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3/5ths of the podcast sit down and discuss the experience of shooting an indie feature film last month in Utah! Matt and Freddie wrote it over the pandemic, it's called "We're All Gonna Die," and Beth helped punch up the script and was one of our set production assistants!

Bonus stuff:

Odyssey-san's dashcam footage outside of Vegas 

Some photos from the shoot!



I'm glad to see that Matt Beth and Freddie got to taste my states nuance and culture. I can confirm that our drivers are insane, and that comment about Beth witnessing her first 2 car crashes cracked me up.

james carter

This was a good movie. Wink.

Jake Lee

This was a very cool episode! I’m definitely going to watch this when I get home! 😊


How when can we see the movie?

Rebecca S ✌🏻

The movie sounds great, can’t wait to see it!

james carter

Its weird listening this after seeing the movie.

Ulee Wintle

A bit late to the party but the beekeeping road-trip aspect of y’all’s movie is very similar to the plot of Grey Bees by Andrey Kurkov. Possible inspiration? Highly recommend it if not


Hey, I’m from Utah!! So cool! Antelope island is so beautiful, good choice 😍


Hells yeah.

Christopher Pete

Dang— y’all got Emmy Award Winning Actress Ashly Burch to join your film???


Damn you were in Utah and you didn't say anything?


Is the video working for anyone else? It doesnt want to load for me:/ not sure if somethings wrong on my end or with the video itself!


Is Odyssey-san okay? Looks like maybe a side mirror was taken out?

Imo Flores

I can’t wait to see the film 🎥🍿!!!

Hunter E

Wow, I was generally excited about the film just on general principles but after hearing that premise I am now very specifically excited about it!

Hunter E

Also was JUST the other day trying to put in words how the bulk of apocalyptic-disaster media either revolves around a solution to the disaster that conclusively fixes everything or starts at or after a disaster that's resulted in complete collapse, and therefore none of us have a very good script for the kind of ongoing long up-and-down disaster we're living through now, was so excited to hear that articulated that so much clearer than I could here.


Odyssey-san took that like a champ! Was that road rage or just a nat 1 on brakes?


Utah resident here. This might be the most Utah accurate story I've ever heard, especially the part about the drivers

Kyle Barnes

I have the exact tire pump y’all were talking about in my car. If it wasn’t for my car manual I would still be lost with it.

Ludvig Thor

The more BTS-stuff the better! It’s so interesting to learn about the movie making proccess, how ever small the production may be. Please keep us updated ❤️


All the Utah related stuff in this is very Utah😂 it’s always fun to see other people experience this weird wonderful state I’m in.


Haha what an adventure. This episode reminds me of the old facerocker podcast. Made my afternoon, Thanks!

Austin Baker

This is so good. This is my favorite bonus content just telling stories.


I'd love to see the movie when it's done. Would we be able to watch it and if so where can we?


I’m in SLC y’all should have said smthn!! /lh My family lives in the rural parts of western utah and i def get what u mean abt rural areas. The screaming in the woods depending on where it was was prob mountain lions. And ur absolutely correct abt utah drivers however all of us blame California drivers for how bad it is lmao

Kit Ainslie

I have been having a miserable season, and then I turn on my podcast to find some of my favorite creators making a movie that basically sounds like the love child of “Wristcutters: A Love Story” and Roadside Picnic? As soon as there’s a place to put money in there.


Old mate must be from the Northern states of Aus if they're worried about the cold! It gets 40 plus and freezing where I'm from haha!


I heard the title and thought this was going to be a shooty action movie. Not really my jam, but I'd totally pay to see it to support people I care about doing something they've been dreaming of forever. Now it sounds like something I would genuinely enjoy watching, and I'm excited about the movie for its own sake. I had the same experience with Beth's book: I don't like poetry, but I want to help Beth follow any dream she wants in any way I can. Turns out I do like poetry! It's a great book! Thanks for giving me a reason to get outside my comfort zone and find new things to love.


That was truly fascinating! Thanks for sharing.


Came right to Patron when i heard there was dashcam footage

Peter James Guilford

Incredibly insightful and would love to hear more about post production. Can't wait to see the movie too.


