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We dive deep into story and performance for the most emotionally involved episode yet, and we talk a bit about what this story arc's end game might look like.




This episode hit really hard, I think you guys did absolutely amazing with the story telling. Every time one of you guys cries it always makes me tear up. Thank you guys for this podcast, mad respect to each and every one of you on every part of the podcast

Jordanasaurus Lamb

Willy is the worst person in the world and I just want him dead. This is my 2nd time listening to this episode and it still breaks me. Fuck you Anthony I love you but how dare you


thank you so much for this episode and also talking through it. i relate hardcore to this parent dynamic and these episodes have been helping me heal from years of grief since their passing. thanks yall for the incredible writing and performances

Caz Flip Smith

how fucking funny would it be if all of the omega daddies were just played by Paul Rudd a la orphan black


This episode hit so hard. It was perfect, it really is hard to believe that an improv dnd podcast could execute a story like this so expertly, but it did. Beth's voice as lil ron and the way she played it was so heartbreaking, it was genius because it really captured that "Im so scared of being wrong that Im hesitant to even speak" mindset. But it was absolutely heartbreaking, didn't know the tears were coming till they were already there.


Listening to this episode for the first time, it’s breaking my heart into a thousand pieces because the details about Ron almost exactly mirror my own life and I’m crying at work rn so if you see me in public no u didn’t


this is the first time i’ve listened to the talking dads of this episode after having listened to death of a salesman 13 times at least and i have to say i’ve never felt the doubts about the impact this episode made that the guys originally did. Death of a Salesman means the world to me and is like injecting emotional turmoil directly into my veins and i love it. I will always be a fan and am super proud of the work they have done and continue to do!!

Maia Li

they bring up Paul Rudd but don’t acknowledge how he’s Will’s voice doppleganger?!


I love Will so much

Poison Applethorpe

This is however many years old, but Imma say it: Beth's Ron Stampler voice also has a bit of Jennifer Coolidge in it.


Yes. Ready for a sad ride, baby.


Legit first episode I cried at. It was the dog, for me.


Fuck me up with feels

Douglas Underhill

Re: catharsis - my emotionally abusive, mostly-estranged father died about a week before this episode came out on Patreon. I clicked to listen to it before I really thought about whether I should, but it was absolutely cathartic. This episode could not have come at a better time, for me. Lots of crying, lots of laughing.

Christopher Pete

I love how they're like, "we won't shit into a microphone" as if we didn't already have an episode intro that was just Henry giving out a nat 20 fart for 30 seconds


I’m here to cry and that’s it


Can you be moms for season 2 for those of us with mommy issues

Stephanie Neher

Whatever you guys do for season 2, I'll be here for it!

Chelsea Yeager

Every time Will tears up, I just want to hug him so bad. I love the honest, open discussions you guys bring to the table, especially about the heavier episodes, and I've been anxiously awaiting this TD all week. Listener questions are always great, but hearing you talk about the process and what you feel did or didn't work is always so interesting to me.

Owen Bardsley

As a dendrologist and natural resource worker, There really isn't alot if money in dendrology. Will thank you, I haven't laughed harder in a while.


Maybe for fetch quest you all can use the honey heist system


Thanks for explaining the whole shelter thing because I was confused on why they had to lie to willie. I kind of thought that was a reference to Beth saying Willie use to kill cats when he was younger in Mountains of Dadness and they were protecting rogue

Jaye Arrianna McClain

I was so close to tears listening to this Talking Dads but when Will started crying--I broke


I’m on my second listen of the podcast and caught back up with this doozy of an episode. I had such a visceral emotional reaction to it that I had to join in Patreon. It was so well done.


Will, at 42 minutes, pretty much sums how incredible this episode was. 🙌🏻


Honestly, TAZ invented the formula, you guys iterated on it and made it so much better. I really like how open and honestly you guys are here, both about the episode and season 2. Especially contrasting with TAZ. It’s good to see that you guys are really thinking about the design elements behind Tabletop RPGs, what makes them work and what doesn’t, how to make sure characters have agency, etc. Again, that’s something I think TAZ has hardly ever gotten right: They fight against the genre and system to tell the story they want to tell, while you guys work WITH the genre (even if you do still fight the system sometimes) to tell your story, and that makes it so much better.

EvanEightNine !

