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The Dad Crew gets together to talk about Episode 11 of the new season, including a deep dive on the game of Werewolf in this episode, how everyone might have played it if they were the possessed teen, formative moments in high school, and entry level ways to start creating video and other multimedia. 




I know they mentioned the title but I still don't know what the title is a reference to 😭


Listening to this during a rougher point in my life and I think I needed to hear some of things talked about in this one. Something Matt said about how as life goes on it doesn’t really get easier like things are still hard, reminds me of what my high school psychology teacher said. He told us that he had over 50 years to learn coping mechanisms for stress, as high schoolers we only had 15/16 generously including the formative years. Things might not get easier but you can learn to be easier on yourself

Kay Ashley

There is a movie called “the thing” that’s basically like Amongus or Werewolf or Mafia lol


Yes lol it's a phenomenal movie! I was wondering if "That Thing? You, Dude!" Was an anagram or if that was a reference to something besides the Thing lol

bj's mustache

I want to hear Will play saxophone SO badly

Kari Petersen

Thank you for being super real guys. I'm the same age as Beth and I definitely agree with Matt's take on life so far.

Frankie Franco

Thes fest was the shit god I miss that

Maria M

It’s incredible that his dad sat down and talked to him to help reframe that experience. I desperately wish I had had someone like that to help me through high school. I hope that you recognize that this one experience doesn’t define you and I hope it does impede your ability to enjoy playing violin. There’s still much, much more life out there ❤️


I'm here to understand Matt's thought process in giving everyone the biggest red herring ever during a social deduction game. I still don't understand.

Louis Frohock

Did anyone else hear what sounded like a bus stopping and the door opening




That Non Scary voice intro had my head tilt

Andrew Duck

My favourite social deduction game moment was when playing Secret Hitler, the same guy got to play Hitler 3 times in a row. Everyone at the table was joking during the 3rd round that he was Hitler without any evidence at all and it was the funniest thing when he revealed himself to be Hitler all along. Since then, he we’ve never played that game again because we always know who Hitler is.


They talk about how it's easier to tell who is the imposter when you aren't in the game but I had NO idea. Beth did an incredible job.


the advice at the end was really helpful, thanks everyone <3 :’)


I’d buy a motivational poster that says, “plants don’t grow without fertilizer, which is just, dumping shit on plants.” - Will Campos


Ya know when I pledged to the silly not a bdsm found family haha funny podcast I wasn't expecting to learn valuable life lessons in the bonus discussion episodes. I'm not complaining, honestly I think some advise y'all gave to the teens is something that I needed to hear even as an adult.

Audrey McCLure

Dude as an 18 year old girl this episode hit hard. Beth talking about hating herself made me cry- just now being an adult right now sucks but hearing these guys talk about being an adult really helps. Thanks guys


I thought Matt's idea was genius! Just putting that out there

Matt Morey

My favorite Resistance moment just happened last weekend. I was a Spy and got to pick the first mission. I chose the other two Spies and I threw out a fail, while they succeeded. It caused pure chaos the whole game because nobody expected that all 3 spies were on the first failed mission. So we ended up winning.


5m35s the bus

Max Wilson

It was certainly a roller coaster episode. But I felt like Beth was playing a little more aggressively than usual, so I thought it was her. When she dropped the, “I wish I was the Doodler.” I knew it.

Amara Davidson

i’m cursed whenever we play secret hitler and i don’t know how to fix my issue but everyone trusts me whenever i’m a fascist but whenever i’m (i think it’s a liberal?) but like actually on the “good side” nobody believes me and thinks i’m suspicious 😭


This podcast is like a self help podcast… You guys should have Esther Perel as a guest star.

Thorn Wiese

Would anyone else like to see them play among us as the dad's 🤣

Julia Comer

I *also* went to a Thes Fest (in Iowa) multiple times in high school.


They did! I think it was a game night thing?

Jeff Helner

I'll provide the link below, they occassionally release game nights over MBIC: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mbic-september-42350383

Thorn Wiese

Is it a higher tier thing?


Loved Beth sharing the enormous effort to look back at your past self and find something to love. Great advice.


A)Antony, I heard and appreciated your “it means you’re not a cow” joke. B) Beth talking about hating her teen self is such a mood. I’m glad she is working through it and hopefully she can love herself and Scary! C) I love Ms. Marvel so far but it is so hard to watch because she is an accurate teenager. I realized that is why this season of DnDads is resonating so hard with me. So accurate (especially scary/normal for me). But it doesn’t have the cringe factor because of the OOC moments.

Harrison Lee

Freddie stacked the deck with his bottom deal so will got spy 6 times in a row. *takes tin foil hat off*

Lollie Roberts

In response to Matt saying we don't need the letter C, please see this great video explaining how C is an important part of the history of the Latin alphabet https://youtu.be/chpT0TzietQ

Jay Morrorless

I really appreciate y'all, too. It's been a long time since I've been a teen and life is still a struggle everyday, but this podcast has helped brighten quite a few days. Stay safe all!

John Leinaar

Hey Anthony. I heard you talk about your tattoo in the podcast and when I had to do really extreme stuff I used a cream called Hush Cream. It's a topical lidocaine and it does remove a lot of the pain. There is points I didn't feel my tattoo at all. Good luck on your tattoo 😊

Shawn Edmond

I think this was my favorite talking dad yet


Well to be fair to us, (1) we couldn’t see them, (2) Matt was being insane.


