the play back and forth from grandkids to grandads. Don't want to spoil anything for future listeners, but the doodler's thoughts blow my mind and it's a great, refreshing take on the BBEG.

Elijah Andrade

Im confused on the ramifications of this episode, who is Taylor Swifts grandfather? Jodie or Glenn? He turns into Glenn, so even tho Jodie is Nicks demon "dad" from the court, Glenn is still Nicks father? Im assuming its like genetically the case but Jodie being a demon its like a curse of demonic tendencies?

Jack Futty

So because I never looked up what Anthony has done professionally, I never realized that all the jokes they made about Borderlands 2 was because he was head writer for it. So I went and looked at his works and realized he's written for a bunch of other stuff I know. In particular. he designed the board game World Championship Russian Roulette, a game which I backed on Kickstarter, got in the mail, and then never played. I distinctly remember at GenCon that year going up a guy at their booth and saying "Hey, I backed this game on Kickstarter!" and getting a very tired response of "Oh, cool. Do you like it?" To which I quickly realized that I never should have started this conversation because I hadn't actually played it, and gave a "Oh well, um, I guess I haven't had a chance to play it too much..." response. He then offered to play a round of the game with me where I botched several rules and further proved that I shouldn't have started this conversation. I bring this up because I'm now wondering if that person I played the demo with and had one of the most awkward conversations in my life with was Anthony. I think the odds are pretty slim (it's so long ago that I don't remember the guy specifically; it was probably just a random employee of TuesdayKnightGames), but I something at the back of my head is telling me that this might have been him. Either way, I still haven't played that game, so this comment is just as awkward as that interaction. Love you Anthony!

Jacob B.

I have a bouqet of roses with no one in range to throw it too. This is my favorite episode that you guys have released so far!

Phi Oglesby

I can't believe the doodler has disorganized attachment

Reilly Gillis

Fun fact about the weird al show- the production company would only give him a kids show, which is not what he wanted to do. So he did what he does and made a parody of every kids show, and thats why it was so fucking unhinged. And of course the corporate execs hated it and that's why there's only one season

Zack Bochman

something about Anthony and will yelling just makes me cry literally every time. you guys pluck my emotional heartstrings every time.

Faith Perez

hooooly shit. one of the strongest episodes between both seasons. huge applause to all!!!!!