I love the podcast. it completes me, but the last two episodes have been like Owen Wilson dying in anaconda followed by Owen Wilson dying in Armageddon. Please stop hurting Ron


Towards the end Matt suggests Warhammer 40k for season 2, and I’m absolutely there for anything y’all do.. but that would be amazing.


aww guys! dont stress about the next part of the podcast! I just love your group's energy and how you work together! all your bonus content no matter what it was I loved! new characters or something not related at all, whatever you do I'm excited to see! XD

Kait O’Mara

If Willy had Ron kill his own dog or Willy kill Rouge in front of Ron… then Ron would have became a serial killer 👀

Darryl Holiday II

I got choked up when the mummies were the moms. I got upset when they just added Denis.(egg on my face later) I felt Will's pain when the Henry and his father stuff happened. As a father I was devastated when Nick left as someone else's son. And I was horrified knowing what happened with Willy and Ron. I get a fuck ton of laughs from this show but it certainly runs you through the emotional gambit. Love this show.


I would kill for a Jane Austen style one shot please 😭🙏

Darryl Holiday II

Listen Beth and Will, the amount of people that subscribe to the patreon don't do it because of Dungeons and Daddies. They do it because of The Five of you. I personally love the one shots almost more than the main stuff. The energy and vibe you all bring to the table top is why I rush to listen every Tuesday at 11 on the dot. Why I was upset when Freddie dropped the Talking Dad's after I'm already trying to go to bed. This has surpassed Adventure Zone. I knew that the moment you had fucking cw ads. I think you embody the spirit of Dungeons and Dragons so much more than anyone I've seen. There are moments in the DMG where it says to basically take things with a grain of salt when it comes to rules. But more than that, you know how to just create moments that we'll as the audience remember. You are the funniest and most heart felt group I've had the pleasure of listening to. Everything doesn't hit always with everyone and that's fine. But I know that whatever you guys do next, you'll crush it. Check out FATE. I think it might be a good fit for you guys.

Millie Marrai

Steampunk Victorian with Eldritch horror. Actually my dream setting


I'm really excited about whatever y'all decide to do next, whatever it is. The Jane Austen story sounds hilarious. You could probably get a solid Buffy-esque story with Monster of the Week, and I think y'all would tell a hilarious story if you did Pugmire.


As others have said, y'all don't have to worry about the fans and season 2 - it's the creative energy you all bring to the table, I don't think the system or story matters that much. The story of season 1 is awesome, and the bonus content is solid too, y'all have got this. Oh, and you all blew TAZ out of the water a while ago. I'd be fascinated to see your version of a cryptid story, but again I have faith in anything you put out.


I just cried ugly tears and decided I needed to become a Patreon member after that performance. Great job.


Please let Matt run a 40k session for yall. It would be incredible.


Dungeons & Daddies has been the most incredible journey but I’m honestly really excited to see what you all come up with next. Just parroting what others have already said, we are here because of the five of you and the energy you bring into our lives. Would love to see a campaign set in like feudal Japan (plenty of weeb energy) or maybe like a LOST/castaway that evolves into a treasure island kind of story.

Holly Fleming

Re: Anthony being disappointed about putting everyone into a “Kojima cut scene” and the show really being “the pyramid and the beans” - it’s both! To me anyway. I really loved the cutscene. It’s all complementary I think. Anthony is a terrific storyteller - his cut scenes are what make the beans so climactic.


We all know Henry's favourite rock is cummingtonite. 🤣


Completely agree with Will, this episode was incredibly cathartic. A beautiful work of writing, acting, and improvisation. Congratulations on an amazing episode Beth, Anthony, and all the daddies.


I think josh brolin would be a good Willy


Honestly I thought they did one. Only just now do I realise that was Rude Tales of Magic... They should totes do it too but! I'd love some more crossover episodes, too, like the ones with Hey Riddle Riddle.


Look, honestly, please don't fall into the "The Simpsons Did It" trap and let the fact that other podcasts have tried things stop you from doing it. It's like saying no one should make action movies any more because Michael Bay got in first. Your version might use the same or similar system or backdrop, but you would have your own spin on it that no one else could replicate. Rude Tales of Magic did a Jane Austen one off, but yours would be NOTHING like that even if you used the same (very loose) system. And similarly, yeah TAZ did a cryptid-themed season (it was the first I listened to and the only one I was really interested in), but there's SO MANY different stories that could be told within that very vague window dressing (my only request, if I could make one, would be to try to go into some more obscure and/or international cryptids and mythologies. IMO Bigfoot and co are the least interesting cryptids out there... though I do also know y'all would do something great with it). It's like that thingy says, if you turn up with another cake that you think (almost certainly wrongly) isn't as good as others already on the table, the response isn't going to be "ew another cake", it'll be "Fuck yeeeaah more cake!" Two chocolate cakes? Yeeaah we got more chocolate cake! Gimme more cake to stick in mah earholes 😍👂👈🍰


I'm so deeply hype for a regency era game... Hope they use Good Society! I really cant think of a better system that gamifies whats fun about jane austin's ouvre

Samuel Watson

Does anyone else think Kurt Russell would be the perfect actor to play Barry (Beary)?


