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The Dogs (and Cat) discover the beauty of the Hidden Valley, infiltrate Faerun's stand-up comedy scene, and make out a little.

This episode contains profanity, violence, sexual content, drug/alcohol use, and animal cruelty.



Aylis J Lind

I want the Lost Good Boys poster

Tom Bainbridge

Nobody clocking Beth's It reference at 54 mins is a travesty

Joe Smokonich

It has finally been released! 🙌

Christopher Pete

- contains animal cruelty *Death of a Salesman flashbacks intensify*


If there was a "Talking Dad" version of this, it should be "Talking Dog" or "Talking the Dog"

William Coffey

god the intro song gets me


Hey Just wanted to say thank you for everything you guys do! Your podcast has helped me through a lot of rough times and can always count on it haha

Daniel Rupert

Hey, are you Frankie Munez?

Ashley Nicollette

We're so glad our podcast helps bring laughter to the rough times. Thank YOU for being a patron and supporting our show! 💖

Scruff Winters

The Paeden reference sent me 🤣🤣🤣

Titus D. Blaze

The Anthony-freddie energy is SO wild and I love it

Christian Hunt

I'll never get tired of this intro lol

Simon Young

The centiteen sk8boarding down donut’s intestines was a gut buster for me 😂 it was so funny, loved that bit with the sound effects and everything

Kade Drum

omg i love that will brought in tabaxi!!!

Kade Drum

my fav character i’ve played was a tabaxi monk so fun

Joe Jerome

Nice It reference Beth😂👌

Ryan Flueger

The American accent is hilarious

Will Turner

Matt is being an absolute Chaos Muppet and I am loving it.

Ben Monteith

Since we never got confirmation that Donut had his ambm we are left to assume that he still has to poop really bad but has simply forgotten

Adam Sutton

Holy shit the live action relay of Beth struggling on the dog puzzle is hilarious. What a trooper.

Lana Hignett

Best quote of the episode “It’s a shame you’re straight” “I’m straight✨-ish✨”


They said they would put up a video of the puzzle dish. Where would one look for that?

Drop Bear1996

Getting a new episode after waiting so long is like catching up with the gang for a drink 🍻🍻

Julie Ruscitti

I'm curious how many caught/understood Beth's "and still insists he sees a ghost" reference when pushing over the fencepost.


File is missing .mp3 extension. Haf to go into file explorer in android to find file and rename it

Julie Ruscitti

It was a favorite tongue-twister of my grandpa's (and used as a theater warm-up), and I busted out laughing when she said it. "Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fists against the post/and still insists he sees a ghost."

Austin Baker

I'm all for the cool sauce stories Freddie

Samantha Mann

I’m stealing the term “chaos muppet” to describe my 7yo and her friends now, thank you 🤣

Mason Dyck

Is it just me or does Beths accent make me laugh every time I hear it

Amber Fostervold

I would want my cats to eat my body after I die. I wouldn't want my fur babies to starve. Also was anybody else expecting the Very Good Boy to be Rogue? I was sure they were going to make that a call back because Rouge was a Very Good Boy!

Will Turner

I have to credit this brilliant article: https://slate.com/human-interest/2012/06/chaos-theory.html

Kayla S. Pingree-McCarthy

Anthony's line "Yeah, that's what spies do. They QUELL uprisings. With the power of friendship." .... is possibly the funniest thing I have ever heard. I had to pull my car over because I was laughing so hard I could barely keep my eyes open. Please, someone artistic, make a print of that. I need him to sign it.

Rose Meadows

Anthony was taking absolutely NO prisoners today. Damn. 😂


We need to have Freddie do his Sauce Talk bonus ep

Cavan McGinsie

Mochi should get advantage on all purr-ception checks

Kyle O.

Is there some information I don't know regarding Shane Dawson's and/or his cat? I thought that bit was funny but it seemed like I was missing something.

