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Matt is out due to a cold, but we get deep into the episode, Beth's new poetry book and the artistic process, and discuss the intricacies of combat mechanics in D&D. We also recommend some comics!



Kelsie Charbonneau

The fact that you all didn't know what Matt meant, still kills me, lmfao!


Super late to the patreon show, but I kinda pissed myself laughing with the discussion of dark Ron and the image of Ron slitting someone’s throat with no pants.


One of the best ways I've seen superheroes tackle their villains with mental illness is the justice league episode where flash talks to trickster


Love how Anthony mentions a mechanic that doesn't get used until late in season 2


For the initiative issue, where you discussed how varying difficulties of actions or narrative priorities don't align well with the 5e combat system, y'all should look into doing Greyhawk Initiative - lots of good reading out there on Reddit/Wizards websites, check it out!


Wishing you well Matt!

raven rodger

Dark Ron = Darkon Darkon (2006) Fantasy role players use Baltimore re-imagined into a medieval world called Darkon. The adventurers combine character-driven storylines with physical re-enactments. Each person creates an alter ego complete with rich emotional, psychological, and social lives as well as elaborate costumes for use in court or on the battlefield

James Arbogast

So Glenn is a biblical character. Love it.


I would like to see the old Nick come back but not replace the new Nick, like through an alternate universe or something. That would let Glenn get his son back, but let us keep Jodie. Plus it would be really funny if old Nick and new Nick met each other.

Darryl Holiday II

How come I have never seen Anthony's name associated with that comic?

Darryl Holiday II

I don't think this group will take well to that. Beth has already expressed a struggle to focus on multiple things on her sheet at once. Plus this does nothing for social actions. I think Matt would be the only one to enjoy the Greyhawk initiative. (I prefer it myself). There problem isn't that they want to switch up who goes when and make things more tactical per se. What I ge this that they just want things to be less free form. My suggestion would be rolling a d10+3 each round and everyone gets that many beats, shared. Enemies get the same or half, depending on their dc, and Anthony can interject with npcs as he sees fit. So if you have something you want to do, you can. Everyone should get the chance for an action before others monopolize and take second actions. This should still keep to the, characters get one attack and one bonus action and one reaction unless otherwise stated rule. Like Daryl for instance and his three attacks. Which each take a Beat. Anthony could then decide if he wanted to let them take additional actions outside of that, provided they have the beats, which would greatly speed things up. As far as impressing upon them Danger, I do not know. I mean those lightning swords did it until the group ended the fight easy. You're not far off from really giving it to the Party in my opinion.

Marcy Brown

Is there a google doc or anything that with a list of the things they recommend/like/are reading/listening to?

Christopher Pete

Jimmy: I was an arrogant POS and I had ego problems through to my early 20's before I began to recognize that I needed to put in some work to better myself Me: oh, than goodness, someone else that had a similar experience to me! I was starting to think that everyone figured this stuff out so much sooner than I ever did! Will: yeah, I did that.... In *fourth grade!* Me: oh, frick


Jimmy were you like, on call for if Glenn were found guilty AND chose to go prison or were you going to be a character regardless? Basically would Jimmy still be on the podcast as a different character/Anthony writing Jodie in in another way had things gone differently in the trial/sentencing. Thanks!

Jason Melton

This basically sounds like you guys would just rather use ffg star wars as a base system ha


To add onto the comic train, Mister Miracle by Tom King also captures the realties of trauma and parenthood in a very real way.


Mister Miracle and The Visions are both absolutely beautiful pieces of art. So was Superman: Up In The Sky. All of them made me bawl


Could somebody please make a list of the comic book recs? I'm having trouble searching them without knowing the spelling.

