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The dads conduct an arcane ritual to figure out how to get home.

Our PO Box:

P.O. Box 90853
9029 Airport Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90009




Season 1 has a certain magic that is just so goddamn funny


I resubmit my withdrawn statement about bringing back Tchekov’s Snake


red dead redemtion is the best how dare you

Noa JayDe

I need the Mr.Snake song on Spotify NEOW

Lexi SanDiego

And I’m already working on the fan art!


Forget the show. The intro is already Gold

Matt Glynn

Im listening to this in zoom school with kids on the line and they're all very concerned about the red color of my face and tears in my eyes thanks to that intro


Darn I was so ready for Beth to be right about Paeden at the end there.

Shelby Holder

When Freddie made the yeast joke everybody included me made a mmmmmm sound all at the same time. Sorry buddy, but that pun was not good guess you knead to try better next time.

Kade Drum

the intro just indicates how long everybody's been on lockdown 😂


The snake would have a dislocated/fractured trachea and probably a subcutaneous emphysema

Jake Bedard

Holy guac, the sound design was so good! Will we ever get to see an official Hi I'm Ron EP?


I'm over here cooking NY strips for dinner during my listen! Love it

Alonso Gomez

Wait, isn't the whole reason vegans, because they living beings. Yet Henry is going to eat a living bread?!

Alonso Gomez

Henry makes me wanna eat more meat!!!!

Black Mesa Radio

Missed opportunity to say "Marknof the yeast." When dealing with the bread demon talk.

Audrey McKenzie

Wingdings is such a wonderful name.

Wessel de Haas

This has been such a smooth transition to the “new quest”. Anthony’s storytelling and overall arch is incredible and wow man, bravo. So curious to know what will happen next!


oh my gosh that ending!! lol love it

Hina Hanta

Welcome to Dungeons & Daddies, a podcast that starts with a 5 minute discussion about Sonic the Hedgehog's pubes

Savana Trudel

Well...I guess I've been giving my cat orgasms for 8 years now too


This is my second listen through of S1 and I’m still like deeply obsessed w Beth’s staying alive snake song