Chris Physics

As a physics teacher, I was elated to hear the momentum equation dropped! Good job Freddy!


a while ago Shane Dawson tweeted something along the lines of "I did not cum on my cat". If you Google "Shane Dawson cat" you'll probs get the full story (nothing graphic as far as I know)

Sam Weissman-Hohler

It also featured in Stephen King’s “It”, which is what I assumed the reference was, but maybe not!

John Callaghan

Am I making a fool of myself by wondering why no-one made a joke about it being a literal 'info dump'? And why has no-one said "stop trying to make 'fetch' happen?"?!

Darren Le

I loled when Will said "stay in your fucking lane Anthony"

Ludwig Valtersson


Devon Suits

Where is the video of Beth struggling to open the dog treat puzzle ?


11/10 would make the fetchquest intro my ringtone

Mathew Reyes

these guys are so good that i forget theyre not actually animals sometimes, like when mat says "does your master give you belly rubs?", it kills me lol

christopher rapp

I’m really hoping that the very good boy or one of his pups turns out to be Ron’s childhood dog


Dungeons and Daddies needs to change its name next season to dungeons and grandkids

Cillian Isaac

hey, it looks like this ep and the uncut for fq ep 1 are missing some tags rn? i can't find it if i scroll thru the adfree feed :(

Elizabeth Singer

Will, love you dude, but damn it’s hard to hear you :,( I can’t wait for episode 3!!!


I love Will as a DM.

Ryan Hoffmann

Freddie, please do more cool sauce stories on the Patreon


Where is the pic of the slow feeder? LOL

Chelsea Yeager

Omg help, I haven't listened to these idiots since part 1 of Fetch went up, I forget to check Patreon sometimes and was starting CritRole, but I got through the intros and just...... God, I've missed these guys so much. I love them all.

Antony Lusmore

Donut should not be reminding me of the dog from Bunnicula as much as he does.

Lloyd Walls

Good lord. This is hilarious and so much fun. Will is awesome as a DM and I love Anthony as a player and the rest of the group created such fun unique dogs.


I swear I love Beth’s Australian accent; it’s so great!

Jayden Garcia

the opener goes unbelievably hard lmao

Parker roper

Just throwing this out there. As someone who works in the “death industry” on multiple counts have I seen both cats and unfortunately dogs absolutely eat their owners. I remember going home to my dog (Chocolate Lab) and never looking at him the same

Cameron Jones

Lol I'm sorry but there is no way Anthony wasn't told about prone rules in-between 1 and 3, he's gotta be cheating at this point when he tells will the wrong rule, unless they batch recorded, which sounds like wasn't the case by what will said in the beginning.

Charles Palmer

When you say "death industry," are you in a legitimate, legal profession or should we be thinking about alerting the relevant authorities?

Parker roper

Lol yes I’m legitimate I work in removing/ transporting the deceased from crime scenes, car wrecks etc.. to the examiners office where they determine through autopsy and tests the cause of death


I too think that I can accurately track each and every thing that every other person I've never actually met knows, and I agree. How dare he maybe forgot about it on MY podcast??? Someone needs to speak to their manager!

Cameron Jones

I couldn't imagine making a bigger strawman if what I said, how about you read what I said again, but slower this time, and maybe you will actually comprehend the words.

Emily Carson

eating is misleading. almost all of those cases are of the human succumbing and the dog transitioning from licking to biting while trying to rouse the owner and getting overaroused and biting. the vast majority is post mortem. I’m in the “dog industry”

Parker roper

You’re absolutely correct! I work on the post mortem side, I didn’t mean to come across as saying while you’re sleeping your dog is going to have a good dinner lol. Every instance I’ve ever seen has been after the decedent has been down for a week or more. I’m assuming it also comes from lack of food and smell? I’m no expert on dog behaviors but if you have more info I’d love to hear it

Connor Millar

“You have advantage because cookie believes in you” that needs to be a mechanic in this game forever now