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The second day of the trial of the century begins as Glenn takes the stand to defend himself.

Special guest Jenna Stoeber as Ratticus Finch. Check out her Twitter and Twitch!

This episode contains profanity, drug/alcohol use,  and a brief reference to violence.



Ellie Donihue

I am in love with this

Christina G

this intro is iconic

Isaiah Galaviz

This made me realize that my relationship with my dad is very similar to Glenn and Nick..... anyway, great episode! Made me laugh enough to forget my shitty relationship with my dad

Max Rubinstein

Great Episode! Really excited to see what Glenn has planned

Kyle Inman

These past two episodes have been a couple of my favorites yet 😂

Isaiah Bethune

The argument fade made me laugh so hard

Addy Nelson

God I will never get enough of this courtroom drama, it’s such a great format for podcasting and Anthony’s mechanic makes it make sense for gameplay, uhhhhhhgggg LOVE!!!

Isaiah Bethune

They were so much more prepared this time it made it so entertaining

Jordyn Koyyen

I object to this episode on the grounds that it made me realise some things about my relationship with my dad that I was not really ready for. Still funny tho, laughed audibly despite being alone when listening.

Jake Weiner

As a Haikyuu fan I know exactly whatcha mean Freddie

Jose Sandoval

My wife and I are recently new to this podcast and we are finally caught up with it lol love everything that you guys are doing, and im glad that im supporting you guys :).


I too like to wear those socks which give you baby feet!


someone show Mercedes Oak this episode, Henry's hot.

Isaiah Bethune

Glenn has big Grunkle Stan energy from Gravity Falls

Carrie Pena

Baby foot peels are the shit and the guys don't know what they're missing.


47 episodes until some sjw crap was inserted. Not too bad.

UK fan (Dan)

So sharp. Great great great.

Hayden Gardiner

17:34 yep, no time travel antics at all

Michael Valdivia

The funny thing is THIS IS HOW FAMILY COURT IS. (Coming from a ex social worker)