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The dads get down and dirty on the gridiron as Grant reconnects with Yeet Bigly and Darryl discovers his anchor.



Ethan O'Connell

The intro song is from mad max lol. When furiousa finds her people and there's no green place


this episode hurts me so bad


Grant is my favorite 😭😭😭

Olivia Beauchamp

Grant’s going to do the Saltburn bathtub scene w/ Henry’s bath later lol

Caleb Maldonado

Dad joke for everyone here: well I was going to say something about a broken pencil but realized it was pointless


I suppport it


Just listening the intro but im sorry the best soccer movie is shaolin soccer



Justin A

Green Street Hooligans, a pretty okay gritty "soccer" movie


Poor Grant

Ashley P

I am hurt from this episode. I just wanted Grant to.... Ahhhhh this made me cry lol


I literally had to pause when Grant said THAT. thank you Anthony for hurting my gay soul this pride month

Nicky Wayne

Flip* a coin, Anthony.

Mike Rhine

How did Darryl not list Remember the Titans, the best football movie ever made?

Lexi SanDiego

Henry chooses NOT to be self righteous about Veganism?! I call Shenanigans!!!!!

Haley Borden

Oh NO someone go hug Grant right this second holy shit

Nick Long

My heart is broken. That boy needs a hug!!


Guys, you hit a new fucking stride with this episode.

Sean O

This episode tore my heart out. That whole exchange with Grant and yeet was pure gold. The editing by Freddy really tightened the conversation up and made it feel like there were 2 people there. 10/10 all around


YES, Stack Paden!!



Amy Irving


Gwendolyn R. Carpenter

Hey two things: I have never needed the theme music at the end more, AND how dare you be so good at sounding like a scared, teary child Anthony MY HEART IS DESTROYED. Ripped to BITS.

Diana de Gracia

the pattern here is that every new episode is my next favourite ❤️ every character really shined in this one! ive never laughed so hard for so long, and yet just had my heart torn out so quickly. DaD is Top Tier.

Wyatt Veldman



As a D&D fan, this true crime podcast’s football game made me frustrated! In the next episode, I hope the beholder gets tired of their antics and uses his anti magic gaze on them

Kevin McGuckin

A lot to unpack after that over here

Broden Orr

nice insider wrestling talk Anthony


best soccer movie...The Big Green

Kevin C Jourden

Stuff like what Darryl and Grant are going through is the reason I have adopted the phrase "I can't fix what I don't know is broken" Communication is key!!

Andrew Duck

Hey, had a thought for a Story Break the story boys could do with Anthony (Also, I know this is for D&D, but I don’t have Twitter), you guys should break a borderlands movie, seeing as it would be great ground given Anthonys experience with the franchise. Just a thought, it could be fun.

Audrey McKenzie

I really want Ron to become Grant’s confidant. Ron can be super emotionally intelligent and Grant need some of that rn. They could go see Not Me together.

Montanna Tilton



I am emotionally devastated


As a lgbt+ person that yeetxgrant conversation was so true to life

Maia Costea

This episode's game was such a fantasy fulfilment for me, because I never bothered to learn rules and always thought "well, it you were to have 5 balls and less players, this would be a cooler game", or stupid shit like that. Or "add a bunch of wolves on the court if they don't score fast enough". Cheesing this game was SUCH a great moment. Also, Ron is a master of cutting tension through the whole series, I love Beth.


Hi I'm relistening to this two years later and the ending is still making me cry

Connor Millar

Ours was “we will, we will rock you, sock you, pick you up and drop you, throw you in the toilet, see if you enjoy it” lmao