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We talk about our collaboration with Hey Riddle Riddle, Matt's unbelievable cluelessness, and the process of our intros. We also answer questions about Avatar: The Last Airbender and why Freddie likes playing assholes!

Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poIAmsDZFHQ 



Bee Ami

“There’s one thing you should know about me before we begin, I was born in 1989! 🎶’Cause baby I could build a castle-“ -Taylor Swift, the 1989 world tour

scott m

Finally listening through all of this. I love Ron being a wood bender because it actually would fit in the original element idea for the show.

Victoria and Austin

For real, when i turned 27, i thought i was 28. For an entire year i told everyone i was 28. On my actually 28th birthday for whatever reason i did the math and was mind blown that i had just turned 28.


Love when I forget about this and get surprised!!

Jason Boulet

Frickin’ Dink Dank Gosh Darn Dilly Willy Heck’in Shark Tooth Banana Charcuterie Hootin Tootin Raspberry Frickin’ Fuck Podcast


The references on this show definitely contain a lot of peak 80s / 90s american pop culture and childhood references, which maybe isn't surprising considering how this is a show about Dads (and that you guys are in the late twenties / mid thirties range).


I also keep forgetting that I’m no longer 27.


We wanted to hear Beth’s canary so bad


Paeden = Meelo


Hey I think the mummy scream u guys used in this ep is from The song Guillotine by Death Grips


Thanks for fixing the mummy scream!

Alonso Gomez

Beth I don't have a 6 year old, but I do have a 7 year old I can loan you.


Love this! But hey Beth, what do you think about the headcanon that Ron is trans? It would explain why hes so short and never considered a skirt instead of pants.

Alexis Duran

Make Beth watch Avatar and just record her reaction of each episode


Where is Beth’s Canary!?

Brendan Stirnaman

I'm 19 and I do not get that Legends of the Hidden Temple reference but I appreciate the effort for the people who do

Christopher Pete

She posted about it on reddit. The short version is that she's delighted that people can see some of themselves/a matter that is important to them in the character. That said, Ron was intended to be a reflection of a man poisoned by a childhood and adulthood of toxic masculinity, and his entire nature is centered around being messed up by a very flawed definition of masculinity. There's some great stuff that makes Ron that much more of an "outsider" to his own family, my personal favorite being the art where Ron is a hokey white dude and Terry and Samantha are black-- something Ron will never be able to fully understand, no matter how much he improves. I also like the trans theory-- it's a great metaphor, even though it isn't canon

Christopher Pete

"that's not that much younger than me, I'm only.... Oh. Oh God. I'm 29. I'm older than you AND Beth. GOD, WHYYYYYY?!?"


I'm not sure how i feel about being confused about the same things as Matt all the time.

Alex Franks

Anthony suggested Hey Riddle Riddle and I fell in love. So now I gotta go listen to You’re Wrong About. Hopefully Anthony podcast suggestions will be 2/2

Talia B.E.

Ok but BUT then when people listen to Ep41 for the first time, they will get the factually INCORRECT 3D-printed mummy vocal cord sound. But fr now this ep & Beth’s guffawing make WAY more sense bc the dubbed audio is MUCH funnier.


In Matt's defense, I didn't realize it was the mustache until you guys said it here


Completely did not realize it was the mustache. Thought there was something that transferred by kiss.

The Sullivan Girls

Thank you so much for introducing me to You're Wrong About. I can't stop listening. (And Anthony and Beth, I think you should go on the show, presenting about the 1980s theory that D and D led to suicide, murder, and insanity--ie the stories of James Dallas Egbert and Chris Pritchard)


I was Just thinking of this! It is the Exact Same Noise when it showed up I Couldn't stop laughing bc theres a 9/10 chance none of them have any interest in death grips


1) i'm old 2) are some of you daddies younger than i am oh god


I like what Freddy said about passive listening! I think it's very interesting how a lot of audio media is taking more notice of that. It's like swingig back around to classic western theatre. That's why plays like Shakespeare's are so long and wordy, becaue theatre was more of a social event back then so people only vaguely paid attention.


Tbf, I've listened to this episode passively like three times and still had no idea what was happening to Ron. Glad I wasn't the only one haha


"guests can ruin the dynamic of the podcast" I can agree 😅 When Ashley joined for that one episode, I panicked at the new voice and character and scavenged over Twitter, Instagram and IMDB, Patreon and was worried I missed a special or something

Darryl Holiday II

I had no idea it was the Mustache until the next episode, lol.

Darryl Holiday II

My parents told me basically that D&D was evil, like ouiji board type stigma. My dad said he got so caught up in his character and he started to lose himself Jim Carrie style. They are super nervous about me playing to this day. It's hilarious. I'm checking out You're Wrong About soon as I finish a couple more episodes of another podcast so I'm glad to see someone else is already enjoying the reccomend.

Darryl Holiday II

I have had Hey Riddle Riddle in my que for so long and just keep pushing the episodes back for other things because I didn't think it would be funny. Little did I know I was already listening heavily to Adl's(sp) other podcast Hello from the Magic Tavern. Didn't know he was on Hey Riddle Riddle so I'll be giving it a check out eventually.

Darryl Holiday II

Oh and Matt... I liked Zoe on Brooklyn Nine Nine but it was super weird I'll agree

Darryl Holiday II

I am a Picker in a car part warehouse and I ride around on jacks and forklifts listening to podcasts or music all day. Mostly I'm good and I catch everything. But if I'm driving the car I'll turn on almost music exclusively. I don't what it is that freaks me out but I'm afraid I'll have a wreck and just, nope. It's super weird.


The bit about improv where you aren't supposed to throw each other under the bus ("read this book"), that's an important rule in completely cooperative improv. But you guys, you can break that rule because you are occasionally doing what I would consider to be competitive improv, where one-upping and a little under-bussing is encouraged and is often the best bits.

Donna Ibale

I had to do 2020 - my birth year in my calculator to remind myself how old I am 😂


Playing catch up at the moment - just wanted to say that the lotht intro made my whole day when I first heard it #redjaguars


I cant even fathom how that twighlight scene can be read as sexy??? I sent the link to my friends and we're very confused


I know merch for this wont happen because it was only said in talking dads but I really want "strong of heart dumb of ass" on some merch.

Tyler Kuhn

Me laying in bed, at 9 pm listening to this podcast, falling asleep, and I turn 27 tomorrow. 🥺

sam cosme

I love Stefan Burnett's voice for the mummy meme! 🤡🤠

Rae C

I almost got kicked out of a bar for forgetting my age. I promise it’s not a fake ID, I’m just old!

Helen Hastie

Wait. Where is Beth as Canary???


My take is definitely Daryl: earthbender, Henry: waterbender, then he gets plants and void for his anger, Ron: Airbender, Glen: a shit firebender that's convinced everyone he's very good