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We discuss our feelings about that bombshell episode, as characters and as players, and also some of our favorite fictional character deaths!




"Execute Episode 66" 😈

Kelsie Charbonneau


Sam M

The character death at the end of the Witcher series books. Or should I say deaths, those broke me to my core. Also, basic boy, but Arthur Morgan in Red Dead 2, I got a good honor ending, and he did not deserve to go out that way. It was so heartbreaking. He just comforted his horse and I wasn't in a good state for that

Phil H

I knew who they were talking about but still got disoriented and caught myself laughing through it.

Jonathan Dasani

Omg. I loved the Baroque Cycle! I love Neal Stephenson!

Nicholas Bugeja

Listening to this, I was praying that they were gonna roll for investigation because it made no sense to me how she cut herself.


Still mad


So late for EST coast. Will enjoy tomorrow though.


Same. I want to listen to the uncut version.


Looking forward to Glenn in the Hells.


What did everyone do when Anthony just walked out for a wrestling match? That would have been an amazing live show! Freddy did a great job with the sound effects in this one btw


Is this leading into the entourage arc? Surprise entourage arc???


Character A, Character B 😂


I wish Anthony killed glen at the cabin instead of what happened.


They have Jimmy on speed dial, right? Ron shouts out his name, Glenn takes the express route to kick his dad's ass while Jodie and Lil Nicky get Willie down to death save territory and Ron can slap the bracelets on.


Anthony is brilliant in the same way that Michael is in The Good Place, and I mean that with the highest regard.


Anthony definitely did the right thing with regard to kids on the slope, by midway through the show the heterosexual nonsense piles up such that there's a chain of five or six characters crushing on the next character in the chain that it becomes absolutely insufferable. The jazz slaps but it's not worth it

Brianna M

Complete delight


Thanks for answering my question!


Finally someone gives Ida Maria the respect she deserves. Thank you , Matt!

Racing for Tips

I loved Freddie's automotive attention to detail, I mostly listen while at work working on classic cars, or at home working on my own '73 Super Beetle that I autocross. I'm always game for car talk (with or without gartok). HMU if you ever need like way too much detail into any car related shit lol


Y’all it’s killing me- who was the GOT character Anthony mentioned?

Lana Hignett

✨C h a r a c t e r A, C h a r a c t e r B✨

Saint Judas

"Sometimes school shooters are just bad people that shoot up schools" is the best way to explain the travesty that was Kylo Ren


I NEED see the piecharts displaying who talks the most on podcast! Are they referencing a real thing?


I've not seen the show but from his description I would *guess* the dude who gets his head poppped by the mountain? Oberyn Martell?

Antony Lusmore

Loved the discussion of character deaths in shows, first thing I thought of is that there's a lot of character deaths in Humans that hit hard. Two in particular which I'm not going to spoil, just in case anyone winds up actually watching it. One in S2 and one in S3 and they're both played brilliantly. The show does such a good job of making you care about every character that whenever it rips that away, it's just extra gutting. DnD is actually one of the only other media that I feel nails them quite that well.

Chris Bean

The viper fight is when I stopped watching game of thrones as well. One of the most impactful character deaths for me was Felicia Day in Dr horrible


Someone else loves The Baroque Cycle!

Jasmine Phillips

I have to say, the Willy Twist in this episode literally hit me like a freight train. I honestly had such a visceral reaction to it like the shock and horror I felt was so extreme! Testament to all of y’all for that but definitely Anthony and Freddy really were kinda mvp this episode 😅


I’m just excited to see what they do for this final arc of this season! The twist with Willy was such an ego kick for all of them.

Gregg Simms

Are Matt and Freddy still going to be in season 2? Did they sunset storybreak to leave room for daddies?


Someone from the cast tweeted “Anthony fucked us!” a while ago, so I was on the lookout. When Anthony said that they had maxed out the Omega Dads’ preparation track and that he’d have to come up with new things for them, I wondered if that was the fuckening. That would definitely make you wince, but probably not provoke a tweet like that. I was wondering if the hammer would fall the next episode before it actually happened and hoo boy!

Charleen Lamphere

Wait. Y'all won't say the names of people who died in a tv series SIXTEEN YEARS AGO. But a movie that was released 2 years ago is fair game? 🤣


Does anyone know the GOT character they are talking about? I am on season 5 and trying to recall who it could be?


