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The teens decompress and regroup after a solid effort at clearing their first incursion.

This episode contains profanity, violence, sexual content.



Digi Anon

I can't get over the way Freddie as Taylor pronounced "Neko". Third time I listened to this episode and it hurts every time.

Matt Bond

“Someone get me a hall pass. I just tinkled in my overalls”

Benjamin Hinojos

I still can’t get over how disingenuous Freddy seemed about not knowing what a bake sale was…lol it’s in the name man



Rollin Mike

Thank you for this present dads!!! Have a great day!!

kiarra burd

Oh yeah man, been looking forward to this all week!

Sydney Wigder

thanks dad ❤️❤️


Scarys bluff was amazing!


Left Handers rise up!! We're gonna die!!! ✊🏻

Cameron Rough

Will dropping that Avatar reference 👌👌

Kiera Conrad

When I say that waiting for this episode got me through last week… so excited thanks dads!!!

Dan Kaufman

Not sure if it's my phone, but when I download this (and the previous episode) it's just called "[No Ads] S2 Ep.mp3"


The energy at the beginning of this is obscene, Anthony what the fuck lol


I follow michael hobbes specifically because of anthony and beth so thats why i know that fact about left handed people living shorter is not accurate and a bad interpretation ofdata so its ironic to hear it repeat it


(The statistic that left people “die younger” comes from studies showing there are statistically fewer left handed elderly people than there should be, however, 50+ years ago teachers discouraged lefthandedness so that would account for the statistical difference in old people vs the general population)

Scruff Winters

Never forget Lacey chabert turned down Meg Griffin, missed out on easy money after 3 cancelations (not great TV just easy money)

Brock Pulliam

Being a lefty it was great to learn some trivia about my shorter life span.

Taylor Cousins

Gonna be honest as a long time fan of the show, not really feeling this season yet. I don't know if I just haven't warmed up the characters yet, but I'm hoping I get more into it!

Mary Brophy

i'm so here for the subtle Scary and Lincoln comradery. Scary's got that "I hate everyone but I hate you least" kinda vibe, love it

hajilE anatnoF

Loved the energy in this ep, lots of laughs to be had. I feel like scary on so many levels, and I really enjoy hearing Matt act just in general like when he was with his dad it was great. I do hope something comes of the end of ep 2 though it was weird to hear it leave off on ((the fbi come to his house)) but the next ep say the cops thought nothing of it. Of course Anthony did say the FBI come 2 days later and I guess it’s technically only been one day since in this ep.

Paul Sontaro

As a left handed person I feel attacked 😂

Denny Oh

This is the funniest episode by far and I love it and I am left handed


Anyone else starting to ship Scary and Link? Pretty sure it wouldn't be a healthy relationship, but I just love their dynamic so much. ♡♡

Cory Abrahamson

Beth should have to make all rolls left handed


Matt - you’re referring to mortality statistics derived from a couple of generations where lefties had that behavior beaten out of them. It isn’t that lefties are more likely to die, it’s that more members of the Greatest Generation identified as righties when that study was done.

Luis amezcua

I was with you there till this episode. But i looked back on the 1st season and it took a couple episodes to get into the groove of who the dad's were haha I like the direction these characters are trying to establish

Nia R

The soccer team is still my favorite NPC so far

Mike Rhine

Freddie missed a golden opportunity to spell it "Niko" for a nice Corridor shoutout


The trumpet bit got me good, I almost choked on my coffee lol thanks for the laughs on an otherwise shitty Tuesday ❤️


"Sorry, I forgot vaginas aren't a pee thing!" Is the best line of the season thus far.

Kyle Myers

Gosh darn it, y'all made me lose the game.

Patrick diffley (daddy piffley)

One of my favorite episodes this season, I now have faith that this season is gonna be legendary


Anthony is dealing with the Dm thing I hate when ur PCs have understandable restrictions to joining the group so the DM has to force them to group up

Cody Luthy

15 mins in this episode is all ready hitting hard with tremendous speed! 🔥

Cactus Pear

I hope Matt is trying to be a heel because I fucking hate him more every episode. Good work Matt: you're creating tension to be released by the characters I like (I loved Darryl so much, I'm totally forgiving you when this is all over with).

