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This time we spend an hour talking more about the game we're playing on the main podcast, and a bit about our inner creative lives...



Maria Rebella

I can handle neither criticism nor praise and no one ever try and encourage me or I'll die


I can't believe rick and morty straight up stole wills Rett Con idea


Wasn't beth literally the first one to say in an episode she thought Paeden would be an anchor tho? 🤣


this episode made me really emotional.. i hope everyone knows how good they’re doing with their characters in season 2

Nicholas Bugeja

Matt "rule 36 all porn already exists" Me- okay where are the drawings of Pikachu feet covered in honey as the owl from tootsie pop commercials lock it clean?!?!?


Same, I haven’t even been listening for a year and I’m already caught up with so much 😭😭


Heck yeah!

Max We

I binged the whole podcast and now I'm binging TD. Not long and I will have to upgrade to the uncut episodes. But after I watched those, what then?? I will go into daddy withdrawals

Ashley Laduranteay

Seriously well done you guys. That was a truly enjoyable episode. (Yes, I'm aware of the irony of saying this about an episode where you talk about not liking positive feedback.)


the excitement over my dad wrote a porno injected me with that sweet serotonin, bless y’all!

Christopher Pete

Beth's e-sports rant is easily my favorite part of 2020

Samantha Melcher

Just want to say I love this podcast so much and each person makes me laugh so much.

Audrey McKenzie

The way Matt said “three out of five of us are married” fucking killed me

James Edward Antley IV

Maybe Darryl can take Grant to the therapist that Erin mentioned to Ron

Zak DeFeciani

in an effort to praise without actually praising because i now know how much you all hate it, fuck every one of you everything youve ever done is terrible. except will campos who is a very good boy yes he is, and freddy wong? ...meh

Kayla S. Pingree-McCarthy

God, I adore listening to you guys discuss everything. It is both relaxing and extremely funny!


Speaking from my own experience, I think that Grant is experiencing dissociation. Maybe Erin or Mr. Moustache or someone could let Darryl know that Grant needs 'grounding' (if Anthony would like to look that up, maybe that's just a butt tonne of work for little outcome, I don't know). And, of course I'm also on the side of Darryl leading by example and showing emotional vulnerability so Grant knows that it's ok for a man to have that. To cry or break down is a totally acceptable response to major trauma. It's possible that he's been dissociating for a while to a lesser extent, to try to live up to Darryl and that these major events have triggered a larger response. I'm not a doctor or expert in any way. I can only speak from what I have learned through my own struggles and years of therapy. (Also having 2 psychologists in the family that I have learned a lot from ❤️).


Also, I realise this is entirely hypothetical as he is a fictional character but I find it a wonderful thought experiment and a healthy way to delve into issues of mental health. Plus it's fun.

Ben Sulton

Beth May is a treasure and must be protected at all costs


Oh! If you guys did a 'Magic School Bus' one shot, I could die happy. Hahaha

Peter yii

Magic School Bus into Grant to slay his inner demons.

Kolin Coats

Please do a House episode!!!! I would die in the best manner possible!!

Darkpumpkin21 .

I think I may have been the person who did the Reddit post Beth was talking about. I am very sorry if I hurt her or anything. I was trying to aim the critique more at Ron. I honestly enjoy Beth's humor the vast majority of the time.

The Overthinker

Grants issues are internal. They need to be solved ‘internally’


This was a great episode, they all are great, but I felt like this had a really good balance of table talk and other topics.


As a new supporter I'm binging all the TDs and as someone who's struggling with the desire to make meaningful art the discussion about praise/criticism and creating art was incredibly thought-provoking - have a feeling I might have to relisten to this one when I'm done binging

Grey Stewart

This was a really impactful episode to hear. Living as a creative in a world where everything feel so much can feel very depressing, but like Freddy said as long as you are making yourself happy and doing the best work you can for yourself makes it all meaningful.


Im currently reading a book about the difference between men and women in the work place, and their whole conversation on praise *chef kiss* i love it when things connect

Aurie Dear

Beth absolutely bodying my interest in e-sports speaks to the Scorpio in me I love it


Team Liquid did have a rough Spring split in 2020 tho lmfao

Billy Poff

In Anthony's defense Bordelands 2 wasn't a bad game due to writing, it was more an issue with the way the player characters were. All the characters felt so lackluster intheir own backgrounds and play style compared to the first game. But the npcs were mostly all so interesting and more fleshed out then you would expect in a fps game. Plus it gave birth to one of the most popular video game npcs there is.


Fucking great stuff about creativity and productivity. Thank you for sharing.


The Paeden dilemma seems rather solvable with the Deck of Many Things. Unless they left it in the car.


Missed opportunity for a Wrath of (Ret) Con 🤣


Sometimes they have a heartfelt discussion about creativity, and sometimes they talk about porn for a really long time! Perfect podcast


When i was young we used to do irl stratego which was the best game ever

Edward Sena

Crying at Beth dismantling my love for eSports