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We talk about one of our longest and most difficult podcast record/edits, as well as road trips and (what else?) movies!



dell erlam

man 2001 is solid i love that one

Sean O

Good lordy look at all the content this week! Love it all! Keep it up y'all!

Nolan Childerhose

The hard work shows! What a banger episode it was!

Colman Crocker

This was all so needed today! Thanks dads!

Jessie Giesbrecht

E.T. scared the shit out of me when I saw it, and I still can't watch it haha

Andrew .

Ohh I thought you had used a vocoder! Talkbox is so much cooler!


Defs needed this today thanks so much dads 💖

Little Sgt. Pepper

Fun fact: I lived in Glendale and my family owned a cabin in Lake Arrowhead and that was the first time I ever threw up in a car 😅

Nick Bidaurreta

The death note Anthony wrote for Glenn was perfect to hear today. I loved it!


The I’m sorry I love you was so perfect and instantly felt.

Mandy Murdock

Please, please, please don't go to a more serious campaign like TAZ did. I've tried to make it thru Amnesty, and both my daughter and I couldn't do it. We love the McElroys, I made 13 Pop Figures for Balance and saw them in 3 different cities last year. Amnesty just to serious and dark. Heck, look at Storybreak's "Serious" movie. :/ Stay funny my friends, with only occasional seriousness. ;)


(this was super fantastic! also GLENN'S DEATH NOTE!! gosh I hope no daddies die because I can't take Anthony's elegant nihilistic takes on death haha. also these shame lists are killing me, amazing,)


I don't know what those others are but I agree with you, I think they currently have a sweet spot between serious and silly.

SmilingJack the Anarch

They did a Call of Cthulhu that was still funny, this group could pull off a funny Monster of the Week. I love the idea of them doing a one off of that. Buffy had funny episodes, so did Supernatural and the games references Evil Dead 2 as well.

Doug Layne Anderson

Just to throw an opposing opinion in the mix, I would love to see them do a serious campaign. So much of what they do (even outside of DnD) is lighthearted and funny so I would love to see something in a completely different direction. Even if it doesn't turn out good I'd way rather see them branch out than just stick to what they're doing now because it works.

Martin Benson

Fuuuuuuck that Glenn Death Note!!!!!

Sam King

Matt describing "Keep Off the Grass" was one of my favorite moments in Rocket Jump: The Show (yes I watched that).


Oh man, only listened to this right now and I must say I had a hard time listening to you guys about Kubrick. I truly feel The Shining is a master piece with all the moving parts on the background, the crashed car in the opening scene, the doors that cannot exist and the Apollo reference. Such strong symbolism throughout one piece of art. Also I get 2001 is a boring movie as a stand alone. However, it is amazing to compare it to the book as they were written simultaneously and both use their own medium extremely well to tell their respective versions of the same story. The bone to spacestation shot, HAL, the floating pen, the shear loneliness, warp speed and the Star child scene. Sorry for the long post, still loved listening to this episode of Talking Dad. But I love those movies too...


I felt Amensty wasn't that serious at all, it was realistic but there was a lot of silliness as well. But I can totally understand not being into it. But Monster of the week doesn't have to be like amnesty though, the game can be as serious or silly as you make it, just like DnD! The most important difference is that it's more narrative, decisions are less roll based and more role play based. I don't know if an entire campaign would be too much, but 1 episode or an arc would be interesting I think. Also sorry for this super long comment.


Mountains of deadness was so good! I really think you guys could make an awesome monster of the week thing. Even if you don't want to do an entire campaign, just 1 arc or smth would be so good! Also Glenn's death note was so good. If it would have been in the ep I would have cried.