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Nobody asked for this argument, but that's what it's like being Matt and Freddie's friend! 

Inspired by the riff on Talking Dad, we bring you the first (and probably only) episode of Debate Me, Coward!, a show about two men yelling at each other over something stupid, alienating all of those around them, including possibly you, our dear listener.

In this episode, Freddie postulates that pepperoni does not belong on pizza. Matt defends.


Ryan DeVault

I don't even eat pepperoni pizza but this made me crave it so bad


Freddie's right tho 😂


Matt is 100% right to the point that it's funny hearing him try to comprehend Freddie's absurdity. A better hot take would be go the opposite pole: pepperoni is the unsung hero of pizza.

TDub Miner

Quoting Matt here “that whole pickles coming in my mouth”🤨🤨 Whatchu mean?


Thanks a lot. It’s 8:30 in the morning and there’s nothing more I want in life than a pepperoni pizza 😂

Rob Gibbons

Cupping pepperoni is awesome! It gets nice and crispy.

Jenna Holmes

I’ve never liked pepperoni on pizza!!! And never understood why people liked it. Sausage is a thousand times better

Bee Ami

reminds me of my high school friend group

Greek Pantheon Wrangler

I don't think I would want to listen to this but I'm with Freddy screw peperoni!

Mathew Staib

I love them going on about how nothing other than pizza, even though a lot of delicious Italian subs, have pepperoni.

Jake Lee

I’m convinced that there’s something wrong with Freddie’s brain lmao


Why would anyone need to dap the grease off of their food 😭 and wth is deep fried pizza 😭😭 what's happening in america 💀


I googled chicago pizza and it just looks like a quiche??


I do agree with sausage being better not gonna lie. 🤣

Talmon Glidden

God thank you Freddie pepperoni is so unappetizing


Pepperoni all day baby


This was just madness.

Paul Litch

Pepperoni 👎

Devon Willingham

As someone who’s been a pizza chef and was a sous chef at another pizza place, no we don’t blot the pizzas and pepperoni an overrated pizza topping. I’d rather have pepperoni on a sandwich than on a pizza

James King

Freddy is right. Pepperoni is disgusting. I have spoken.


Man, I am so glad I joined patreon for such premium content.


Now, hear me out. Pizza doesn't belong on plates.


Holy shit. Found this years too late and it’s amazing. Makes me think of how I argue with my friends!

Jori nmyway

I lived in Italy for 14 years and I would like to say, I am appalled at the audacity of Freddy's statment

Ashley P

Yo kinda hype for this lol

Christopher Pete

I'm gonna listen to this later, but also, one of you is very, very, very wrong

Sean Morrell

I already love this. Hope there is more!


I didn’t think this was gonna actually happen. I’m so so happy

Ryan Garcia

Please do more of this.


Can’t wait for more episodes like this!!

Austin Baker

34 minutes?! Hell yeah I am ready


34 minutes of Freddie being wrong... Wow...


"True genius is rarely recognized in it's own time" -Freddie Wong


I don’t even need to listen to the episode to know that whoever falls on the side of “pepperoni does not belong on pizza” is wrong.

binta coulibaly

this is the best thing ive ever listened to and also freddie's right


Please do more of these. I love this so much! It's exactly how I argue with my friends

Travis Lopez

Jesus you guys lol that was stressful


thank you for the serotonin dads


This was utterly ridiculous. 1000/10, I need tons more of this


I saw the title and came running. 5 minutes in and I regret nothing


I haven’t listened, but Freddie is wrong.

Ashley P

PLEASE make more of this

Chris Wall

This is wonderful and I can't wait to listen to more 😂😂😂

Someone Named Tygget

Holy shit this is amazing. I would absolutely listen to a hundred episodes of this


Pepperoni belongs on pizza. Also, I would listen to another.


Pepperoni is also great with salami on an Italian sub, though.

JJ Galloway

I’m so hyped for this


Guys. You need to make more of this. I love this so much!


I'm with Freddie on this one. Just because pepperoni is a traditional pizza topping doesn't mean that it's inherently good


Thanks for making my weekend!


im 54 seconds in and i want more

Delaney Garry

Pepperoni is the worst topping for pizza and I will take this to my grave.

Jen the Reaper

I've been waiting for a podcast like this for years!!!!


This is awesome! Please make more of this type of content!


Hell yeah Freddy, f pepperoni


Freddie is right but I also want a pepperoni pizza rn


This is a joy to listen to and also Freddie fully won


Freddie abandoned the resolution: Matt wins. This makes me so nostalgic for debate competition. Please, please, do more of these.


