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Anthony get personal again, Glenn shares the naughtiest places in America, Ron reviews movies with good endings, Darryl takes your Chew game to the next level, and Henry gives you a TOP SECRET file! 




Oh man. I have to say you guys may well have ruined other podcasts patreons for me. You put out so much content (and, almost without saying, it's all high as fuck🤌 quality) that anything else feels like a waste of money!


For people wondering about Henry's, it's a ROT19 cipher. Just paste the text into https://rot13.com/ and select ROT19


Anthony waxing about wax is hysterical I can't stop laughing

David N

Tfw you start decoding a cookie recipie only to realize it's a simple shift


No joke, Anthony is making a compelling case.


wil wheaton on the cover.. already a good start.


Thank you! Secret recipe needs 2 types of deciphering; this code and then imperial to metric :P :P

Maddy Sedlor

I mean is Henry okay?!

William Bullard

i'm in process of deciphering the cookie recipe. Will update when completed.

Mason Dyck

Is this the last daddy issues


Aw, and to think I went and put together an Excel spreadsheet using the =substitute() function and lower case letters for the decoded text when I could have done that instead.


I mean, same. After I saw it wasn't ROT13 I did the substitutions manually. Wasn't until I had almost completed the alphabet that I realized I hadn't rotated it enough :X