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We take a moment and analyze the new player/DM dynamic with the inclusion of the kids as we settle into our quarantine recording routine. We also answer what famous people we would want to play D&D with, and Will introduces us to Woke Godfather!

At this point we clearly need to do a lightning round bonus ep for JUST listener questions, huh?



Marcel Cabato

No joke, the AI generated voice of Ben Shapiro has been killing it in youtube DnD vids.

Rob Gibbons

So, Freddy’s dad would water board the kids to wake them up? Wtf?!


I swear I’ve heard of woke godfather before—did Will mention this on another talking dad????

dell erlam

absolutely losing my mind over woke godfather

Nicholas Bugeja

It's called cheeseCAKE for a reason. Also Hot dogs are tacos THink about it!!! Both have a U-shaped bun with meat in the middle and optional toppings.

The Overthinker

As an avid shadow run player, that would be unbelievably cool!


I'd love to hear some bonus episodes of "Debate Me, Coward!"


Freddy liked my tweet about VGHS many years ago and I'm still riding that high.


I agree that a cake/pie dichotomy doesn't really work for cheesecake, but a hot dog is definitely a sandwich. If a hoagie is a sandwich (and it is) then a hot dog is also a sandwich, since they're basically the same.

Jesse Meiring

Anthony totally sounds like John Mulaney!

Braxton Walden

I figured each of the dad’s dads would be like bosses of every level, so at one point the main boss is Henry’s dad, then the next area is Glenn’s dad, etc. Like Metal Gear Solid and such. Just a thought


Debate me coward. PLEASE!

Weston Stacey

I want godfather will ANd debate me coward



Stephanie R Corrigan

As a human who LOVES banter and debate, PLEASE do DEBATE ME COWARD!


Woke Godfather is excellent.


All I can picture for Debate Me Coward is Freddie and Matt reenacting that video with the two guys arguing over the wicked witch of the west incredibly aggressively


Why did you label this as episode 24 of talking dads instead of the talking dads for episode 31 like they normally are?


That’s understandable 👌🏼 I was just curious because I was a little confused when I first saw the notification ☺️

Roisin Dubh

I am 100% for Debate Me Coward, I want to hear it!!!

Jasper Privat

Bless woke godfather 🙏🏻


Will’s Brando has me rolling. Incredible


Hiccups Cure! (Works 97% of the time) 1. Take the deepest breath through your nose. 2. While holding your breath, Swallow 3 times (It's difficult 😅) 3. Exhale slowly out your mouth. 4. Repeat if necessary 😁

Brodie Atkinson

So is Henry still wearing Ron’s pants from scam likelys riddle house

Karen Bartlett

Oof, I had the recital thing happen to me multiple times. I never had a problem memorizing pieces; by the time I could play them well enough I pretty much had them memorized (I also really struggled to read music, so I'm not sure if this is the cause or the effect of the memorization). But after I had it memorized I'd get a little more lax about practicing and during the recital I'd resurface and realize I had no idea where I was in the piece or what I was doing. The only solution was to memorize sections - I'd label every 4-8 measures with a number (every phrase or two, wherever it made sense musically) and play each section three or four times in a row. Then I'd play all the sections in backward order. Then I'd play the odd sections, then the even sections. Then I'd make flash cards and play whichever section came up. That way, even if I forgot where I was in the middle of a performance, I knew a bunch of hooks to get myself back on track.


Freddie's "debate me coward" idea just sounds like the facerocker podcast lol! Do any of the care have a Lettrboxd? It'd be really cool to have a way to keep up to date with all the spicy hot takes


My father would throw icecubes at me if I slept through my alarm.

Brian Sherwood

For the record, if you're interested there's a podcast called "A Hotdog Is A Sandwich".

Donna Ibale

Me imagining Freddie, Matt, and Will arguing very intensely: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/ahcqy3/the_wicked_witch_of_the_east_bro/


woke godfather is what we need

Zack Bochman

I literally thought Anthony was John Mullaney for like the first 2 episodes. I'm glad someone finally pointed out that they have similar voices.


I have thought that since the very beginning omg lmao. It’s so uncanny sometimes !


underrated moment: beth misshearing pvp as pwp

Sheila Yeboah

Wow the origins of debate me coward lol


Omg, May we please have more woke godfather?

ea-nasir's seventh favorite wife

my dad got wifi controlled lights so he could get me up while he wasnt at home/when he didn't want to get up and wake me up

Imo Flores

We need woke godfather lmao

King Humble

41 minute mark. Will wants to run a D&D with different types of priests and no one called out the perfect title... HOLY ROLLERS


Honestly I didn't hear it at first but now I hear it. It's not the same but they're in the same range


I used to play the flute also and I’m prone to hiccups - grape jelly! It weirdly cures them. Idk if it’s placebo or what but it works!


On my first listen of the show it took me like 20 eps to get over how much Anthony sounds like John Mulany