I hope they‘ll do a KidsOnBikes one-shot

Chai Reynolds

Anthony, thank you. Beth May, thank you. And for the moment when Will is crying like a person should when confronted with honesty and bravery, thank you. Y’all make one hell of a show.


The line: "the DNA of the show that makes it worth listening to is that instead of being a radio play, it's one guy trying to do a radio play and failing because 4 other people are getting in his way, in ways that make it better than the original radio play". That hits home with being a DM. We have the players go on the journey we want, and they eff it up for the better.


I would cut off my left arm for that Regency era oneshot 😩


I see you, and I appreciate you.


Monster of the week would be right up you guys' lane though. Its so much more narrative based than statistics. I honestly think especially Beth would really like it. And there's so many more cool obscure cryptids than just bigfoot and mothman. Also Anthony and Beth you are wrong this episode was amazing and I feel dramatic beats like this are even more powerful in a comedy podcast. And this cutscene worked so well. But y'all won't believe any of the nice things we say anyway.


Random thought but is Jodie or his mom the demon inside the guitar back when they first saved Nick ?

Matthew Arnold

Matt here: I got the rulebook. Gonna learn it and do a test run at some point this year (end of year is getting busy!). But I promise at the very least we will do a one shot of it. I'm hoping its a good enough system and we find the right approach for a miniseries.


S2: I still love the "infinite dungeon" with dying characters idea that you floated during an older Talking Dads. No matter what, I'm confident S2 will be great. Every actual play thing you have all done has been enjoyable.


It was revealed at the end of the body swap episode that Jodie was the demon in the guitar


I knew I didn’t like Ron’s dad. His name isn’t worth typing. (That I don’t know whether it’s -y or -ie. 😆) You brought trauma to a fictional story and you did it so amazingly well. I teared up, and not just because of the dog. Thankfully I didn’t have a childhood like Ron’s story. But trauma and I are old friends. Thanks for bringing that out in your story. The openness and comedy of the characters made it an compelling and engaging story. Can’t wait to see where you go from here.


Love this episode! It was amazing... Don't want to undercut it but was Ron pants-less the whole time in his 4th dimension brain?


Regency-era cryptids, problem solved


Kyle. McLaughlin as Barry


Every time I think about the shelter scene, and Anthony getting choked up, I also get choked up and cry


someone else suggested a feudal japan setting for s2, but I also think yall could do a monster of the week setting with Japanese cryptids which would be AMAZING and very different from TAZ's monster of the week season if yall are worried about piggybacking on them!


Another idea if you four travel to Harry Potter world coming from America


Just any idea that your characters had to bring understanding from America messed point of view to a society that is different.

Christopher Pete

That's legitimately my favorite thing about these Talking Dads episodes. It's a toxic trait in myself, but I never feel comfortable showing any "non-masculine" emotions if I can avoid them. Then I was listening to an old Talking Dad (like, a year back) where Will broke down and cried a little as he talked about his own struggles to control the worst aspects of himself and.... everyone just loved him through it. Nobody gave him any flack for it. They all told him that they cared about him, that they were proud of him, and that it was okay to let it out. And that was such a beautiful example of positive friendship and positive masculinity (Beth is also being positive here, and I fear that she's not encapsulated in "positive masculinity." Is it positive femininity when we have unfair expectations of emotional nurturing from women? ) Regardless, it was a really sweet moment, and it was just nice to see that depicted in such a real way. Nobody is playing a character (well, maybe they are a little bit-- it's hard to be 100% authentic when you're recording yourself), nobody is making jokey jokes halfway through. They're just telling their friend that he matters, that his emotions matter, and that he's valued. I LOVED the Ron arc, don't get me wrong, but it's always going to get filed under "fiction" in my head because, well, it is. The emotions are real ones, but they're being played out with predetermination and thought/selection. Conversely, Will's show of emotions in those episodes is raw humanity. It's real, and it's hard not to connect with it on some level. Anyway, thank you for attending my TED talk on why my parasocial relationship with these 5 is secretly somehow healthy.