Cactus Pear

Oh fuck... Freddy and Will redeem everyone by being such bosses at being lazy, weird teens. I love you ALLLL


Feels like two podcasts in one. The body horror is such a different tone from the rest of the podcast.



Jason Melton

Taylor swift over here being an alleged dweeb but can't pronounce Manga or neko correctly ha

Justin Butler

I feel like this season has a totally different tone than the last season. I think since they’re immature and yet emotionally undeveloped, a lot of the drama that underscored the comedy isn’t there. There’s also the monster of the week format that makes the progression a little more predictable too. I personally love this season because of the characters and the setting, but I can see where your coming from.

Justin Butler

I really hope we get some dramatic moments in this season like we did in season 1. I feel like the setting and characters lend more to only comedy all the time, but I think the dramatic moments really give you something to cling to as a listener. Like, the theme song is so heroic and dramatic, I hope we get a moment where some emotionally charged shit happens or the characters get into a real, life or death, skin of their teeth type of situation that makes everything serious and solemn for a second, like the Ron’s Brain arc of S1.


I've been absolutely loving the vibe of the characters. They are playing off each other so well. I can see this going in some really wild directions! Can't wait for the next one!!

Brian Dickie

anthony going “HA HA!!” when he finds out what urology is, is one of the best lines in the entire podcast

Chai Reynolds

The title is making me crack up


So…..if Taylor is part demon, that would make him related to Jodie, not Glenn, right?

SpellCaster Blaze

Oh my god my current campaign just added a new player named Bell Pepper

Nick Incoll

Goddamn I love this outro song

Greg Perez

Wow who else lost the game

Bad Fiction

So many great bits in this one!

Kelsey Reyer

I know Nick Jr was supposed to be a joke about the rat but now I'm just thinking about the character Face that used to like "host" Nick Jr.

Tyler Dennis

I think that WAS the joke, Anthony meaning for it to be a Face/Nick Jr. reference but then Beth pointed out their own universe already has a "Nick Jr." in the rat so they Yes-Anded that in.


I didn't epect to lose the game today

Maddy Sedlor

Hell yeah March 8th next episode. Happy Bday to me :)


You all talked so much smack about this episode on the last Teen Talk, but I got so many belly laughs out of it!


just saying but i love the way freddie does taylors voice LMFAO


Every time Freddie mispronounces Japanese words I flashback to my 13 yr old self who would have been seriously SOOOO offended 💀💀 I almost blocked out those memories of myself but now they're just flooding back. Thanks I guess 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 ((but seriously I love Taylor I was 1000% him is a teen except I wasn't allowed to own anything that could be considered a weapon lol))


Self love is finding someone who is exactly like you at the height of your awkward middle school mess and seeing something awesome there. (I was Link. My self love is wanting to protect Link, even if he's already overprotected.)

Sharity Galyean

After this episode I know who my favorite character is. Taylor! Despite how much he loves anime he loves his mom more and got her a cake. So wholesome ❤

Gavin Lippitt

the first 5 footer of the season lmao, but doesn’t even matter i can’t get enough

Lord Anthony

When you lose the game

Trystn Brown

Nick is half Glenn's son, half Jodie's. He has the memories of both. So he is one quarter demon, 75% human; making Taylor 12.5% demon.


Link had this season's Henry facts 💜

Garret H

so brave of beth to play a character with a disability


For the record. I'm the same age as all the podcasters. Desired lunch day was Stromboli day.


Wait, so when Normal took off his school costume he never actually put it back on. Did everyone see him?


Peeing in a cup is pretty based if you ask me

tyler walton

So if they remade all the Disney live actions as anime, that means there is a possibility that canonically there is an anime version of Jimmy Wong’s character from Mulan!

Helen Hastie

Lost the game, fell in love with Linc. Perfect balance