As a native Utahn, I would like Beth to know that this November was unseasonably warm, and half of us were wearing shorts and t shirts until December 😂


I love any kind of BTS stuff, so this was awesome! Can’t wait to see the movie!


As someone who started listening to the podcast because of your work on Youtube & VGHS I would love some way to see more behind the scenes content of the movie. I looked forward to the BTS as much as the actual videos, especially since I was learning about video production.

Jake Viaene

I would 100% support a post-production patreon! Please do it

Chris Physics

35:17 - Beth does the best impression of a fox I've ever heard.

Kait O’Mara

Beth tire nightmare happened to me…. Lol my brother thankfully lived a mile from where my tire went flat

Patrick Nan

Yes to BTS Progress!

coco joelle

Listening to this was so interesting- my mom has been a movie producer in LA for 10yrs now and I have sat in the car with her through 80% of her phone calls- What you said about people not caring at all without investment/an actor attached with an LOI is the reason she went from directing her dream film (one she wrote herself) to producing and making other people’s dreams come true. (I’m sure Beth knows as a woman it’s even more difficult) but honestly listening to this I feel more like pushing her to go ahead and make her film FINALLY, because it’s possible.

Zuzanna Elvira

This was very informative, can't wait to see the movie :))

Derek Benig

would be very interested in a patreon for the movie!! Really curious to see how post production goes, as this seems like it's gonna be both a beast and a wild edit


Hearing your production stories is giving me like war flashbacks to past productions I worked on. Being on set is simultaneously the best and worst thing ever. Loved hearing your set stories!


Man I this was a blast to listen to! I would LOVE to listen to more stuff like this!

Samantha Mann

I too would love a BTS patreon! Also hope there will be a way to watch the final movie other than waiting for a distributor to buy it, maybe a website VOD? The plot sounds really good!


I really enjoyed this. Would love more of this kind of thing!!

Alan Seawright

Oh man. Seeing that river gave me flashbacks, and I was only stuck there for one 16hr day.


So normal day in Utah, panhandling, towed shell car, cold, rain 😂

Jordan Tompkins

I am really curious why the car was chained to a branch and not the trunk of the tree. ⛓ 🚘 🌳 🩳 🧟‍♂️ 😛

meaghan m

the screams were probably fox calls

meaghan m

fr though id you make a movie making podcast or something about what its like to handle LA, im so interested. I am anxiously awaiting it to come out, thanks for making accessibility your priority, thats dope as hell. Also i totally get the "mask down for respect" thing in rural areas, it feels weird but youre in a different place and its pretty much a "respect custom" you have to follow or not much will happen


The Utah/Wyoming/Nevada areas are so unhinged is wild


Utterly fascinating. This movie sounds perfect. Thanks for remembering to explain the acronyms. Yes more of this please! Thanks to the rest of the daddies for holding down the fort. I didn’t notice anything amiss. Had no idea how complicated this all is.

Alexandra Grilli

Honestly, this whole thing made me so nostalgic for working on productions. It really is a slog when you're doing it but you get the best stories and you really bond in the weirdest ways and that Finish Product, that polished story, is so so so wonderful and lovely and special and you just get to look at it again and again. I'm very excited for this film!


You should do another one with an update on post-production!


This episode was food for my soul ❤️ love it when you guys talk all things film


As an LA based Key Grip, this was fantastic, like listening to my buddies talk about some of the features we’ve done.

hi hungry, I'm Beck

The more I hear about this movie, the more excited I am to get to watch it! And this is from someone who is not generally into films with rom-com elements. Post-apocalypse but mundane, bc life goes on through the myriad of crises, is genuinely one of my favorite genres. I hope the post-production and distribution is going well! I cannot wait to see this.


Freddie was right tho to send Matt for those folks in Echo Utah, cause even as me being a Hispanic living in Utah its like, it’s always 50/50 gamble how certain old white folks will react to you here in Utah. So good on Freddie

Hattie Thomson

just wanted to say this is one of the best bonus/extra things in terms of commentary, seriously good work u three (love to anthony and will though still:])