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The Dad Crew goes deep on episode twelve of the new season, including how Beth visually conveyed the two Scarys while recording, the litany of Beth May Killshots in this ep, the mind-bending Scrunchie Paradox, and the recurring background characters across episode intros.

Plus, they take some listener questions and get into pranks everyone has pulled growing up, the best entrance music for entering a room, rebellious moments as kids, and how to take the leap into making art professionally with a life full of adult responsibilities.



Oren Tuchman

Hey, we ask questions on the Official Discord Server, so if you have a question you would ask it there!


After hearing about my favorite games, phasmo and HLL, on my favorite podcast I gotta know, does anyone in the cast do regular livestreams?


If I wanted to get into listening to Warhammer 40k books, where do I start and where do I go from there?

King ETL

Sometimes I think im rhe only one who's played army of 2 then mat reminds me I'm not alone

jonathan Beaton

I often tell people: Do what you love because you love it. You’re going to suck at everything the first time. You have to get through the suck phase with love. Have fun not caring about the outcome. Maybe you’ll be able to show other people the results of your hard work one day. But that hard work takes lots of time and the only way to get through it is love what you do.


This part at the end about starting creative activates as an adult was incredible, i picked up the same hobbies as matt and wasted way to much on primer when i just needed to start painting


Just gotta say, the editing on this show has always been spectacular and this season it continues to be excellent.


With all the elevator etiquette in this episode, I'm really glad my office building has a floor selection screen outside the elevators, so you press which floor you need and the system groups convenient floors together as they get to the lobby. Totally eliminates my embarrassment as going to 3

Sophie nah

I was SO convinced the scary being honest was the real scary. They absolutely sent me through the five stages of grief trying to work this shit out

Michael Valdivia

I just have to say esters (hopefully I spelled that right) editing skills is amazing.👍


The elevator at where I work is weird. If I'm in there and someone else comes in and presses a higher number, the elevator will skip my floor and go to theirs. Talk about awkward for everybody.