Christopher Pete

I feel like 90% of that podcast is just someone saying, "Listeners at home, you can't see it but [podcaster] has taken out a tape measure, put it by their crotch, and shot it out as far as it will go like it's their dick."

Christopher Pete

Seconding MotW. I started up a session with a buddy who learned to DM through podcasts, and it's GREAT. Super simple, easy to get into stupid shenanigans (I'm playing a hard boiled detective who got unstuck in time around 1937 and flung forward into the present day. He's everyone's grandfather minus the racism, and it's a blast with the team dynamic). This team would have the time of their lives with it, and based on the Aaron Sorkin-esque one shot that they did for the election, I think that they could do some hilarious love triangles/interwoven webs of interest with one antoher.


Keanu reeves should be Paton


I'm only 16 minutes into this episode and already Beth has given a more relatable explanation of dysfunctional families than I've heard in 10+ years of therapy. 🥲


Matthew McConaughey would make an AMAZING Willy Stampler

Matt Noh

Willy is Willem Dafoe in my head canon

Eric McDaniel

You all have made me cry and laugh. Thanks ^.^ the story telling is like magic


"1 guy trying to do a radio play while 4 other people get in the way and make it better" reminded me of Jonathan Coulton's "You Ruined Everything"


Oof, Anthony at ~19:38 on Ron being unable to distinguish between having done something wrong and reacting to something being inflicted on him.... That hits a little too close to home. Of all the daddies, I never thought I'd really relate to Ron. 😔

Kiera Conrad

The dynamic Beth & Anthony talked about with Ron's parents struck a chord for sure...especially "you can't love someone out of a terrible situation" but also "sometimes the best the parent can do is just love their kid" - you got it exactly right (at least for me and the other people I know who were in the kind of situation)

Tom Stift

I know I'm getting to this late but if you guys want a fun system to play in a Victorian steam punk dystopian setting Blades in the Dark is super fun and I think would make a great stretch goal. The system is a little more loose with its stats and combat but I think its excellent for improv storytelling


Oooof...my fault, cause you guys warned me lol, but I was out on a walk while listening to this episode and had to go hide behind a building during the ENTIRE dog scene...I know Anthony apologized for it, but I don't think that was necessary - I appreciated hearing the cast sniffling and voice cracking through this whole thing too. I know it's a parasocial relationship lol, but it helped me feel like it was a communal mourning of truama. Damn it was rough, but SO. GOOD.


I'm sure Anthony put the dog memory in because he needed to establish the fear Willie instilled in his family, and also did NOT expect Beth to put every amount of emotion that exists into the scene. I appreciate Freddie leaving the sniffles in.

GamGam Eevee

And Jeff Bridges, for at least one of the Dads.

Jordan Stickle

This was such a heartbreaking but powerful episode. But it was so beautiful, too, in that all the dads were so supportive of Ron. Everyone did such a wonderful job. Much love ❤️

Garret H

Jon Hamm as Willy, Stephen Merchant as Barry, David Harbour as Frank, and Jimmy Wong as Bill


The Touch of Ron's Mom is the name of my porno

Helen Hastie

Willy - Fassbender or Jeffrey Dean morgan Barry - robin Williams/ Jim carrey Bill - William c Reilly, George tekai or Liam neeson Sidenote - Vince being DiCaprio, scam likely being Patrick Stewart and the library being Ian McKellan

Alex S.

Bill close = Russel Brand


When Glenn gave up his son, that was a great moment. But he kinda changed his mind after that and refused the idea of the consequences he agreed to. Like the only thing on his mind after the trial was getting back to his son.

Rachel MacArthur

I've been watching The Boys, and I came to the conclusion that the guy who plays Homelander would be a good Willy Stampler.

Jordan Clement

I cried full tears in public because of this episode

Sophie nah

Everytime WIll cries i have to pause bc otherwise im gonna bawl too. love these funky podcasters

Abby Amsel

I am so far behind on Taking Dads but... Will... Yes. I teared up for those reasons as well and I applaud your strength in being so open. Hey Beth May, you're amazing as well for doing what you do with Ron. You and Anthony portrayed this episode so beautifully with so many things. Thank you both for the way you handled this and the "aftercare" this episode provided.

Kendall Crosby

Always imagined Peirce Brosnan as Willie

Isaac A

John krazinski as Willy