One character death got to me was for sure the fucking avengers endgame one bc I really thought it was gonna be someone else


Freddie, the “Character A” “Character B” thing is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day! I don’t know how you manage to find the perfect mundanity to twist into humor so often but that got me.


Freddie says Glenn was at 113 hit points, but took 13 damage therefore not being under 100. So kill word wouldn’t have worked right? Or did I miss something there. Either way, very good plot development


I'd think Kill the DJ by Green Day would be Glenn's song


Am I crazy or did the Ron therapy scene happen in the previous episode also?? I distinctly remember hearing Anthony's awesome line about having so much love before I heard it in this ep.


I listened to this episode once and was shocked. Then I listened again and it was FULL of foreshadowing. Anthony dropped hints everywhere. Henry specifically told Glenn to go to hell to get his kid back. By the end of the second listen, I was convinced that Glenn's death was a team effort from a room full of storytellers who needed a very specific ending for a satisfying character arc, and then I was surprised at the very real panic when nobody could stop the death. Strong foreshadowing in improv is incredible. I'm very impressed.

kiarra burd

Ok no hate but the Doomsday episode (season 2 I think?? ) of Doctor Who will forever ruin me. I think it's still overall kind of a cheap way to play a (sort of) death but the fact that they led up with it being a possibility beforehand and then actually committed to the ramifications is so devastating. I still can't watch it without sobbing and it's been over ten years. Honourable mention to Moulin Rouge, specifically with Chocolat's performance and (character's) scream of despair.


Fuckin love Ida Maria!!!


The repetition of “character a, character b” nonsense ugh I’m tired and it made my head explode, I have no idea what’s happening

Andrew Duck

I just rewatch Torchwood Children of Earth and honestly the last 2 episodes of that miniseries is like a full on crying marathon, I love it so much. The death at the end of episode 4 gets me everytime.

Nick Ellis

Glenn dying was the saddest part of the podcast since Ron lost his ability to wear pants 👖

Kevin Rasmussen

I was waiting for the episode to end on a zinger from one of the dads in their 15 seconds to react saying "Go to hell Glen"


Glenn dying is going to make things incredibly interesting...

Alex Wade

The angel banter made me happier than anyone could imagine. The fact my favorite creators also connect with angel and buffy the same way I do but my generation knows nothing of it :/ so I literally have like 1 person to talk to about other than my parents

Austin Baker

I never watched game of thrones because I had a hunch like matt said they were just going to kill characters to be edgy and "realistic" when it's just childish and repulsive and not what stories are about.


I feel like Anthony might be referring to the character that gets watermelon squished, if you know what I mean. Season 4.


Will’s George Bush folding chair comment healed me from the last episode.

Ellie Rohrback

Question: I apologize if this has been asked already (I'm not caught up on Talking Dads yet). When the dads entered the forgotten realms, they entered into classes, like Ron is a rogue, Darryl is a barbarian, etc. Do the sons have classes? Do they have "powers?" We know Terry Jr. can do magic, because he almost opened a portal to another dimension. Can any of the other sons cast spells?


I think Glenn is gonna come back with Jodi and Nick


I think you're right (but Nick Jr is the rat named after Nick the kid)

Brian Dickie

i wasnt sure if the daddies were going to get the roc back to fight the dragon and so the dragon resist knife got me so excited. even the talking dads episode about it feels like an emotional rollercoaster


After listening back to the first episode with my wife, I wonder if an ambulance and an AAA van made it there. They would be good help in the final fight :)


I accidentally listened to the first minute of this before listening to the episode 🤦‍♂️


Jesus this episode left me shocked!!


Well atleast we still have our boy Paeden right?


The ending of Repo, where Anthony Stewart head dies is the hardest death for me. I'm always a wreck after and It always feels like my dad just died

Mike Deme

I put an entire movie theater into a state of uproarious laughter when I saw Rise of Skywalker by singing the ending credits theme when they crashed into the quicksand. Maybe top 5 best moments of my life 😂

Angela Shrader

Thinking about the doctor in House that passed and when it aired on TV they had a number for the suicide hotline. He tried reaching out to the doctor team and everyone was too busy 😭

Connor Millar

Omg I never noticed that the knife was submitted by “Will S” I was just like “oh like Will Will? Wait no his last name is a C duh”


I was dying during the whole "character A character B" bit 🤣


I would pay good money to see the tower of terry bar fight against vampire girl with glenn performing a one man cover of Ballroom Blitz in the background. 😂