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Live reaction to Episode 39! Join us on the Discord in #live-ep-reaction!

For those of you who want to watch on YouTube directly: https://youtu.be/1miKKc2cHjA 

And for those who need to join the Discord:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role


Ep. 39 - Forgotten Realms - Live Reaction

Ep. 39 livestream reaction



I am sad to be missing this. I can’t get my discord linked. Maybe next time. :(


Oh I could hear it! Good. Maybe I can get the discord hook up figured out by next time.

Ashley Nicollette

Oh no! When you follow the guide linked above to connect your Discord and Patreon, what happens? It may be worth a shot to try using a different browser.

Darryl Holiday II

I listened to the first recording for episode 1 this morning and Freddie talks about how essentially too much of just talking is boring. It works in character too. Try to not have the guys talk every single thing to death. Anthony bails you guys out with a solution once and then you get to the hatch and spend an agregious(sp) amount of time going round in circles about it. I'm very curious to see Anthony's brilliant idea to fruition(sp). More action less talking to death. Otherwise I'm really enjoying these character arcs so far. Also, I'm very interested in the roll up of 1st edition characters. I don't know, bonus content or extra stuff for next episode but I'd like you guys to share... If not character sheets then just talk about them. I'm sure you will but sometimes that stuff just gets glossed over. Not from you guys but just in general in podcasting in favor of sticking to the story. I'm interested how 1st edition roll ups will come out though.


I felt so validated when Beth yelled "Bonesaw is reh-dyyyy"