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The teens do what's known as "quiet quitting," wherein they attempt to keep up with the requirements of their employment while also quietly scheming up an escape plan.

This episode contains profanity, violence, body horror, sexual content.




As soon as Scary said "I stick my middle finger out" I realized...Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way? Is that you?


Feeling like such a fool rn trying to listen to this episode in public and laughing so hard

Jamie Santiago

I hope they go back for Hermie before he pulls a Cern and comes back bitter and with deck of many things 😂

Heidi Yi Febinger

These episodes made me order pizza. Get that sponsorship!

dog pockets

big daemonculaba energy coming from those 'zones


holy intro

Lile Grey Churn

When Matt called risky Rick it made me realize his link voice is just morty


I now preemptively say so in my head waiting for Anthony to say it


Counter point, episode 3 normal says he has dogs at his house


Are these episodes sped up? These pace seemed like chaos to me.


The title is brilliant!!


As a massage therapist, I can confirm Anthony’s experience. It is true. These bitches are crazy. The medical side of massage is much better lol


Real quick just want to say that as someone who has a lot of massage therapist in my family; my mom, my stepsister, my sister-in-law, my aunt and a couple of family friends they are not all like that! I've been thinking about getting certified in massage myself tho so I deff know the kind of people your talking about tho. 😞 the crunchy well-meaning naturalistic liberal to antivax pipe line is so real