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We sit down with special guest Jenna Stoeber and go deep on Glenn's character, the process of bringing Ratticus Finch to life, as well as a glimpse into the formation of the courtroom mechanics (as well as a peek at what would've happened if Bill actually busted the dads out!)

Please note! If you are a member of the jury, please do not listen to this episode until after deliberations are complete!



Isaac A

I literally cried when they talked about nick not even knowing what a truly good dad is, and thinking Glenn is a truly good dad. I kinda hate Glenn noe

Isaac A


Aylis J Lind

I've always wondered if there was a rift between Glenn and his dad when Morgan died, and Bill was not there for Glenn as a dad.

Ryley Henry

This mock trial really shows how context is everything in the judicial system. If the dad's would have applied context to more of Glenn's actions it would have heen a much easier time convincing the jury.

Ryley Henry

Best to worst dad's: Darryl, Glenn, Henry, Ron.


in no world is ron at this point in the story the worst dad, he treats Terry jr with respect and he only gets as confused with him as he does everything.

Skye Fibrefox Stitchcraft

"Sometimes you shoot a squirrel and gain a level." -Jenna Stoeber OMG, going to attempt to make an embroidery of this quote XD


like the argument of comparing real world morals to dungen and dragob. where your going on fun murder sprees and its normal

Bird Wizard

Man I thought Nick was 16 not 13 a lot of the arguments against Glenn make a lot more sense now

Addy Nelson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-27 18:36:05 In my head Nick was like 14/15ish, Terry and Grant were around 13/14, Lark & Sparrow were 10 (but so violent when playing soccer they got moved up a division to try and mellow them out) and Paedon like 9.
2020-12-02 18:37:07 In my head Nick was like 14/15ish, Terry and Grant were around 13/14, Lark & Sparrow were 10 (but so violent when playing soccer they got moved up a division to try and mellow them out) and Paedon like 9.

In my head Nick was like 14/15ish, Terry and Grant were around 13/14, Lark & Sparrow were 10 (but so violent when playing soccer they got moved up a division to try and mellow them out) and Paedon like 9.

Kait O’Mara

Ya I don’t think Glenn qualifies as a truly bad dad. And all because he let Arron die doesn’t reflect on him being a bad dad. Lol ya know Ted Bundy was a shit person but a good step dad apparently.


Yeowch my heart hurts for these boys. This discussion was so awesome and I love how you talk about the world of humor and story and extracting the real world themes and the nuance of giving this fantasy character a trial. Jenna talking to Nick was really such a 'wow oh no' moment that I feel was so important. I think it's so amazing that Henry who arguably doesn't like Glenn the most was the one who defended him the hardest.

Isaiah Bethune

What would be the last words of each Dad if they were to die with only the other dads around and how would the other dads respond to those last words?

Vladimir Simpson

Praise to everyone in these last two episodes. Gotta say Will's lawyering was intense and amazing. I also love how deep into Glenn's character we get in this talking dad episode.

Christopher Lee

Can we have “it’s not cool to be happy” merch

Alex Da San Martino

I think the best argument they could have made for Glenn is that he's not a bad dad or a bad person, but he is simply an idiot who makes the wrong choice with good intentions

UK fan (Dan)

The only way to memorialize a good sentiment is in embroidery. It’s true.

Brian Doyle

I feel like what freddie is trying to say is that people are morally grey, but we're all taught that you're either good or bad. When really your behavior is good or bad. Good people are capable of terrible things. While bad people are capables of beautiful things. No one is good or bad only the things you do


I love the analysing of Glenn's character. It's so interesting to hear all the thoughts about this stuff that goes behind the joke.

Thomas Jones

This conversation is so real