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 The dads face Yeet and The Hottiez in the Supper Bowl finals.



Aylis J Lind

Hush little mustache lol lol lol

Elyse Johnson

I hear face spider everytime instead of whatever the spider should be


not sure if you remember writing this (or care lol) but he’s saying ‘phase spider’! basically a spider that can teleport :)

Jake Lee

I won’t do anything for a Klondike Bar, but I’d sure do some shady shit for some free Mountain Dew.

Caleb Maldonado

Is the synopsis the same as the father's day special?

Shelby Holder

This episode is a fucking nightmare! I’m starting to feel nauseous from this.


I am so scared.

Nick Long

Y'all have screwed Anthony soooooo haaaarrrddd🤣😭🤣

Nick Long

Also, the poop punishment is super over powered. What if it was limited to a specific number of long rests?

Sean O

Oh my god Anthony you are gonna kill me. This show is taking years off of my life

Sean O

I am now super excited to see where this twist is gonna go


Holy shit. I knew it.


Called it


Okay, so Darryl should just stay in the forgotten realms, right? He doesn’t have a marriage to go back to. He can just stay there and maybe Grant and Yeet can somehow work things out. Can you imagine how much trauma Grant would have back in the normal world? I feel like he’s built for the forgotten realms.

Max Rubinstein

But if Carol continues to search for the next 23 (I think my math is right) earth years, then she'll probably stay with him if he can somehow return with Grant to earth. But it does seem like Anthony is kinda pushing this whole idea of Grant belongs here and taking him home will only hurt him more.

Broden Orr

yeet in "EYE ROBOT"


I lost my shit at the timeout

John Chatwell

Really enjoyed it guys, nice job


why not just separate them?!


I mean, if a person with the ball hits the ground in football isn't the down over? Like, wouldn't going underground just be an extension of that?


Got damn Glenn popped off this episode

Ciaran boyd

Does this episode now mean that Darryl's nickname is now Shooter?


Hey dads love the podcast! My birthday is actually the same day as the next episode. I have an idea for a character in methbay called Smoking Nimbus ( And he has a flying weed cloud!) That would be the birthday present 🎁

Andrew Thao

Oh no, I made a very poor decision to eat while listening...


Wait when did darryl eat the Charleston chew? He threw it at grant in the car, so it shouldn't it be gone with the car?

Ronald McRonald

Wait darryl never ate the Charleston chew. He threw it at grant who just looked at it


i come back to 29:00 of this episode from time to time to laugh even now

ace of diamonds

there is supposed to be body horror, and i wouldn’t be surprised if it was the shit

Savana Trudel

I literally cried (laughing) listening to this

Victor Michael Sinclair

I'm so upset that Freddy's pull for a smart person was (maybe the dumbest person on the planet) Elon Musk


Awe man I wish this entire episode was inside Darryl's butt :c


Iirc, Darryl never ate the Charleston Chew! I wonder if he did but it just got cut from the other episode


This was before his public and overarching fall from grace but it definitely aged like milk lol