The Command Zone

I was told to "be ready" if the verdict turned out that direction, but honestly have no idea if I would have found myself on the podcast if Glenn stayed as Nick's dad. So, no actual clue from me, but I have been asking to guest on the podcast for awhile now ;D -jimmy

The Command Zone

Jimmy - Saga by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples Will - The Ballad of Halo Jones; Usagi Yojimbo; Joker - Year of the Villain (Anthony Burch & John Carpenter) Freddie - Achewood; A Lesson is Learned but the Damage is Irreversible Beth - we still have no idea. Something about Pirate Girl seeking Vengeance. "Red" something. Anthony - Miss Marvel - G Willow Wilson; Hawkeye - Matt Fraction; Captain Marvel - Kelly Sue Deconnick; Green Lantern (The Omega Men), Vision, Heroes in Crisis - Tom King


In response to combat: I have found that isn’t a problem unique to this podcast. I found when I started DMing that I had a hard time with fights because I didn’t know how to make really good encounters that were more than back and forth attacking. Without getting hugely into it I would suggest thinking about how to make combat more dynamic and higher risk. The best way to do this is to have enemies use legendary actions, which happen on the player character’s turns. I used to reserve these for “big bosses” but even lesser enemies will need dynamic moves outside of a single action, bonus action, and reaction (you can also look into making their reactions more unique to them) to take on a now very powerful group like the Dads. Matt Colville has a GREAT video on creating encounters by using a theme to give a single enemy or a boss + minions some more utility and interest. With more dynamic enemies encounters don’t need to be 10 turn long slogs, but still deliver a decent punch that puts players in tough spots. I don’t know if that helps at all but I’d love to see the players have to make tough choice in combat situations. I think right now fights often lack that tension that makes D&D feel heroic, rather than just murdering people weaker than you.

Kevin Engelkamp

New Patreon Unlock: "The Dark Ronicles"

Moosh Munky

I haven't read many comics and was never big into superhero stuff, but the last few years I got into Promethea and Watchmen. They're incredible and very unique. Watchmen is only 12 issues and has a few changes in the movie version, and there are extra companion series issues that serve as sort of prequels and sequels. I think it's only about 30 issues in all, Promethea is 32, having short runs is actually really nice so the series can be finished in a few weeks or months. Scud The Disposable Assassin is great, too, for a much lighter and more comedy focused thing with lots of good pop culture references. Rob Schrab created it and Dan Harmon wrote a lot of it, you may have seen him on Harmontown or Sarah Silverman Program, he also directed some Community episodes.

The Overthinker

I feel like a 'split person' event where Ron gets hit with a magic staff and turned into his good and evil selves separately could be really good, either in a Xander season four kinda way or something more long-term and scary. Willy with an evil Ron that he's proud of?


Ron doing a Rachel from Animorphs and now I wanna figure out which Animorph they'd all be.

Sonja Repetti

Really enjoyed this ep of Talking Dad :) as someone who really fell in love with the show due to the characters and strong story it is just lovely to listen to y’all thinking and talking about narrative so deeply. Also Beth’s poetry rocks

Paul Villanueva

"Why can't a story not just be a series of horrible things happening to people that they have to deal with and accept?" This, plus Will talking about how everything has to have an arc: Hell yeah, dude, that's that good shit. Straight into my veins. These kind of conversations about art and creation and expectations around storytelling are my favorite parts about Talking Dads. Also, about social confrontations: The fifth edition of Legend of the Five Rings from Fantasy Flight Games places an equal weight on social interactions as on combat stuff, and there are rules for handling social conflicts in sort of the way you were describing here. It won't map 1-to-1 with D&D, but there might be some interesting ideas for you to use if you're so inclined.

Zoe Wrath

A comic rec I have is "Die". It's like a dark Jumanji where people get sucked into an original D&D world

Caitlyn MacLeon

The endings for Glen are disappearing? I hope not. ALSO - horrible question - If Morgan is alive now without Glen.. does that mean the way he impacted her life contributed to her death?! 0.0


That's what I was thinking too! But that's so horrible to think about. And in Glenn's defense every little thing we do has so much impact that we don't even know about. Like it could have been that Morgan wanted to pick up some milk because Jodi asked her to and that's why she was on a different road at the time of the accident. I don't think it necessarily means that it was an active impact Glenn really had.

Connor Millar

I would straight up listen to a podcast of Will explaining bible stories omg


I agree, it's fine that Glenn didn't have an obvious "character arc", especially in the kinda manufactured setting of being imprisoned for years. I saw several people complaining about the lack of growth. I'm still digging the plot of this adventure.


Beth being "forced" in the role of finishing the episode is like scary being the leader