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What's the deal with D&D podcasts? Right? Anyone? Is this thing on? We also discuss some of our failures and childhood crushes.




Will. That ass game is quite literally an anime

Kari Petersen

But Freddie is so right about Gadget though! And Beth is also right about the Robin Hood foxes. I will also submit to the panel: Bianca from the Rescuers and Charlotte from Charlotte's Web. Like, why are they made to be so sexy? 🤔😬

Marissa Rocco

Thanks for sharing your “failures”— could get sappy about what it made me reflect on and forgive myself for, but instead I’ll say: you are the best parasocial father figures an adult kid could ask for 🫡

Christopher Pete

I'd just like y'all to know that I'm trying to find jobs out West partially because it means I don't have to get new Talking Dad content late at night. I mean, that whole "career" thing is important, too, but the podcast about dopey dads in a fantasy setting controlled by the dude who wrote Borderlands 2 is the primary factor.


I’d definitely follow you without you using D&D. I prefer listening to different systems. But strangely enough I hate listening to pure improv with no dice involved

Gnaeus Corbulo

Your guys' love of Spelunky was, delightful to hear and I'm excited to hear there's a sequel coming out!


I cannot believe Will actually invented Keijo!!!!!!!!

Nicky Wayne

Beth is trying to think of Erik von Detten of Celebrity Mole: Hawaii fame.


Ok,so,I thought of this in a dream so it may not be the greatest idea,but what if the dads got incapacitated somehow and the players had to play their sons.

Christopher Pete

I'm vaguely upset to learn that nobody else had a crush on Xena: Warrior Princess. Lucy Lawless was, is, and remains my clearest delimiter between childhood and awkward puberty


It's always a shame to hear about people falling out of TAZ when they tried shifting away from DnD. I adored Amnesty and thought the system and modern setting was fantastic for their brand of storytelling and roleplaying, in similar fashion to how I think Dungeons and Daddies gains a lot from being tied to our real world and characters from it.


I think it’s important to remember that in a regular D&D campaign, you can have characters who still have to experience death or have characters who have to make moral decisions like the dads do.

Doug Layne Anderson

Oh my god, I remember following Matt’s devlog of Marbelot and I’ve always wondered what happened to the project. A tiny part of me was beginning to think I’d imagined it.


Hey I just wanna say how much I appreciate the group changing the format for these talking dads. I made a comment a few weeks back about it and I’m not sure if they read it, but this new formatting was everything I wanted and so much more. So thank you Will, Anthony, Beth, Matt, and Freddy y’all are really helping me get through these crazy and scary times I’ve gone through and listen to the whole show I think 8ish times now and it’s just, well, just really really helping me.

Darryl Holiday II

I had listener questions but wasn't sure where those go. So I posted in the community section a few questions. I walked away from this episode feeling like it was the best Talking Dad I've listened to. Not sure why I enjoyed it so much but that was super fun.


As soon as he said Ass Boxing I though "Holy shit it's Keijo!!!!!!!!"

The Overthinker

So... if this Canary person can magic souls and homonculi, can she just split the two souls of paydon and frank? Like, can she fix that?


I thought Paydon is Frank's soul, just without the memories, so there's nothing to split?


Legit...Robin Hood (the fox) was my first crush...hes just so charming!!


You know there's an entire anime dedicated to Ass boxing named Keijo!!!!!!!!

Sam King

Will, I appreciate your emotional vulnerability so much! I'm an aspiring filmmaker, and I let my anxiety stop me from completing creative projects all the time, even those I really like. It gives me hope to know that I'm not the only one who has failed themself in that regard.


Loved the Talking Dad episode! I would lose my mind if you all played Among Us together and recorded it :)


The part where everyone opened up about their failures really resonated with me. It centered me and helped me realize that nothing is truly permanent, and that sometimes the best we can do is forge on and keep hoping, driving towards a better future and then you look back and it's been a few years and things aren't so bad in the light of day now.

Ashley Laduranteay

Just catching up on Talking Dads, and omg Freddie referenced my reddit post.

meaghan m

yo, Lark and Sparow shout "Rhi-Rhi" For Rhianna twice(?) now in the show. Is Rhianna an Oak?---EDIT: OH SHIT FREDDIE MENTIONED IT TOO

Uncle Pete

Did anyone else think Matt was saying VGA Chess? I had a big aha moment when I realized it was VGHS.


Late to the party, but I love hearing you guys talk about your creative processes—both the good and bad. As a wannabe creative, I find it very inspiring.

Kari Galensky

I scream laughed at “ethereal forest sprite”

Mason Dyck

I cringed when Beth said Joy kill not Kill joy

Adam Cappelle

Hamlet 2 exists and is incredible


It's been 2 years - has MarbleLot ever been re-done? Matt I am BEGGING YOU