Freddie is wrong here. 1. Personal preference doesn't mean the thing you don't like suddenly doesn't belong there 2. Freddie you changed your argument half way through. Next time he more specific about what your argument is. Anyways please make more, this is fantastic!

Jamie Advincula

I love this content bahahahahahadjdjfkskg


I would so binge this if given the chance i love it 🤣🤣🤣

Bambi Ward

do more(ง'̀-'́)ง


You can like it or not but to say "it doesn't belong" discounts the people who enjoy it. Mans tryna cancel pepperoni lol.

Maxim Gagnon

I want this as a complete separate podcast. This is so incredibly entertaining

Sophia Pascale

freddie makes valid points but pepperoni does belong on pizza. also chicago deep-dish pizza is absolutely fucking shit and should be outlawed.

Austin Baker

This was great! I think I mostly side with Freddie actually though I can honestly say I've never even thought about this topic it's just so widely accepted. When I was a kid cheese was the only acceptable topping, I used to pull the pepperonis off if pepperoni pizza was the only option at parties but today it's fine, definitely much better as part of a supreme pizza. Freddie's absolutely right about the cups of grease and pulling cheese and other toppings off of a pizza. I can't tell you how many times I've taken 50% of the pizza off with a pepperoni bite, leaving staring at saucy dough. It is still pretty good though, I think the chopped pepperoni might have some legs to it.

Austin Baker

This should be a channel on the discord.


I am a masochist and want a million of these episodes

Braxton Walden

I would like to spark a controversy... I eat pizza with a fork


Okay listen You GOTTA do another one on whether hot dog is a sandwich


I'm with Matt. That being said, I'm sadly allergic to both pepperoni AND Italian sausage these days, so I go for Hawaiian every time. That's right, ham and pineapple pizza. It's delicious and doesn't make me sick. DEBATE ME!

Rebecca Pridmore

You guys need to go on We Got This already!


I definitely hope you guys do more of these in the future, it was fun to listen to. I don't have a dog in this fight since I love both but prefer Hawaiian but I'm excited for the next topic! Idk if you guys know about Splatoon but the splatfest topics could give you some ideas if you run out ❤️


This is what Michael Palin was actually looking for when he went into that argument clinic


The content I didn't know I needed.


The anxiety this gave me drove me to order a pepperoni pizza 😔✊

Kyle Barnes

I wanted to order a pepperoni pizza as soon as they started arguing. I will say I was thinking the chopped up pepperoni right before Freddy starter talking about it and I might try that with my next pizza.


cheese over pepperoni, stl solves this problem years ago


I'm loving this shit. Pro pepperoni


And I'm high and ordering pizza lol


I agree with Freddie’s initial point, for what pepperoni brings, there are a multitude of better options, but the dirty napkin point got muddled, and I think Matt held his side better.


please do this more oh god yes

Jack Kahn

Pepperoni belongs on pizza. I have spoken. Please make more. I'd support this has its own podcast, even.

Zac Childs

The occasional arguments in D&Dad are fun, but this consistent high energy arguing is just giving me anxiety and I had to turn it off. I am ordering a pizza now though, with pepperoni. I do think if good thicker sliced sausage was more common I would happily let it take pepperoni's spot,

Minnie Bunch

this is insane and i love it


This was just *chefs kiss* pure perfection.

Bob McCoog

Yes please! It may not be everybody's cup of tea but for me it reminds me of friends that I lost in my divorce a decade ago. So more please and soon?

Kierstin Porter

I fell in love with your debating! I could listen to thos all day! Please do more!!


I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. Please please do more.


Good lord this was an amazing episode. For the love of pete, please do more. 🙏


This is so utterly brilliant! More please!


As an ex pizza chef I agree with Freddie, pepperoni is the most B-tech topping you can have on a pizza. There are so many other options to put in it, people only find a fondness to pepperoni because as a child you would be given pepperoni to make it ‘more exciting’ than a plain margarita. Top tip for the best (in my opinion) pizza; take a rump steak cooked rare (it’ll cook more in the oven) cut into strips with fried onions and peppers then oven bake on high with fresh mozzarella. Best simple but delicious toppings.


Pepperoni curls up if it has a casing still on the outside of it. And this was a great episode. Keep it up.

Josh Dick

This was great, would love to listen to more!


More please :)


Please another episode!


Talk about pineapple on pizza you cowards!


Plz do more of this

Brian Linares

That was the biggest waste of 35 minutes I've experienced so far and I am 125% certain I need more of this.. whatever it was. Keep up the good work!


Please do more. Please. Please do more.