You can do that! You can even become a monk if you want. Thich Nhat Hanh recently died, but he led an incredible life and basically founded the mindfulness movement with the Plum Village Buddhist tradition after being exiled from Vietnam. Check his stuff out: https://plumvillage.org/books/no-mud-no-lotus/ If you have kids I highly recommend Anh’s Anger from the same publisher (different author but same themes).


I really liked all the content but the vibe when they record remotely is awkward for me. The pauses feel a little longer and less certain.

Harrison Lee

Theres this game called Bang! thats kinda like mafia its also really fun i highly suggest it

Envy Gul D' Cryso

“Nothing ever gets easier, you just get stronger.”

Mary Weber

Honestly the back half of the teen talks are super hard to listen to, because I have a lot of shame and anger around my late teens and early 20's. I appreciated Beth saying she looks back and tries to find things to love about her younger self. I'm doing that too. It's hard. Each year I get happier and more well-adjusted and kinder to myself, though, so I'm looking forward to being fully blissed out in my 80's.

basil grayson

day idk of asking the teens to play beyblades

Meagan Chancellor

Had a little cry listening to Beth and Will this episode. I hated myself a lot when I was younger, and I'm SO looking forward to not giving a fuck in my 30's :')

Beck Webster

If you’re looking for fun balsamic vinegars and you’re ever in the northeast, check out “Extra Virgin” in Mystic, CT! They have a bunch of different infused flavors that you can taste in the store!

Connor Millar

I was playing among us with my brother one time, and in chat he goes “it was me I swear” instead of “it WASNT me” and he was voted off… it was actually him XD

Cody Rushing

After listening to teen talk and listening to the episode again... Im still conviced Matt was the imposter.

Matthew Li

This has definitely been my favorite talking dad/teens ever. As someone who is still considered pretty young and about to enter my second year of college, all of those issues and topics of hating yourself are just so recent to me, and hearing your guy's advice and messages of hope just brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for all that you guys do! :)

Dissident Love

*listens to goofy pee-pee poo-poo comedy podcast after-show* *bursts into tears from raw emotional honesty*

Trent Ellen

About Freddie’s point about backing into a car during a car chase. I feel like shouldn’t all the cars in the future finally be electric where they just all have batteries underneath??

Nia R

Now we need a battle episode so Beth can flex!!

sam mathews

I think this has to be my favorite talking dad of all time. I honestly needed the emotional stuff at the end. I'm currently struggling knowing where to go ij loge, but I kmow that it's gonna be alright.

Adrian Vance

The part where beth is talking about loving her younger self really hit hard. Made me a cry a lil :,)

Bryce Carter

I love the teen advice at the end. As a 33 year old I felt it in my heart! Also, Beth! I got rebound COVID last month. It sucks! I felt it for a few weeks and still have weird occasional brain fog. Good luck with your recovery.

raven rodger

Piss shop,ROCKS ROCK,Jodie,and cutting an Achilles tendon to stop hiccups mean nothing without the context of this non bdsm dnd podcast


Man, that advice from Beth and Matt really hit me hard. Especially the part about life getting harder but learning healthy coping mechanisms along the way. I’m getting to that point where my very close loved ones are getting sick and dying. Finding the little bright spots in the day and healthy distractions are what’s getting me through right now. I’m forever grateful for this podcast for helping me cope. ❤️

Dominick Jansen

Antony, can you plz post a Pic of your back tattoo? I would love to see it.


beth at the end literally made me ugly cry. shit. proving time and time again how incredible she is and teaching me as i grow.

Abel de Beer

Really loved you guys talking about growing up. I’m almost turning 20 myself and being confronted with who you are more explicitly is really beautiful and hard at the same time. Thanks for the stories!❤️

Grace Smith

Listening to Will talk about his story with musicianship and growing up hits HARD. It reminded me that I need to practice more lol. Beth and Matt also STAY making me cry- "Sometimes all you need is a Freddy or a Will" and learning to love your younger self both brought tears to my eyes, and Freddie bounced it right back to laughter by reminding all teen listeners that RIGHT NOW is the time to get jacked and learn new languages. This is absolutely my fav episode of talking dads/teens, and it's just what I needed to hear right now. Thank you all, truly.

Paddy R

You guys should play Coup

Alexandra B-D

If you haven’t watched Paranoia on dropout, please do! It’s mafia but you have to find the secret stoner who is legit stoned! Would also be a great Patreon game night for the cast!

Degan Haggarty

This was the teen advice I needed 6 years ago 😭


Anthony's dig at Matt about if you eat raw meat and spit it out means you're not a cow. 💀


I’m just endlessly amused by how they talk like we don’t all binge every episode multiple times and relisten all the way through both seasons frequently.

Trevor Hickey

Listened to this and heard Celtx mentioned and got super gritty (full disclosure- i work at Celtx and love it when these worlds colide)

Adam Morley

I had a similar experience to Will's saxophone but on the violin, and it was good to hear a story where it didn't tear you down. Made me feel like I have some more paths to follow in the future

Emma Rose

"The Spike of not fucking" is how I'm going to tell people I'm asexual from now on