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Join the dads in this potentially canon adventure as they investigate a haunted house...

Note: This is the audio only version of the live show for all your podcast apps, uploaded by popular request! If you want to watch the video, you can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52742360 


sean Urban

Freddy said he would sue me to oblivion if I pirate this episode.... could you sue me to Skyrim instead though? Oblivion doesn't have a great framerate

Andrew Macias

Jesus Anthony is a menace in the beginning


When beth made the bad mannor joke i luaghed and was a bit bumbed no one herd her then he made the joke and everyone laughed and i was like wooo he stole it xD

James Bacilek

Such a good ep, def recommend the video but this will be great at work. Thanks!

Darryl Holiday II

Thanks. Audio much preferred as I don't really have the time to set aside to watch. :)

Jason Melton

Daylight doesn't technically do anything to vampires as it's not technically sunlight, but it's much funnier if it does


Do yourself a favor and at least watch that one moment... (You'll know). Anthony's face is PRICELESS!


You didn't have to spend the extra time creating an audio only version, but I really appreciate that you did as it seems easier for me to make out what people are saying in this version. Thank you!

Sean Zenitram

Thanks for uploading in this format, couldn't listen and lock my phone the other way.

Kae Winters

I do recommend watching it at least once! Anthony's reactions make it so, so worthwhile.

Darryl Holiday II

I watched the whole thing. I just do the bulk of my listening at work, and audio stuff makes it easier to do. The Jenga stuff would have been less fun audio only though.


Finally getting around to listen to this. Anyone know what time the actual gameplay starts?


They finish with the dad facts around the 48 minute mark of the video and 13-ish minutes of the audio.

Kimberly Oberklaus

Anthony's rhythm method joke was so under appreciated by the dads, I laughed so hard


Who wants to make the Saw play with me?

Kait O’Mara

I’ve never seen a DM get cucked so hard so many times lol

Mason Dyck

I knew this would be a great show when I laughed like a mad man at that intro/rules clip

Cactus Pear

“I could see going with a two-finger situation…” -Beth May, quoted out of context