This was iconic. Please do more!


I will totally bump my pledge up if there's more of this. It's exactly what it feels like to hangout with our friend group on game night. But we can't exactly have that experience right now. 😅


Freddie said that pepperoni is only on pizza but I have had it in sandwiches and just by itself sliced up watching football. He also mentioned that you have to use a "dirty" napkin to dab the grease and you wouldn't use a napkin to wipe the inside of your mouth. How is using a "dirty" napkin to dab the grease different than a chef using a napkin or rag to clean your plate before sending it out of the kitchen?

Tycjan Wisniewski

This was f-ing amazing.. I NEED MOOOOAAAAARRRR


Omg yes more please!


Literally the dumbest argument I’ve ever listened to. 10/10 do it again.


That was fantastic, please more

Jason Melton

Not gonna lie, I agree with Freddy. Disk shaped pepperoni does not belong on pizza


My favourite pizza is thin crust pepperoni with extra pepperoni so... Also I haven't noticed basically any of the "problems" listed for pepperoni. I gather pizza in other places is often different to the US though.


This is simply amazing.


Oh my god, you guys suck at arguing. I'm a huge fan of addressing the controversial and breaking down perspectives but this is just a clusterfuck that leaves me dazed and numb at the end of it all. I want another episode but if you could manage to let eachother finish sentences, that'd be superb.

Alonso Gomez

Chopped up pepperoni??? Freddie is a psychopath??

Alonso Gomez

Pepperoni is pizza.


I love this and I want more. Also Freddie is wrong.


Every once in a while I got lost while listening to this argument. Freddie had some good points, but I agree with Matt on this argument.

Karen Bartlett

I don't like pepperoni, mushrooms, or olives, so that cuts out at least 80% of pizza for me. My favorite topping is pineapple, so apparently I'm inherently contentious. Also, this was hilarious and exactly how some of my friends argue.


I somehow missed this post. Yea, I got a new thing to listen to.


Why the hell is there such a giant grin on my face...



Stephanie R Corrigan

“We are all our own cups of grease, destroying the planet” killed me.

Kjersti Chippindale

I wonder if Freddie listed back to this and said, "Aw hell yeah, nailed this" or if he realized that Matt won lol. Also, didn't Matt say in a recent Talking Dads that he was vegetarian now?


Firstly, I would like to preface this by saying that I am inherently not a big pizza fan, and take big issues with sauce. That said, I think Freddie is absolutely correct on an individual level. The grease IS a problem. Dabbing IS gross. But that said, people dab cheese pizza too. Cheese in and of itself produces tons of grease. That said, chicken is the superior pizza meat, and easily bite size. Pepperoni IS difficult to bite and cut through, and it IS a low quality meat. Matt is absolutely incorrect, if you cut a sausage, it will move out of the way, and also it can be cut through with a pizza cutter. Pepperoni will not. But also pepperoni is a sausage???? Like they sell whole logs of pepperoni, Matt, you can cut that shit up however you want, and pieces of pepperoni would DEFINITELY be a superior way to eat it on pizza. And again, that takes us back to Freddie's point about quality. Because grocery store pepperoni is shitty and is sold in those disks, and you don't get to repurpose it however you want. But bite-sized cubed pepperoni is the better way, absolutely. Ultimately, however it comes down to Freddie's initial argument, does pepperoni belong on pizza. And at the end of the day, people can put whatever the fuck they want on there 🤷 someone's always going to want something bad on something, someone's always going to not care about the quality of something, it just is like. Some people put mayo on pizza, some people put corn on pizza, some people make pizza with a nasty ass cauliflower crust. I don't think that you can argue ANYTHING doesn't "belong" on such an ingredient-forward, versatile food. And at the end of the day, even if you were to reach an agreement, and say pepperoni doesn't belong on pizza, someone's always gonna put it there anyways, regardless of whether or not you feel they should. Pizza is a topic that is simply too vast to limit any one topping as truly "wrong," even though I, in agreement with Freddie, would not go for pepperoni in its current form.

Jordan May

I frickin love debate me coward! This is literally what me and my friends do to ease our boredom at work

Mira Frenzel

Now *I’m* getting heated listening, no joke, I am arguing with my car stereo over this. I wish this were more interactive. I will avoid pepperoni on pizza because I don’t care for it, but you know what pizza does belong in? Cheesesteak sandwiches. It enhances the flavor profile. But pizza? Freddie’s right for my personal taste. Unless it’s on a mega supreme with everything except the kitchen sink. Salami is my preferred alternative.

Aubry Tucker

I'm with freddie on this one. Pepperoni is not treated with enough respect to be a benefit to pizza.


