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Our live listen stream is getting started soon! Join us as we listen along in Discord. We'll be chatting in #live-ep-reaction as it streams over YouTube. Here's the direct link to the stream for the episode: https://youtu.be/hLGUWm5VEX8 

This episode contains profanity, violence, and sexual content.

We'll give people time to filter in. While we wait kick back and enjoy the melodious tunes of Rocks Rock! hold music before we get the episode started! P.S - don't forget your very own Rocks Rock! album mp3 download link here!

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Live Ep. React - S2 Ep. 9 - Debate Me, Cowards

debate, y'all


basil grayson

Petition for Beyblade Gangs in the future


I want to see them get challenged to a Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic the Gathering/Pokemon card game battle. Although, now that I've said it... Making the teens do a Pokemon battle would be a delightful mechanic. Making the teens BE pokemon at the mercy of some entity and battle against other teens, would be even wilder.


As fun as a card game would be thatd be too much for Anthony. He would either break his every bine in his body to make that happen or say fuck off. There is no inbetween. So my vote is beyblade gang because nothing would be funnier than hearing "well well well!" and its for a group of teenage bullies who are these freakin nerds playin with shitty toys and winning the fight against the teens