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Discussions of a very eventful episode. Warning - we spoil... a lot of TV show endings when we start answering questions (we do a little spoiler warning and Beth will let you know which shows)




Its not a good death, but in the original Jurtasic park book Ian Malcolm is just high off his ass for like 3/5ths of the book before he dies, and then they retcon it for the Lost world

Aylis J Lind

Where is the link though?

Aylis J Lind

Also, Darryl is straight :(

Phoenix Arnold

Which shows? Someone listen and tell me which shows they spoil 😂 thanks!


Thank you for ignoring the rules.

Gus Marino

Quick question, is it possible to make a Playlist or something on Patreon of the past talking dads for the new members? The search engines on the app does not want to look up most of talking dads when i type it in. Just a thought. Love what you do and will still re-listen to it a second time and fallow up with the corresponding talking dads even I have to scroll down the whole time line each episode.

Nick (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:00:14 Would 100% pay to play any game Matt decides to run, D&D or not.
2021-09-29 05:18:56 Would 100% pay to play any game Matt decides to run, D&D or not.

Would 100% pay to play any game Matt decides to run, D&D or not.

Gus Marino

Thank you so much! I would have never known that was even a feature I could tap on. Something this app is unintuitive to new men members like me. First time patreon user because of the dads.


Oh man it’s two am and yet here I am jumping on chaotic bandwagon.

charlotte thompson

on their website in the patreon tab, they’ve also got links to all of the episodes in one place!

Katherine Greene

They give a list of shows they're about to spoil in the podcast! They give the listener a warning beforehand so you should be okay :)

Andrew Duck

I love Rocketjump the Show, it was amazing and I wish you guys got like 10 more seasons of that. I bought it on iTunes and everything, I have gone out of my way to show Tip Jar to people, the slaps so hard!!!

Madeleine D

I can’t believe the only thing I nearly got spoilered for is the ending of the Babadook. Sheer chaos out here in these streets.


What headsets were those on the live cast? They sounded pretty great

Bird Wizard

Super excited for power gamer Beth in season 2

Sam King

I’m with Beth, I fucking love Rocket Jump: The Show!! Watched it for the first time after graduating film school in May of last year, and it was one of the only things that helped keep my enthusiasm for filmmaking alive in that grim and uncertain time. :)

D Benza

Do you have the quiz link? I couldn't find it I wanna give it a whirl when I watch the VOD!


pitiful, nay woeful, lack of of the good place in best endings to a TV series


omg thanks Beth and also Anthony for the statement about the labels. I fucking hate and don't understand them. Everytime it is "oh you are xxxx and xxx!! You have to do this!" etc. It don't matter.

Reece Page

How dare you Matt. The tenth doctor not wanting to go was heartbreaking. How. Dare. You!

Patrick Nan

Some great endings are Code Geass S2 and Steven Universe's James Baxter scene. Those endings will live in my head rent free.

George Rawlinson (edited)

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2021-11-27 18:00:13 I stopped listening for a few months to get a bit of a backlog of episodes to listen to and man I've missed listening and hanging out with you guys. Cannot wait for the finale & the start of S2!
2021-09-29 21:24:11 I stopped listening for a few months to get a bit of a backlog of episodes to listen to and man I've missed listening and hanging out with you guys. Cannot wait for the finale & the start of S2!

I stopped listening for a few months to get a bit of a backlog of episodes to listen to and man I've missed listening and hanging out with you guys. Cannot wait for the finale & the start of S2!


The best thing about live theatre right now during COVID: no actors in the audience. Actors Equity currently requires that actors have no interaction with audience members. The audience has to be at least ten feet away from the actors.


Hey, just want to say as someone who has a fairly stressful job (especially during COVID - I’m a licensed mental health counselor and counseling people through this has been…a THING) your comment about comedy being important to unwind is more true than y’all know. I love my job - don’t get me wrong! But there are days I get off and need a laugh and your podcast is great for that. Thanks for the hard work you’re doing! Makes my day better

Maggie Thomasson

"Why am I thinking?!" Relatable, lol.

Samuel Manka

I would have to say that in TNG the characters did grow in their own way and that Picard grew to all of us, one of the greatest episodes The Inner Light. In the the finale when he finally allows himself to play with his crew he is crossing that final line. His story is complete and he has become as human as Data.


Ever think of making a module and or book for other people to run a campaign like yours i think it would be a fun campaign

Jessy Lukens (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:00:12 Goddamn I love you Will. You are my favorite person on the podcast and this episode and this talking dad cemented it. I adore how you revealed Henry was bi. Also asking Anthony if it was okay to do because you're not bi was a class act. I'm both bi and non-binary and have explored both of these identies in D&D. Honestly it's the reason I fell in love with this hobby. I look up to and respect you so much.
2021-10-01 02:51:11 Goddamn I love you Will. You are my favorite person on the podcast and this episode and this talking dad cemented it. I adore how you revealed Henry was bi. Also asking Anthony if it was okay to do because you're not bi was a class act. I'm both bi and non-binary and have explored both of these identies in D&D. Honestly it's the reason I fell in love with this hobby. I look up to and respect you so much.

Goddamn I love you Will. You are my favorite person on the podcast and this episode and this talking dad cemented it. I adore how you revealed Henry was bi. Also asking Anthony if it was okay to do because you're not bi was a class act. I'm both bi and non-binary and have explored both of these identies in D&D. Honestly it's the reason I fell in love with this hobby. I look up to and respect you so much.

Johnthan Jackson

The Good Place has the best series finale. Period. Ever.

Jack F

Lmao going into that question for endings and I thought "Yeah End of Evangelion was a pretty special and is crazy to figure out" and then when I realized you meant 3.0+1.0 I recoiled in my chair. No hate at all I promise I just did not get what you guys did at all out of that last movie as much as I still enjoyed it.


I’d pay for Matt’s DM OnlyFans as long as he shows feet.


what are you're headcannons for the other dads? (is this where we ask questions? I'm so confused :{)

Tyler Draffan

I’m probably late to this but I subscribed to the patreon a bit late and am currently in the middle of a re-listen of all the episodes uncut followed by their corresponding talking dads. I hate missing the intros too so what I do is just search for “Ep. 52” for example and it will pull the uncut, no ads, talking dads, and everything else. Helps a LOT (Especially on mobile)


https://open.spotify.com/track/4FphdrrHaX3vXpT1eOrTHR?si=ig0vDMMESE6XgtMf9tr3zQ&utm_source=copy-link&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1DXdDIhtzn7T2e&dl_branch=1 "Roll me up and smoke me when I die." -- Willie Nelson 💕🙏💕

Stephanie Sukhareva

The Calhoun poster joke WAS worth 1800 dollars!!! I cried laughing when I saw that (years ago and still remember it- it's Bryan's sleeping face on the poster). Money well spent!


I'm totally with Matt on his Tenth Doctor opinion. I hated that.

Jaclyn T

Six Feet Under has a fantastic ending, I'm so surprised it wasn't mentioned.


Anthony is right about that final doctor who episode. With love, fuck you Matt. Lol but it’s okay to be afraid of vulnerability, I get it.