I want more of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diana de Gracia

Oop I'm with Matt. Pepperoni is delicious and the grease is all part of pizza for me. It's cheap and trashy and one of the most delicious guilty pleasures! There's a beauty in the pepperoni pizza that has existed for so long. Mmm!


this is high art.

Johnny Udall

Only in America is pepperoni bite sized. In the rest of the world it is 4 inch slices. No place on a pizza. The lil US made bites of pepperoni are grosssss, use a nice soft sausage. Team Freddie

Christopher Pete

Genuinely curious-- how many people have sent a log of pepperoni to the PO box in response to this post?


Pepperoni 100% belongs on pizza. I will get double pepperoni because I love it so much


Freddie is 100% correct. I can never eat pepperoni on pizza, just looking at the grease on it makes my stomach hurt, no amount of dabbing can save that. Also every time I eat pepperoni I think back to my college days and my meat science class eating boar taint pepperoni... so gross....


I 199% want more of these


Topic idea that me and my friends debated and got into a big argument. Is lube sauce?

Carrie Pena

Ahahaha I have 2 people in my life I argue like this with and it makes everyone else so uncomfortable. I also yelled at my phone while listening because pepperoni def belongs on pizza.

Marina Loredo

I will absolutely riot if we do not get more

Heidi Nehls

Usually arguing makes me VERY uncomfortable but not you two. Seriously, you should teach a class or something. The world needs you! (Also, as heard on the best food podcast ever, The Sporkful, even the worst pizza is still pretty good.)


Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is an ice cream cake a bread bowl? These are the questions that keep me up at night


I'm with Freddie. Not only are they gross little grease cups, the grease literally takes away from the flavour of the rest of the pizza. Somehow, it makes it even blander, at least in my experience.


I need so much more of these.

Tom Peace

100% with Matt. It's as essential to pizza as cheese. If you have more than one type of pizza, it's always at least cheese and pepperoni. Pepperoni also tastes fantastic and is a good snack by itself. Also, the correct way to eat a pizza is to stand on the street, fold your pizza in half, and let the excess grease leak out the back, then eat the nice tasty grease infused crust. In conclusion, all pizza outside NYC is shit


Chicago pizza low key isn't deep dish 😂 it's all about the square cut thin crust


Freddie kind of had me but then he added "sausage does better," and sausage on pizza is disgusting.


I had to check to see if this was on x2 speed 🤦🏼‍♂️


I think Freddie just has a very specific kink. He likes being verbally attacked because of his hot takes. I said what I said

Katie Bonnett

As a West Virginian listening to this I kept internally screaming “but what about pepperoni rolls?!”

Heidi Nehls

No one is likely to read this now but I just realized my partner partakes in Debate Me Coward every night our roommate gets drunk. It’s not as much fun to listen to though.

UK fan (Dan)

Pepperoni is one thing..... ....but fucking meatballs


I worked at a pizza place and there are also forms of cubed pepperoni that we used often

Ethan Lynch

honestly I have to agree with freddy on this one


I've only just discovered the existence of debate me coward and am super pleased

Kyle Thoms

Matt is right about pepperoni, but couldn’t be more wrong about meatballs

Kyle Thoms

Also, I would pay money to be there the next time you have to eat pepperoni pizza together

Cillian Isaac

im late to the party but this is a fucking delight. these takes are absurd and i am having the time of my life


This is exhausting and hilarious.


Holy fuck, I've never paid so little for so much in my life till now.


Is it weird that i actually agree with Freddie


If make 4 small cuts on each “corner of the pepperoni it won’t cup up. “Mic drop”

Kam Str

I would listen to this over dungens and daddies and that's the only podcast I listen to now.


I had no idea what the meant by the way they argue. Now I realize I argue with my friends the exact same way.

Mary Weber

I'm so Midwestern that like 40% of confrontations make me shake uncontrollably but I just love this


I can't believe that I agree with Freddie "measure once cut twice" Wong, but I hate pepperoni. It sucks


This is amazing but as an Australian this hurts my head. How much "grease" is on your pizza that you have to dab it off?". Please come to Aus when it is safe so you can have good food! I think we do food differently haha!! The more ingredients on the pizza the better!

Justin Govas

I love hearing them yell at each other. Its hilarious as hell. But I am also 100% in Matts corner. Its delicious as hell, but mostly because my favorite pizza place is a Milwaukee restaraunt does it extremely well. No structural issues decently thin and doesn't cup up. It legit is flat against a thin crust pizza. Also Freddie was too all over the place.


