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Anthony is off this week (we'll swing back around to talk about this episode next TD as well) so Jimmy steps in as host in his final Talking Dad appearance. We talk about his process and experience coming on board the show as well as our thoughts about the latest beat in the Glenn story arc!



Maria M

Accepting the dare also would have cost Glenn the ability to play the guitar, and being part of a rock n roll Christmas cover band was so much more important to him and central to his identity. Maybe not the most logical move, but definitely a Glenn move to keep the DJing a secret.

Caz Flip Smith

also like being a DJ is probs different than a Linkin Park cover band DJ....like the latter is just so niche


there's so many great moment in keep your hands of eizouken, a moment that constantly make me and my brother laugh is in either ep 4 or 5 there's a moment when the main character just says "eh" but the performance is just hysterical and its two frames of animation just makes it the perfect gag


So Glenn has no kid. Can he go home now to be with Morgan? He has his beacon/tether.

Chan Choe

What cards did Jimmy crack?


I think maybe the movie question was confining it to the same series? For instance the Watchmen TV series to me personally is superior to the 2009 Movie that came out awhile back.

Anthony Mertson

“See you in hell, idiots.” -JWong I love D’n Daddies

Darryl Holiday II

We gonna dance around the fact that Glenn lost his son again? That Morgan is out there now but he can't be with her. Oh! As a father I am just so sad at that thought. He spent years with the one thought that he'd get to see his son again and when he finds him, he doesn't just not remember him. He despises him. And then walks off into the sunset with someone else as his dad forever. How does one go on from that? And someone will have to tell Morgan her husband was actually a guy possessed by a demon. And what of that cop's family? That cop just died and has been possessed for *counting up Nick's age with the years before he was born than he and Morgan were dating and married*. This is a lot of fucking sadness. It's good and I love the story but damn. Y'all got me with this one.

Phillip McCall

Dude.. Beth talking about her experience in her career, working through therapy, and feeling like an expert in something that can seem so menial really resonated with me. The creative pursuit, acting, filmmaking, writing, photography, etc, can feel so challenging and so often triggers our fears about ourselves. But then finding the creative outlet that we can take ownership over and be the expert in shifts the perspective on all other pursuits we have. One of the biggest aids in my filmmaking career has been TTRP as it allows me to explore new ways to tell a story, flesh out characters, and explore parts of my own psyche and mental health. Therapy helps too. Go see a therapist.


Yesss Futurama is my favorite too!

Samuel Watson

Okay but what about in King of The Hill when Hank can't get the cap off the WD-40 so he pulls out a second smaller can to spray the first bottle

Joenel Perez

You guys forgot that on episode 23 when Scam-likely dared Glenn to be a DJ. ??? What a foreshadow. A really big secret that he does not want to get out until now LOL

Aubry Tucker

Yall could make talking dad 2 hours long and we will happily listen

Mary Weber

I'm from Iowa and I get so friggin excited whenever anyone anywhere says the name of my state, like hell yeah, that's us baybeee, the home of Norman Bourlag is being mentioned as a joke on this podcast.

Elizabeth Teeter

Teddy must be the soul sister of my cat Mina. She hates everyone that isn't me. Cats are goobers and I love them.

sam mathews

The fact that ron being a rouge was determined from a buzzfeed article sounds like a very ron thing


*****Spoiler Like a lot of people, I feel bad for Morgan because now she doesn’t have a son or husband because they are demons.

Daniel Shelton

Question for the dads: What is each of the dad’s enneagram or meyer briggs types?

Alexis Duran

I like to think the demon boys will go back for Morgan. When the dads get back they will find them just living there together despite them being demons.


Yea that would be cool. They could be like Dante and Nero from Devils May Cry who could switch from a demon form and human form

madel andanar

I feel really sad for Glenn. He lost his son, and he can't even be with his wife. What's his purpose now?

Matthew Montgomery

I hate that they missed the chance to call the episode "It was inside you all aWong" 😅


Am I wrong in thinking that Glenn had the opportunity to announce he was a DJ previously and lost a ton of money or something??

Ali Haas

But it's Linkin Park Cover band DJ music.... It would take a while for anyone to admit that out loud... even if it could have literally fixed a whole bunch of shit real fast.


That tracks 😂 I'd be crawling in my skin or die under a thousand suns before I admitted it😂 it'd be more likely that a meteora hit the earth 😂

David Jackola

Oh, no. I'm a podcaster and a DJ. :[

Jake King (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:19:32 Gungans & Daddies finale?!? Love you guys
2021-05-31 18:19:23 Gungans & Daddies finale?!? Love you guys

Gungans & Daddies finale?!? Love you guys

meaghan m

i also fat grieve Nick, but looking into the future of this podcast, yo like i feel like anthony is gunna pull some messed up moral shit w the alignment charts in the future like.. if the dads team up with nick and jimmy for an EpiC battle and have to do some demonic shit like, darell wilson watch tf out for ur ideals with religion and catholisism if Big D (anthony) decides to go that way later on with that kinda route

meaghan m

also also dear reader, if you know glass cannon podcast this arc kinda reminds me of that thing that goes down in Mindrehals Cathedral js

meaghan m

@heybethmay 10/10 need more teddy content

Zack S

Who is your favorite celebrity pet, fact or fictional? Other than Teddy.

Benjamin Creed

Late to the party but favourite Simpsons joke: Burns - "Smithers, use the amnesia ray" Smithers - "You mean the revolver, sir? Burns - "Excellent. Be sure to wipe your own memory clear when you're finished"


The Will Little League story is epic!

Hannah Forster

My rec me daddy for animations with great jokes is gravity falls. I cannot say that it's a master peice enough.