First off, chopped pepperoni is the way to go. Secondly, to prevent pepperoni from curling during the prep of the pizza, you slice the disc about to half of its diameter. Try it out. I still have to agree with matt but Freddie's argument is frustratingly compelling.

Kait O’Mara

I love this energy 😂 I rarely find people I can get like this with

Racing for Tips

Just listened, now I'm eating a pepperoni pizza. Suck it, Freddie!


If you all end up at a con, this would be a hilarious live show. But the curling is a feature, not a bug. Crispy pepperoni is the best.


I want more of this. I just need more of this energy in my life


So when’s part to cause I loved hearing them just screaming at each other


Matt Arnold has made an enemy of this Chicagoan after his comment about deep dish 😂

Bryce Stallons

Coming back here for another listen because I am very excited for the return of this show

Rachel McVicar

Insane debates are some of my favorite things to listen to. I loved this and I want more!

Beau Schemery

This was the best thing I’ve heard so far on Patreon. And Matt is right. Sorry Freddie.

Ariana Phillips

Freddy you are VALID and you are RIGHT


I fuckin love this and I’m 100% with Freddy!


when seeing the release of the second one i found out this is a thing that exists and i'm so incredibly happy


Same here Cove! I cannot believe I have missed this first one, I hope the debates continue!


This was so funny pls more pointless debates


I have never been so delighted and anxious willingly at the same time. Interested to hear some bad takes about popcorn next.


Alright. I am absolutely the Freddie here and have felt like such a psychopath for being so specific about pepperoni on pizza.


I listened to Freddie's opinion on popcorn first and I double down on Freddie being my current favourite.

Kiera Conrad

Literally even listening to the descriptions of the pepperoni grease pools, which are the most disgusting shit ever, made me queasy, so I'm afraid Matt doesn't have a leg to stand on in that element of the argument


all of Freddie’s points are negated if you fold the pizza like an true american.


Like with most arguments, there's a middle ground here. I agree with Freddie that grease pools are gross, but not all pepperoni cups. If we're talking high school cafeteria pizza, yes it's gross. But I've had good ones with pepperoni, and one place I go to places them under the cheese, so they don't curl up. Pepperoni is better used as part of a charcuterie plate/board, but it's fine to be on a pizza (when it doesn't pool up the grease).


I’ve worked at 3 pizza places and let me tell you how shitty pepperoni is and how I hate placing pepperoni on pizzas and I myself don’t like pepperoni pizza. But pizza is my job and I can tell you I agree with Freddie


As a former pizza chef i did indeed dab peoples pizza then put the pizza back in a pizze oven to have the cheese come back out a perfect golden. Yes many of those pizzas were covered in pepperoni. I lived in texas and was told to throw the pepoproni onto the pizza by the handfuls. Upon exiting the pizza oven the first time. Every pizza would have so much grease. But by the process of taking oil of pizza with a few clean papertowels and then hit the top of the pizza with more heat the pizza would be moist l, not oily and great for people to consume.


Me, putting Pepperoni on Sandwiches 😂

hi hungry, I'm Beck

Every time Matt brought up how pepperoni only belongs on pizza, it stays in its corner where it belongs, etc., I just laughed. As someone from appalachia, pepperoni does NOT stay in its corner. We add those beautiful, greasy discs to so, so, SO many things besides pizza.

Karma gray

I've always agreed with pepperoni not belonging in pizza, personally because of a flavor balancing issue. So I was right with Freddie, UNTIL! He said bacon needs to be crispy

Stephen Martinez

Seriously debating chopping up pepperoni on my next pizza, thanks Freddie! Also, y'all are sleeping on pepperoni rolls! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepperoni_roll

ace of diamonds

Mid episode I just hear “ASWAPADOOPAFBAHSKA NAPKIN!”


Freddie makes a lot of good points like fuck pepperoni. I’ll eat it but like, it literally does nothing for me it doesn’t even really have its own distinct flavor either. I’m the lover of sausage and mushrooms on my pizza instead cause you can actually taste that shit. I TOLERATE pepperoni, and my brothers are the same too. We rather have that supreme pizza, but an always safe choice if no one can agree on toppings is pepperoni cause we’re all just indifferent to it


Where I'm from peperoni is cut up into small match sticks which completely solves the issue Freddy has about it not cutting and claims that no one has figured out how to prepare it so it cuts properly on the pizza. The only reason it doesn't cut properly is because of the casings are so tough, when they are cut into sticks the casings are no longer causing that issue.

Kayla Price

I love Matt but Freddie is 100% right


I have always hated pepperoni my entire life, it is genuinely gross imo